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Feedback Wildlife Event 2021


The announcement says both bear and Eagle give the same bonus. Should one be attack for both armies, and the other be defense for both armies?

Should be an interesting event. Does this replace the summer/pirate event? Or is this in addition to the normal summer event?
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On very first announcement screenshot there is Governor villa from 2020 SUMMER event! That's misleading a bit as well as same bonuses for Bear and Eagle :)
Also @lordwasa could you ask devs to make it as standard give us info about bonuses for each age so we (players) do not have to ask for it every time :)
Another also @lordwasa could you clarify about % of daily prize corresponding to the stars/ On screen shot is shown 1* chest gives us 4% daily prize and I understand I have to pop AT LEAST 5 same colour blocks to get 1*. How can I obtain 2-5*? If simply more blocks than could you specify exact requirements so at least players (who paiyng Inno wages) will know what to aim for?
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Perk Creator
Looks like the minigame has good potential to be interesting with choices between specials and grand prizes as well as how to use up your coins :)


In the anouncement they wrote the tickets would replenish over time like the energy drinks in the football (or soccer for our US friends) event.
If I remember correctly wasn't it also the tickets that replenished over time? o_O
The anouncement should be read before uploading, just a recommendation. Otherwise smart asses like myself could appear.:cool:



Bear Mountain.png

Moose Mountain.png

Eagle Mountain.png
  • Coins and Medal Bonuses
  • Goods, Forge Points, & Attack Bonuses For Attacking And Defending Armies.
  • Coins and Medal Bonuses
  • Goods & Forge Points
  • Coins and Medal Bonuses
  • Goods, Forge Points, & Attack Bonuses For Attacking And Defending Armies.

What's the difference between 1st and 3rd?


Will the changes to the Log Cabin & Menagerie be retrospective on ones we may already have in our cities from the start of the Event or once they have appeared as a Daily Special? Or will it only be for new ones?