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Rejected Use different repositories for Events, GBG, Guils Raids and main game


Innosoft cant reset to game versions without errors, see the buggy GBG christmas version
One repository for main game, one for each event, one for GBG, one for guilds raids, settlements
doesnt effect the game, easily done. Use Git
Abuse Prevention
By the use of different repositories you can reroll each section separatedly
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
It seems Innosoft is using one repository for the whole game. Source files cant be reset to an errorless version because this would effect other sources as well.
With different repositories you can reset each part of the game separetedly, for example reset GBG before christmas to the live version.

Use one repositoty for main game, one for GBG, one for Guild raids, one for each event, one for settlements(if you plan toadd extra levels) and feel free to add more.
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