Because fast have titan-level movement they're not going to be top tier - have a hard time getting two hits on the same unit on turn 1 sometimes. But they'll work of course.
2 Ranged + 6 Rogues should be "most general". There's not a lot of high-artillery defenses in order to avoid flying getting too many free wins in ages without powershot so being outranged isn't an issue. And if there's many enemy ranged, most of them will shoot one of your rogues and get retaliated so when your ranged steps up to hit them it finishes them off and *doesn't* get retaliated.
Artillery + Rogues should be "good enough". Probably worse vs most, better vs some. Number of rogues would ideally be matched to the fight. Absorbing T1 hits good. Sitting around waiting to be turned a waste.
Artillery + Ranged + Rogues is just cracked

Like adding in an extra diceroll yourself as to whether any given rogue will turn into what you want in that fight or not.