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Feedback Visual Changes - Offgrid Buildings


Please leave any feedback for the Visual Changes - Off Grid Buildings here.
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Deleted User - 238115

The friends tavern looks hideous and you will ruin the look of the tarvern


If the tavern was moved just to cramp all the access points together that was a bad desision. I liked my future tavern in comparison to the inde one.
As it is going to be now looks a bit overcrowded, tavern and dealer could have easily been left where they were.


A half attempted lazy effort to cobble something together in a rush is what it looks like. Had potential if kept in line with differing graphics for different eras. Looks seriously overcrowded though on the picture.

GE ship for example makes no sense in SAAB era. Why would we be travelling in a 150+ year old ship? with robots flying round the city. Can only assume these have been implemented to look pretty for new players and forget the long term players.


I think it's a good idea to provide access points for the main features in the off grid map, particularly as the HUD might not be very intuitive for newer players, but cramping them all in the top makes it even more confusing as to what's what. Might have been a better idea to space them out in the wilderness.

Tavern deserves a special mention, it looks quite disgusting and grubby from a higher era city's style (if it was a tavern in RL I don't think it would be very popular lol).

I agree with the others that these designs only seem to be favoured towards lower era players and blatantly ignoring the rest. They should've included some variants for the advanced ages too.


phew, I don't like the factory-like industrial offgrid buildings :(

WHY the graphics only up to the industrial age? Why nothing for e.g. Contemporary, Arctic and virtual futures and space ages?

Deleted User - 239253

3 versions of the buildings for the first 3 eras, then 1 in Industrial, then nothing. Seems all the work and effort was put into the beginning players' visuals (that most players will see for only a few days or weeks) but nothing (or very little) for everyone else. Huge step backwards, and a monumental waste of effort.

The code and artwork is already there for the higher level tavern, so it isn't any effort to keep the tavern the same. And since it was deemed affordable for artists to create short term artwork for the lower levels, it would obviously be affordable to have artists create an additional couple of artwork pieces for later eras on the other locations.

This really shows how much you care for your player base...


Sorry, but I don't like the looks at all. Some other mentioned it before, the work for the later age tavern will be wasted if we get stucked with this. It will look
ridiculous in higher age cities. Also the port to the settlements will look missplaced. IMO the people who decided to make these changes should go outside and look at real harbors and taverns. They won't see something from the industrial age. At least give something to the contemporary, the future and the space ages.

The positioning is the second point. The tavern shouldn't been moved at all. The other buildings are at this coast also to many. We got so much coastline on the map, why cramping everything on one point? Use the space! That's my opinion. Maybe make one corner for PVP and GB, one for cooperative parts and one side for the settlements. Don't know, but considering the good artworks from the buildings we get, there are a few creative heads at InnoGames.


Sorry, but I don't like the looks at all. Some other mentioned it before, the work for the later age tavern will be wasted if we get stucked with this. It will look
ridiculous in higher age cities. Also the port to the settlements will look missplaced. IMO the people who decided to make these changes should go outside and look at real harbors and taverns. They won't see something from the industrial age. At least give something to the contemporary, the future and the space ages.

well, they might see what looks like an industrial age harbor, but in fact it is the biggest model railway in the world.

and yes - WHY make industrial age (quite early in the game, and almost the ugliest of all eras) the highest era for tavern (etc.) design? there are PLENTY of design options for postmodern, contemporary, tomorrow, future (arctic, oceanic, virtual) and space ages designs!!!


You’ve forgotten different designs for the GE ship for Iron Age, Middle Ages, Industrial Age
and like others pointed out for the other buildings as wel designs for post industrial
ages. GBG looks odd would’ve also placed it
where tavern is currently relocated.


I hate the idea. I was hoping Inno would clean up that mess around my city (new buildings) and add everything to where GE is right now. But no. They will do the opposite - make more mess around. :mad::mad::mad:


I LIKE THEM! I preffer a lot more have things arround my city more than have nothing! the only thing I would preffer is have a different design according to the music we have in FoE, por example, from tomorrow era to SAM we have the same background music but in SAAB we finally have another one! so the design of these new buildings should change according to that atleast. also, they should have the same quality as the new tower of truce! n.n

keep working on that! also, I really wold love have the possibility to buy, with diamonds at least, decorations to put arround our city :)