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Why don't they reduce the daily collection time in the game?


Almost all buildings in the game produce goods once every 24 hours. This leads to the timer constantly shifting upwards. Sometimes it's just a few seconds, but other times it's an hour or an hour and a half, as it's not always possible to log in at the exact time. This creates a certain amount of stress, which is already abundant in real life. This problem can be easily solved by reducing the collection time from 24 hours to, say, 23 hours.

This wouldn't give people any significant advantages (as collections would still be made once a day), but it would make the game much more comfortable. Surely, I'm not the only one facing this issue, and something similar has probably been suggested before. So why hasn't the administration addressed this over all this time and reduced the collection time? Even 30 minutes would significantly ease the gameplay.

Or am I missing something?


but also great for plunderers
if a players always collect at the same time the buildings will be 1 hour ready to be plundered
The game has been around for more than 10 years. Is that the only reason why nothing has been done about this yet? A collection time of every 23 hours and 30 minutes would hardly be convenient for any plunderers.


good idea

but also great for plunderers
if a players always collect at the same time the buildings will be 1 hour ready to be plundered
All my buildings needed aided to produce anything worth plundering. I almost never get plundered in any city.

The settlements were reduced from 24 to20 hours. I think that would be good for the main city buildings as well.

Deleted User - 279081

Almost all buildings in the game produce goods once every 24 hours. This leads to the timer constantly shifting upwards. Sometimes it's just a few seconds, but other times it's an hour or an hour and a half, as it's not always possible to log in at the exact time. This creates a certain amount of stress, which is already abundant in real life. This problem can be easily solved by reducing the collection time from 24 hours to, say, 23 hours.

This wouldn't give people any significant advantages (as collections would still be made once a day), but it would make the game much more comfortable. Surely, I'm not the only one facing this issue, and something similar has probably been suggested before. So why hasn't the administration addressed this over all this time and reduced the collection time? Even 30 minutes would significantly ease the gameplay.

Or am I missing something?
Reducing the daily collection time would (1) increase the daily amount of items collected, (2) accomplish next to nothing in terms of timer creep (if, for example, your timer creeps by 30 minutes each day, reducing collection time from 24 hours to 23 hours would only buy you two days. After that you are back in the same spot as now), and (3) cause "reverse timer creep" for players that are currently able to manage the 24 hour timer.


(1) increase the daily amount of items collected


(2) accomplish next to nothing in terms of timer creep (if, for example, your timer creeps by 30 minutes each day, reducing collection time from 24 hours to 23 hours would only buy you two days. After that you are back in the same spot as now)
For example, I find it convenient to collect items at 7:30. When the timer shifts, I have to disrupt my daily schedule. If the collection happens every 23 hours, I would be able to collect production at 7:30 every day.

cause "reverse timer creep" for players that are currently able to manage the 24 hour timer.

Why would a player need to collect exactly when the production finishes? Plundering? It happens quite rarely, and there are many ways to prevent it. For example, the Galata Tower and increasing city defense.

In my opinion, the benefits of this change are obvious. Why is there such strong resistance?



Deleted User - 279081

Why would a player need to collect exactly when the production finishes? Plundering? It happens quite rarely, and there are many ways to prevent it. For example, the Galata Tower and increasing city defense.
Personally, I don't care about being plundered. My city defense stats are not for the fainthearted attacker and all of my buildings are motivated with mass self aid kits anyway But, it doesn't take much effort to find posts from players that are concerned with being plundered. Most are in early ages where it is a bigger problem to manage.


Personally, I don't care about being plundered. My city defense stats are not for the fainthearted attacker and all of my buildings are motivated with mass self aid kits anyway But, it doesn't take much effort to find posts from players that are concerned with being plundered. Most are in early ages where it is a bigger problem to manage.
This is part of the gameplay. Players have many ways to defend against plundering. Moreover, at lower levels, there isn't much worth plundering. But a creeping timer is a problem for any city, not to mention structures like the Blue Galaxy where the timer inevitably creeps.


There is a better option:
Like daily challenges. You set an hour, lets say 10 am. If you put a building at 10:01 Am, you must wait almost 24 hours to collect the building. If you do it 1 second before 10 Am, you get that building collection at 10 am of that day.

If you have to collect at 10 am but you dont have internet and connect to 13 pm, at the moment of collect your buildings you only must wait 21 hours to collect again. If you cant collect in 24 hours and do it at 24 hours + 1 second or more, you have lost a dailly collection and collecting at 24 hours + 1 second or more means you are collecting your second day collection, not the first one. And yes, in theory, this allows you collect 2 times in a row, 1 time 1 second before 10 am (previous day collection) + 10 am collection of that second day, but that would mean give plunderers almost 24 hours to plunder you.


Personally, I would not mind this at all. This will ensure I get to collect at the same time each day (even with the one hour window before it hits the full 24 hour mark) as I do when I get home from work before going to bed to do it all over again.

I'd probably not take advantage of the "reverse" time creep since I do have to set an alarm to collect 1 hour in reverse (every 23 hours) each day and 12 of them just won't be possible as I am at work and have no time to be on a game (either browser or mobile), so if I am able to just collect each evening when I get home with that one hour time table, I would just be satisfied.

I hardly have anyone plunder my buildings, anyways.


Personally, I would not mind this at all. This will ensure I get to collect at the same time each day (even with the one hour window before it hits the full 24 hour mark) as I do when I get home from work before going to bed to do it all over again.

I'd probably not take advantage of the "reverse" time creep since I do have to set an alarm to collect 1 hour in reverse (every 23 hours) each day and 12 of them just won't be possible as I am at work and have no time to be on a game (either browser or mobile), so if I am able to just collect each evening when I get home with that one hour time table, I would just be satisfied.

I hardly have anyone plunder my buildings, anyways.
With the 24 hour clock, unless you have absolutel no real life, you can easily lose 1 day a week if you ever sleep.
A reverse clock would still allow you to collect at the same time every day.


The idea of different hours for buildings, like 23hrs is overall good.
But you are missing the Finish All Special Production and Finish Special Production that allows you to shift hours of your buildings to collect them at the same time even if it happens to lose some hours of collection here and there during the weekends or holidays, long sleeping session, whatever the reason would be. The only downside will be the great buildings here, that you would have to keep them uncollected several hours anyway.

Regarding the plundering of buildings if eventually buildings will begin to have different hour collection, does that matter? Mostly of the buildings are aided all the time and from some only coins or supplies can be plundered unaided, unless it's something similar of a Tavern that can be plundered for like 50 goods and 30 fps, it's not impactfull to pe plundered anyway, not to mention players are struggling beating some of us due to higher base defensive stats.

And for aiding every building before collection, we do have nutcrakers from where to get aid all kits and batsy bar and patience trees to get the single aid kits.

So I don't think it would be a problem to get buildings with slightly reduced hours collection, or at least when daylight saving time is happening to keep the collection at the same hour we used to collect our cities, just a thought.
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It could be done completely differently.
Main buildings and special buildings can only be selected once per 24 hours. The player will have 24 hours to collect rewards from these buildings. He can do it at 4 a.m., at 5 p.m., but only once every 24 hours, 1 day. The game system will not allow him to make collection twice a day.
For production buildings, the same rules apply as before.
good idea

but also great for plunderers
if a players always collect at the same time the buildings will be 1 hour ready to be plundered

Well, at least this would be a good reason to build Galata Tower ;)
Although, I hardly have any issues with Plundering anymore.

So for me: Adapt the Cultural Settlement rule with 1h / 5h / 10h / 20h, or take this change from the settlement back. Its stupid to have in the two features (Settlement, QI) a 10h/20h production, and in your main city a 24h...