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Feedback Unlock the Space Hub: A New Galactic Era Begins!

This is the last age in FoE, the last copy paste of space ages, and as the last age, it is extremely dissappointing, specially the great buildings. INNOGAMES!! YOU HAVE RECEIVE HUNDREDS OF NEW TYPE OF BONUSES FOR GBS AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE US?! ALREADY EXISTENT AND BORING BONUSES?!

The only good part of this new age is that this is the last age!! Not more boring and copy pasted ages anymore! Finaly!
I'm of the opinion that the Space Hub is just that, a space HUB. I could see having three planetary bodies (moons or whatever) to explore from the Hub, each with its own GB that boosts one of the three battle sites: Expedition, Battleground, or QI. Innogames could release all three at once with the player having a choice of which place to explore either one at a time, all at once, or only the one or two that are important to them. :)
Ok. So (1) what would you put into the research if you want no city buildings? (2) what’s your plan for completing event quests?
1) Avatar, expansion, barracks (need them for alcatraz), building that give life support (BTW this is what over 50% of Titan research gives)
2) build houses -> event building
build production -> pumpkin, etc.
build decoration/cultural building -> no idea. Maybe they should stop asking for those, or make them all any era (so we can use those from stone/bronze age). There are event decoration and cultural, but I'm not sure those work for quest. I've never tried them.
I don't think there is anything else that require regular building.


Perk Creator
1) Avatar, expansion, barracks (need them for alcatraz), building that give life support (BTW this is what over 50% of Titan research gives)
2) build houses -> event building
build production -> pumpkin, etc.
build decoration/cultural building -> no idea. Maybe they should stop asking for those, or make them all any era (so we can use those from stone/bronze age). There are event decoration and cultural, but I'm not sure those work for quest. I've never tried them.
I don't think there is anything else that require regular building.
For the amount of event quests that require you to build something - and usually more than 1 something, it'd kinda suck to be having to temporarily build event residential, production, cultural buildings. (either a lot of store buildings or a lot of winning event kits for no other use than to throw them away later).

Also there are a not-insignificant number of casual late-age players that don't have cities full of event buildings, that still might value new houses. Nevermind whether you think they *should* play that way, enough do. At least 1 residential, production, and cultural building per age is not too much to include.


Yes, I concur. Tons of players play no-event, all build menu buildings. I don't get it, but it's the way they want to play. I saw a guy's city in Titan, and it had a level 54 Arc.... lol.

Inno only tells us WE MUST negotiate GE encounters for Rival or quests, or fight consecutive battles without a loss, but you don't ever have to play an event to be a legitimate FoE player and can surely - DO IT YOUR WAY when it comes to how you want your city to be constructed.
For the amount of event quests that require you to build something - and usually more than 1 something, it'd kinda suck to be having to temporarily build event residential, production, cultural buildings. (either a lot of store buildings or a lot of winning event kits for no other use than to throw them away later).

Also there are a not-insignificant number of casual late-age players that don't have cities full of event buildings, that still might value new houses. Nevermind whether you think they *should* play that way, enough do. At least 1 residential, production, and cultural building per age is not too much to include.
Can you cite your source on that? You're talking about people who have spent years playing the game to get to SASH, or have dimed a yatch to get there.
Despite the casuality, the city buildings need to start at least closer-matching the bonuses the event buildings give. Inno should give us a reason to build them. We shouldn't need to justify keeping them around just for some people who want a pretty city, they should stand on their own merits.


Perk Creator
Can you cite your source on that? You're talking about people who have spent years playing the game to get to SASH, or have dimed a yatch to get there.
Years, yes. But they exist. Go look at the bottom of a SAT hood, you'll find some of the cities like this:



With still a significant number of "ordinary" buildings. And many of the event buildings they do have, very dated.


Perk Creator
Despite the casuality, the city buildings need to start at least closer-matching the bonuses the event buildings give. Inno should give us a reason to build them. We shouldn't need to justify keeping them around just for some people who want a pretty city, they should stand on their own merits.
Now improving them to have a point, I could agree that'd be a good idea - even just making the houses the best population providers would be significant at this point with population sinks being more prominent.

As opposed to:

Ice Dwelling(regular): 8840/13.5 = 655 pop/sq
Frost Dwelling(premium): 7570/7 = 1081 pop/sq

Orchard of Orange Dreams: 87500/25 = 3500 pop/sq

Would it be so wrong for a house to at least *keep up* with the best event pop provider? Considering it has no other upside?
For the amount of event quests that require you to build something - and usually more than 1 something, it'd kinda suck to be having to temporarily build event residential, production, cultural buildings. (either a lot of store buildings or a lot of winning event kits for no other use than to throw them away later).

Also there are a not-insignificant number of casual late-age players that don't have cities full of event buildings, that still might value new houses. Nevermind whether you think they *should* play that way, enough do. At least 1 residential, production, and cultural building per age is not too much to include.
Either they do participate in eventand have a ton of the required building (BTW you need the level 1 building to satisfy the quest requirement not the full one) or they don't ans there problem doesn't exists for them.
Store building would be the main issue, but if you do a lot of quests you should already aim to get something that produces them.

I was not advocating the removal, I was answering someone who asked how could quest be done if they were removed. It would be even more wasful space wise to have to keep enough free to place and store big event building. But then it would use my big supply of Flower Maidens (for some reason I have more than 100 even if I think it's a terrible building).


Yes, I concur. Tons of players play no-event, all build menu buildings. I don't get it, but it's the way they want to play. I saw a guy's city in Titan, and it had a level 54 Arc.... lol.

Inno only tells us WE MUST negotiate GE encounters for Rival or quests, or fight consecutive battles without a loss, but you don't ever have to play an event to be a legitimate FoE player and can surely - DO IT YOUR WAY when it comes to how you want your city to be constructed.
I can confirm this... to an even greater extent. I've experimented with my main live city and Beta city in parallel. My main city was (still is) focussed on events, while my Beta city has been tasked to try to play as vanilla as possible. Even minimising GB's. It's very difficult as most regular buildings efficiency isn't matching demands well ever since SA:V/SA:JM. Up to VF it can offer some fun as up to that age vanilla buildings have a nice style to them. From SA:M it's pretty much over, all love goes into the colony and even those don't see typically not much back from it.
Ok. So (1) what would you put into the research if you want no city buildings? (2) what’s your plan for completing event quests?
I can't answer on behalf of someone else but I'm intrigued by the question. So, I'd like to answer. The roads for the main city remain useful until MTG decides to make all future event buildings roadless to boost effective usable city space for selling event buildings. So, they'll stay. Quests for houses can be satisfied through the colony's houses. So, they can be cut first. Other buildings momentarily not: cultural; decorations; military buildings. If MTG decides for Inno that in the future colonies run on colony produced resources (coins, supplies) only and with only the starter buildings like houses and production buildings with maybe goods buildings there's not much to be cut from the TT. Even if it does happens, cultural and decoration buildings probably have to stay for quests.
So, to summarise: every main city building type that can be build in the space colony

That been said, the underlaying question could be more fundamental: why are main city buildings so unpopular? The simple reality is that they're outdone by a land slide by event buildings. The OG/old devs probs foresaw this when developing PME. Spicing up vanilla buildings with bonuses: (negative) happiness to production buildings and military buffs to production buildings. This has been dropped entirely with SA:M. I think however they had a decent vision with it. When contemporary era was released a few highly competitive players filled their cities with light units buildings to massively buff their attack %. Yes 4%/building with large population requirements. Event buildings where not that common or powerful back than. Case in point if vanilla buildings are getting buffed with somewhat efficient bonuses but still be outdone by let's say 50%+ in terms of efficiency by event and special buildings. Alongside a small-ish footprint (3x3 max for production buildings, 4x4 max for cultural buildings) I think they might feel less as a waste for research slots. As they could be seen as okay-ish disposable buildings for events w/o sacrificing space that could've been used for military buffs or fp production.


Despite the casuality, the city buildings need to start at least closer-matching the bonuses the event buildings give. Inno should give us a reason to build them. We shouldn't need to justify keeping them around just for some people who want a pretty city, they should stand on their own merits.
I agree, FoE has completely lost track from the initial city building game. Look at the most "advanced" cities, they look as if Dr Frankenstein has built them. They make no logic in a city building sense. We have all these roads, residential buildings etc that we try to avoid to build. In fact less roads and residential buildings you have more efficient your city is.
Inno should simply triple the city size and allow us to build strong cities but also have some "normal" city features.


FoE has completely lost track from the initial city building game
I think so too, in many ways. Clone after clone era, cookie cutting with a stamp. The graphic artists get the lions share of the work to do, in some cases.

There is a famous line in "Back to the Future" and it applies here, too..

Remember when Doc Brown and Marty jump into the DeLeorean time machine car and he (DoC) says.... "Where we're going, we don't need roads"?

Well.... that (and more) should have happened in FoE, too. That build menu should have begun shrinking in FE, and continued to shrink as the era tree added levels...
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It took IG a lot of time to copy the previous era (where are these BIG changes?) and they still don't know how to implement it - poorly