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Why AI is so stupid?


I play this game for 18 months (on a specific country server). Since then I sow that AI is too stupid. Is it too hard to improve the AI to play like the most stupid human player?
For example: I attack some tanks with recruits. I have recruits in ditches (some of them little wounded) and some outside the ditches. The tanks still shoot in wounded recruits from ditches even that they could do more damage to the recruits from outside.....It's just a script...


It's not really too stupid as compared to other things I have seen. If a conscript is damaged with about 2 or 3 hp left in a ditch, I would rather go for that one than a full health one standing directly next to me (unless I can't hurt the conscript at all in the ditch ;)).
It's hard to program the AI to attack units at a specific health, so they must have just set damaged ones on a higher prority.


This was the problem. The conscript from the ditch had 9/10 hp and the rest (including those outside the ditch) were full health. I had 4 tanks (some of them seriously injured). All the enemy tanks fired the injured conscript from the ditch w/o success. In this way I won the battle w/o loss even the enemy had +500 defense bonus. :)


lol 4 cowards (bazooka team) staying on top right and wait to be killed


lost without doing one single damage point :mad:


If we were still in the LMA and below, this same thing would happen with any light melee and trees/bushes ;)