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We need seperate guild rights for GvG


I can see the reasoning behind needing to be trusted in order to put down sieges, I also understand the reasoning behind needing to be founder in order to remove armies.

However, they need to be seperate from regular clan functions - in a guild on live servers, you wont have half the guild with trusted rights - the leadership needs it secrets on the forum ;)

edit, derp - move me to the feedback thread, kthx :D


+1, I totally agree aswell :)

The problem is; Many great things have been suggested in all the feedback threads here on beta. How many have been applied? 10%? 20%? :(


more like 2%, everything else is after it hits the live servers :p


Rather than GvG rights, I think it would be better to just have a limit for each person. Anyone can delete an army, but they cannot delete a second one until they have filled the slot they deleted with 8 units. Also, the log that shows an army was deleted and added should give more detail (it should say WHO did this and WHAT it was replaced with). That way the situation can be monitored so that you can see if someone is just putting all cavalry as a way to sabotage (would still take a long time to do huge damage since they are unlikely to have a ton laying around).

This is definitely a problem, but I think the creation of dummy guilds poses even more of a problem.