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Feedback Try out Guild Perks on Beta!


I think Inno math is a bit different then ours...
it only takes a few years

like the Chateau boost

after many years they now round up instead of down
(for example level 10: 12.5 goods gave a very long time only 12 goods and now 13)


So, the answer I received was a bit confusing, but I think I have got it now. Sadly, it does not count for all battles, at least not currently. It will not count for PvP features, like gbg, gvg and the PvP Arena. It will however work for neighborhood battles and stand alone battles (from quests) for example. I assumed, that it would count for all battles, because there is no other information hinting, that it should not. But maybe it will be changed in the future.
Why on earth would anyone spend good/fps/diamonds (and guild good!!) and whatnot on Attack for neighboorhood fights.
So all the Perks with army bonuses are only for hoods and maybe map?
Or did you mean only the "era good" part of the bonus?
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So, the answer I received was a bit confusing, but I think I have got it now. Sadly, it does not count for all battles, at least not currently. It will not count for PvP features, like gbg, gvg and the PvP Arena. It will however work for neighborhood battles and stand alone battles (from quests) for example. I assumed, that it would count for all battles, because there is no other information hinting, that it should not. But maybe it will be changed in the future.

So it gives rewards less than it costs to implement.... Heck of a Perk huh...? ONLY A HANDFUL OF PLAYERS HIT HOODS IN ANY GUILD...except in a few one man guilds...And even then they get their fights in GBG...


Deleted User - 241425

I am in favor of Inno installing these guild perks live.
They do not understand the meaning of the game, the rare times they listen to us it is to make slight modifications without real impact.
So I don't expect any of these perks BUT they could weaken the live guilds that pounce on all the new stuff (like with the flying island). But what weakens others will make my guild stronger.
Inno, by forcing us to click more, loses its most strategic players who, tired of more additions without correcting things already installed, are less and less active on several worlds at the same time.


I am in favor of Inno installing these guild perks live.
They do not understand the meaning of the game, the rare times they listen to us it is to make slight modifications without real impact.
So I don't expect any of these perks BUT they could weaken the live guilds that pounce on all the new stuff (like with the flying island). But what weakens others will make my guild stronger.
Inno, by forcing us to click more, loses its most strategic players who, tired of more additions without correcting things already installed, are less and less active on several worlds at the same time.

The real problem is the feedback system Inno uses where the design team is absent here. When GBG first came out the GBG creators did post. Army of thieves is less than useless now. As I put early in this thread:

"Since nothing the players say here will be listened to by Inno why does this thread even exist...?"
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Juber's reply to the above:

Because of this feedback we decided to do it this way this time. We really want to hear what you think about this feature and want to improve and extend it based on your feedback.

The development guild I am in on beta is a very good one with a 190 thread, all the bells and whistles, We open all of GE getting to about 50% each week.

Yet Guild Perks has nothing we can use...young cities will not donate nor should they be forced too...

The power guild I am in on live is a top end guild with the number one player, we have been diamond since the first diamond league. We excel in all aspects of the game. Guild Perks has nothing we can use... I will not ask my players to donate.

Deleted User - 279081

So, I'm lost. "Army of Thieves" is now (1) 10% chance of one good per kill, (2) 3% attack boost, (3) 5% increase in GBG nego cost (rounded up to next whole number) AND (1) and (2) only apply to neighborhood and stand alone battles. Do I have this correct? If so, I'm with @deadpool, roll this out on live asap.


So, I'm lost. "Army of Thieves" is now (1) 10% chance of one good per kill, (2) 3% attack boost, (3) 5% increase in GBG nego cost (rounded up to next whole number) AND (1) and (2) only apply to neighborhood and stand alone battles. Do I have this correct? If so, I'm with @deadpool, roll this out on live asap.

If Inno is looking to kill/end the game releasing GP may just do that. I also support releasing it as is... It will players hurt less...


And as many have already written, the concept is not bad, mostly the balancing and missing features is the problem.

I agree that the concept is not bad, but for the moment the perks are not good in balance and still to expensive.

For example in a guild with 50 players and you choose an attack boost you punish players that are not really fighters and have to pay more for negotiation.
You can take a second perk that give advantage to negotiators but then you loose some attack bonus , meaning the two perks you choose equal 0 benefit haha.

For the moment it's very diffucult to find a perk that satisfie every guild member, so the best option is to ignore guildperks for the moment if you don't want to angry some guildies.


Ran through most of my hood (all CA players, most with full defenses) but I must be the unluckiest guy around. Army of thieves says I should have made some goods...Yet my good total did not change... Army of thieves as Juber says it works seems broke. Can some with the buff check it please. By my napkin math I should have made 50-60 goods... 60 full fightsX8X10%=56 goods

edit almost twice through now and still no goods...odds of this are happening are 1 in 199 +-
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Well in the second round of this and I'm still not at all impressed with this.

It assumes all players in the guild play the same way. My guild pays for a 'perk' that helps the fighters but makes negotiation cost more... so half the guild is helped in GBG and the other half is hindered.

Must guilds fill themselves with clones of their leaders who all want to play exactly the same way. What about the co-operation of different style players all working together with their different strengths and weaknesses to a common goal... these perks put an end to that!

Oh and as said above the maths is off. 3% increase in negotiation costs should not mean 2 goods instead of 1... that's a 100% increase.

Good guilds have a mix of players from various ages and of various strengths and are about helping each other... but as soon as a perk benefits the strong and punishes the weak as these seem to do it's going to mess up that balance.


So lets recap.. Army of thieves increases negoiating by 5% but that means a 100% increase at 0 attrition as Inno decided to use borked math rounding up goods. One good becomes 2.

AND it does not drop rewards in your hoods... It increases cost to all young cities by 100% to start meaning they can't even negotiate.
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As a new player on beta, this 5% rounded up makes initial negotiations too expensive, Double the cost for the first 5, 50% extra for next 5 is way too much. And, as noted by others, the benefits don't seem to work. It penalizes those who negotiate (something that may be done more now with the castle system) and (maybe) benefits the the comparatively few who regularly attack neighbours. As with several of the other perks, the negatives outweigh the benefits


I have ran through my hoods close to 3 times in the last 40ish hours (hood refreshed) and can say with some confidence that Army of Thieves is broke. No goods added to my treasury....
Does this mean guilds have worked and spend resources for nothing? Should we be compensated?


I have ran through my hoods close to 3 times in the last 40ish hours (hood refreshed) and can say with some confidence that Army of Thieves is broke. No goods added to my treasury....
I’d suggest putting in a support ticket to get it verified via the system that it’s not providing its payout