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Feedback Unlock the Space Hub: A New Galactic Era Begins!

Looking at the FP costs, that's just wow. Around 120k? Really? I mean, I didn't do the exact math, but 31 researches with between 3800 and 3900 FP each, that's simply crazy. And probably around 50k per good? Didn't do the math on this one, but only a slight look at them. Once again is Inno balancing the costs around the Top 1% player base, with just slight adjustments and basically new graphics. IMO it's showing how much care went into this new age. Basically the slowest death of a game.
In the top left corner of the research page there is a button in both browser and app that show the total of each age:


Looking at the FP costs, that's just wow. Around 120k? Really? I mean, I didn't do the exact math, but 31 researches with between 3800 and 3900 FP each, that's simply crazy. And probably around 50k per good? Didn't do the math on this one, but only a slight look at them. Once again is Inno balancing the costs around the Top 1% player base, with just slight adjustments and basically new graphics. IMO it's showing how much care went into this new age. Basically the slowest death of a game.
Using FASP and mass self aid, I generated enough FP's and SASH goods to complete 15 research boxes. I stopped because of the need for the Special Good Dark Matter. I also built both GB's and did a couple of levels each. I could do more, but have no pressing need to fast level either one.


But then it seems to be absolutely balanced in SASH because if the heavy units get better then it is also bad for the fast units which were a little bit better than the others in SAT.
That is mainly the plan that is being pursued. There are simply no clearly superior units as was usual in the lower ages:cool:
However I'm glad that the ranged units get contact back as a skill:D
I'm still sure ranged and artil. dominate. Probs similar to OF just mix art. with heavies or ranged depending on armies. You still got a valid point. An age more like SAJM is more enjoyable than an age closer to SAM's meta

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
Something is wrong with the tech tree: I need hydrocarbon to research Stellar Conference but I don't have enough hydrocarbon to pay for that. Since I can't access the Titan map anymore I have to resort to synthesizers. Oh wait, the tech that unlocks hydrocarbon synthesizers is ... Stellar Conference!

That's perfect. Now I'm stuck in the tech tree unless I pay an absurd amount of diamonds. In the previous eras the synthesizer that enables production of special goods of the previous era was always researchable without the need of special goods from the previous era. This is clearly an oversight here!


Something is wrong with the tech tree: I need hydrocarbon to research Stellar Conference but I don't have enough hydrocarbon to pay for that. Since I can't access the Titan map anymore I have to resort to synthesizers. Oh wait, the tech that unlocks hydrocarbon synthesizers is ... Stellar Conference!

That's perfect. Now I'm stuck in the tech tree unless I pay an absurd amount of diamonds. In the previous eras the synthesizer that enables production of special goods of the previous era was always researchable without the need of special goods from the previous era. This is clearly an oversight here!
Hopefully support will be more supportive than what got. While getting stuck with negotiation quests:
Support wrote that I finished Guild Expedition too quickly!
I don't expect them to come out and say: you've entered SA:SH too early/fast. Guess it's just something overlooked. Much like how the negotiate X times quest seems to be (pre space age players can only complete it through GE/GbG). That been said if the quests situation was overlooked, support wouldn't react in such a blameful way. So, this might be equally intentionally. Even though if so both are equally absurdly unprofessional
Something is wrong with the tech tree: I need hydrocarbon to research Stellar Conference but I don't have enough hydrocarbon to pay for that. Since I can't access the Titan map anymore I have to resort to synthesizers. Oh wait, the tech that unlocks hydrocarbon synthesizers is ... Stellar Conference!

That's perfect. Now I'm stuck in the tech tree unless I pay an absurd amount of diamonds. In the previous eras the synthesizer that enables production of special goods of the previous era was always researchable without the need of special goods from the previous era. This is clearly an oversight here!

how dare you use the beta server forum to report actual implementation issues instead of just whining that things aren't what you'd hoped! /s :)


Which is the better in GBG?

* Artillery + Rogues
* Ranged + Rogues
* Artillery + Ranged + Rogues
* Fast

Ranged will be retaliated by ranged. Artillery can outrange them.
Fast is still good if you consider 50%+ Critical Hit + 45% Keen Eye.
Almost everything could be killed by one-shot.


Perk Creator
Which is the better in GBG?

* Artillery + Rogues
* Ranged + Rogues
* Artillery + Ranged + Rogues
* Fast

Ranged will be retaliated by ranged. Artillery can outrange them.
Fast is still good if you consider 50%+ Critical Hit + 45% Keen Eye.
Almost everything could be killed by one-shot.
Because fast have titan-level movement they're not going to be top tier - have a hard time getting two hits on the same unit on turn 1 sometimes. But they'll work of course.

2 Ranged + 6 Rogues should be "most general". There's not a lot of high-artillery defenses in order to avoid flying getting too many free wins in ages without powershot so being outranged isn't an issue. And if there's many enemy ranged, most of them will shoot one of your rogues and get retaliated so when your ranged steps up to hit them it finishes them off and *doesn't* get retaliated.

Artillery + Rogues should be "good enough". Probably worse vs most, better vs some. Number of rogues would ideally be matched to the fight. Absorbing T1 hits good. Sitting around waiting to be turned a waste.

Artillery + Ranged + Rogues is just cracked :p Like adding in an extra diceroll yourself as to whether any given rogue will turn into what you want in that fight or not.


: I need hydrocarbon to research Stellar Conference but I don't have enough hydrocarbon to pay for that. Since I can't access the Titan map anymore I have to resort to synthesizers. Oh wait, the tech that unlocks hydrocarbon synthesizers is ... Stellar Conference!

For visual reference:

Stellar Conference.png

Just realized ALL the synthesizers have that same pattern: the goods to unlock the synthesizer match the goods the synthesizers create

Yeah, those costs should be shifted further along the techtree

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
In SAAB: Mars Ore Synthesizer requires coins, supplies, prometheum and orichalcum. No Mars Ore.
In SAV: Asteroid Ice Synthesizer requires coins, supplies, mars ore, orichalcum and processed materials. No Asteroid Ice.
In SAJM: Venus Carbon Synthesizer requires coins, asteroid ice, mars ore and sugar crystals. No Venus Carbon.
In SAT: Unknown DNA Synthesizer requires hydrocarbon, red algae, biocreatures and advanced DNA data. No Unknown DNA.

It was always possible to proceed with 0 special goods to the next era and you had the chance to rebuild your stock with synthesizers. But not this time. I think this is not intended. Because if this hits live, many players will hit this wall in the years to come. What can support say? "You must pay 9,000 diamonds if you want to continue in the game."? That would be terrible.

Edit: "Or powerlevel a Space Carrier and hope you hit Hydrocarbon often."

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
A good question. AFAIK there is no table with the percentages of how much of each era it makes. Allegedly the SC makes more of the lower eras and less of the higher eras. The wiki does not mention anything about this, except for this post from a player:

"Has anyone ever tried to figure out if the type of special resource is evenly distributed over all possible types? E.g., in SAM, it is 33% for each of Promethoum, Orichalcum and Mars Ore? I and some of my friends are in OF, all having the SC on lvl 40+, and we think it gives way more Promethium than Orichalcum. However, none of us is in SAM or higher, so we cannot even check how it behaves for 3+ special resources. Maybe someone here has written down the harvest for a longer period of time? My record gives 25 Prom to 14 Ori, but the sample is way too small!"


recurring quests
30 incident / 15 antiques dealer
motivate 100 buildings
defeat 250 units / 37M coins
defeat 250 units / 25 4h
35 battles
30 battles / 3500 goods
25 battles / 4000 goods
recruit 110 units
500 FP
500 FP
25 x 24h prod


A good question. AFAIK there is no table with the percentages of how much of each era it makes. Allegedly the SC makes more of the lower eras and less of the higher eras. The wiki does not mention anything about this, except for this post from a player:

"Has anyone ever tried to figure out if the type of special resource is evenly distributed over all possible types? E.g., in SAM, it is 33% for each of Promethoum, Orichalcum and Mars Ore? I and some of my friends are in OF, all having the SC on lvl 40+, and we think it gives way more Promethium than Orichalcum. However, none of us is in SAM or higher, so we cannot even check how it behaves for 3+ special resources. Maybe someone here has written down the harvest for a longer period of time? My record gives 25 Prom to 14 Ori, but the sample is way too small!"
Juber posted the percentages back in 2022 here: https://forum.de.forgeofempires.com...er-liefert-kein-orichalcum.54700/#post-499464

It was originally written in German but here's the translation:
There are currently 6 special goods. The freighter works a little differently than you might think.
If you are in the AZ, there is a 6/6 chance of getting Promethium. In the OZ there is a 1/6 chance of Orichalcum and Promethium is 5/6. In Mars you have Promethium 4/6 times, etc.
Only in the highest age is it balanced between all goods. And the more special goods are added, the more extreme it becomes in early ZAs.


Community Manager
Juber posted the percentages back in 2022 here: https://forum.de.forgeofempires.com...er-liefert-kein-orichalcum.54700/#post-499464

It was originally written in German but here's the translation:
actually, this is incorrect and I corrected myself in a later post ^^
It works like this: All special goods have the same chance, except the most recent one. This one has a slightly lower chance to appear.