- Reason
- Encourages focus on economy in QI besides for the support of military development
- Details
- Similar to the pairs of unlimited attack/defense battle nodes, my suggestion would implement pairs of unlimited unit/goods donation nodes. This feature will enable cities with low QI boosts to contribute to guild progress besides fighting, and the limited existing donation nodes.
- Balance
- Balance is ensured because donation has a guaranteed coin/supply cost, which along with QI action point cost, will restrict the number of encounters that can be completed.
- Abuse Prevention
- The cost of encounters in QI actions will restrict the ability of players to spam encounters at these donation nodes. Economic limitations will also restrict the number of encounters that can be completed.
- Summary
- Some questions remain as to what level the donation nodes should reflect (i.e. unlimited battle nodes are two levels below, while unlimited donation nodes might be two level above).
- Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
- Yes
Unlimited attack/defense battle nodes have been added to QI from level 6 onwards. In the same vein, unlimited goods/unit donation nodes should be added as well but starting at lower levels. The reasoning for this addition at lower levels is to allow players in smaller guilds to still complete encounters, even when their guild cannot complete up to level 6 QI. This is especially important after the release of the new, longer levels in Beta.
This addition would encourage guild members unable to fight at high levels to choose between military development (for the unlimited fight nodes) and economic development (for the proposed unlimited donation nodes).
This addition would encourage guild members unable to fight at high levels to choose between military development (for the unlimited fight nodes) and economic development (for the proposed unlimited donation nodes).
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