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Feedback Try out Guild Perks on Beta!


Problem is forcing contributions will kill some guilds, players being forced to contribute to perks that hurt them, or do not interest them. Drama is bad in guilds. A forced "tax" will be a major drama contributor. Unless GP actually helps most of the guild few founders will force players to donate. At this time GP is still in need of much better rewards.
It is not that different from the expedition (and the 30 contributions can be made in a few seconds; usually I use goods and then coins or supplies)


It is not that different from the expedition (and the 30 contributions can be made in a few seconds; usually I use goods and then coins or supplies)

GE is a puzzle with real rewards that can be gotten individually. But more guilds are below 20% completion than over 50% except for the small guild divisions. A couple guilds, sometimes 3, will work for the championships.

GP rewards are less, much more invisible, they at this time do not give a feeling to the player of a reward or prize. They do not help the guild on first glance. To top ranked guilds they are uninviting. Only the smallest guilds will really, in a few situations , see promise at this time from the perks. GP is not a puzzle. It does not help a guild. It does not level a guild. It hurts some members in a guild. Now considering this how will a guild get anyone to want to click 30 times a day when most guilds can not get GE to 50%?

Retired Guy

Help me understand... "Master Negotiator" perk
-6% negotiation cost , and -5%.. let's use the 5% as the math is easy to follow..
So.. assuming it's per good?? . you need to be negotiating at least 10 of each good to see a reduction?

20 * .05 = 1, my net usage would be 19 ?
10 * .05 = .5 , rounds to 1... so my net good usage would be 9 ??

Deleted User - 57457

@Retired Guy yes, that's how it probably works and why that perk is fundamentally flawed.

Bullet notes why the perks are fundamentally flawed:

> Guild feature that only provides personal benefits, hardly any benefit for the guild in GbG, GE or GvG (neg. discounts of so few percentages are a twisted early April fool's day joke)

> Bonuses are underwhelming bad, many times better temporarily bonuses are offered both in boosters (20% att%) and friends tavern (30% att%) never mind the fixed bonuses we can earn anyways

> High costs, low reward if any reward at all, chances are low, bonuses offered are low and discounts are ineffective low

> All above stacking up against perks as more a burden for some guilds and inviting infighting for little personal gain, while not benefiting the guilds in any meaningful way

> Encouraging 1-person guilds and more fracturing of guilds. Completely defeating its own purpose and in extend harming the purpose and meaning of guilds in general

Solution bullet notes:

> Guild benefitting perks only, this encourages guilds to explore the perks and deciding up on an group strategy in GbG,GE of GvG rather then seeming personal gain

> Removing the ridiculous 30 contribution limit, it's only a obvious cheap money grab that'll end up as an unintended nail in the GP coffin

> Universal resources for pointe, EG 3fp, current age goods of choice, 100 diamonds (not that sneaky increase to 120 without improving the points), medals (giving finally another use for them), prom, or and other special goods from AF and forward player's choice which to use

> Costs depending on number of members but also an slight improvement in strength of each perk for every additional 10 members to encourage larger guilds


after looking over the revised perks available I stick by my initial request. A feature that lets guild founders turn OFF guild perks for all member of their guilds. Less waste of resources by members, drama reduction would be the benefits of this. Perks are a joke, and it’s not even April.
Oh it'll make it to live. Cross your fingers it's improved first instead ;)
Somehow I doubt that if we not seen any inbetween the first bout and the second. My guild already say stop donating to it...

Do there need to be negative to the perks considering how much resources have to go into it? The benefits are not exactly game breaking.


Perk Creator
Somehow I doubt that if we not seen any inbetween the first bout and the second. My guild already say stop donating to it...

Do there need to be negative to the perks considering how much resources have to go into it? The benefits are not exactly game breaking.

I find the second round at least useful. Nothing I'm *that* excited about, but enough that I am actually levelling some perks up in my solo guild.

Army of Thieves, the new fixed version, I would be quite interested in in some situations though. But too late for me to try it this time. It gives me hope they might come up with some more creative ones.

I do think they still need to address giving larger guilds a break rather than make a guild of 40 pay 40 times a guild of 1. Because you can't expect every member to be 100% active (and if they are, it should be better than 1 100% active player for the difficulty of achieving it).


I think you will all have fun with this upcoming feature. I am excited to finally see it ingame ^^

this was on 1 november in spoilers , as a former player you did'nt see it was going nowhere like it was ? even now after the ameliorations ?

There still is a lot to change before i ask my guildies to drop their goods.

Deleted User - 57457

Army of thieves would've been interesting as an GB bonus, maybe even an friend's tavern. As an guild feature (/"guild" buff) it would've been an good perk if it where guild goods. As it stands now it's not an guild boost and has nothing to do with an guild feature. It's just just an personal player boost, should've been saved for an somewhat appealing GB for future use. Not waisted in this way.


Somehow I doubt that if we not seen any inbetween the first bout and the second. My guild already say stop donating to it...

Do there need to be negative to the perks considering how much resources have to go into it? The benefits are not exactly game breaking.
Agreed. I liked the concept of having both negative and positive, but if it’s costing resources then the positive needs to outweigh both resources and negatives


I would agree with this, the bonuses are on par with event buildings or other bonuses we get for little efforts.
yeah but those event buildings are good in a free-to-play city for at least a year, potentially two or three depending on how quickly you run out of space (and play style and how quickly you age up). The Guild Perks are only around for 3 weeks, the duration of a event at best


@Juber will "army of thieves" work on GBG? i want confirmation before we commit to anything.
we dont want something like recruitment boost happening again, it just deflates any interest in this feature


Community Manager
I have asked the devs, but will probably only receive the answer on Monday. But should count for all battles.
So, the answer I received was a bit confusing, but I think I have got it now. Sadly, it does not count for all battles, at least not currently. It will not count for PvP features, like gbg, gvg and the PvP Arena. It will however work for neighborhood battles and stand alone battles (from quests) for example. I assumed, that it would count for all battles, because there is no other information hinting, that it should not. But maybe it will be changed in the future.
Help me understand... "Master Negotiator" perk
-6% negotiation cost , and -5%.. let's use the 5% as the math is easy to follow..
So.. assuming it's per good?? . you need to be negotiating at least 10 of each good to see a reduction?

20 * .05 = 1, my net usage would be 19 ?
10 * .05 = .5 , rounds to 1... so my net good usage would be 9 ??
@Retired Guy yes, that's how it probably works and why that perk is fundamentally flawed.
Actually, as one bug report showed today, it seems, that if you have a +3% costs, then it will be 2 instead of 1. So if you have a 3% decrease, than it should also be reduced from 2 to 1. But I don't have official information about it.
not that sneaky increase to 120 without improving the points
Actually, it was also 120 diamonds in the first cycle. There was no sneaky increase there.
As an additional note: I forwarded your whole post to the devs, because it really shows the current problems and provides some solutions. Thank you for that :)
this was on 1 november in spoilers , as a former player you did'nt see it was going nowhere like it was ? even now after the ameliorations ?

There still is a lot to change before i ask my guildies to drop their goods.
What do you mean by "former"? I still play the game as active, as a couple of years ago. :) And no, I did not see it coming, that it would get such a backlash, simply because I just had access to documentation about the feature and its concept. And as many have already written, the concept is not bad, mostly the balancing and missing features is the problem.

Deleted User - 57457

Actually, it was also 120 diamonds in the first cycle. There was no sneaky increase there.
As an additional note: I forwarded your whole post to the devs, because it really shows the current problems and provides some solutions. Thank you for that :)
Regarding the diamonds my apologies I remembered it as 100 diamonds. Must’ve remembered it wrong. Thanks for the compliment just hope they’ll see through the somewhat harshly honest notes and looking themselves also into potential solutions. Together with the perk creation content. There where plenty guild related perks among them. Personally I think they can gain most ground with cooking up some unique possibilities for guilds to explore in GbG, GvG and GE whatever fit each guild most. While trying to encourage larger guilds to justify the higher costs with some improvements in the benefits or how the perk works while discouraging 1-person guilds.
Actually, as one bug report showed today, it seems, that if you have a +3% costs, then it will be 2 instead of 1. So if you have a 3% decrease, than it should also be reduced from 2 to 1. But I don't have official information about it.
That’s a bit off, judging on the math. As only 50% and more would/should yield such results.
And as many have already written, the concept is not bad, mostly the balancing and missing features is the problem.
I agreed but it’s not just the current state of the feature. Inno has lost much of their credibility and trust from the community. After poorly executing some relative new features and not acknowledging the mistake to correct it later. To me it’s mostly how flawed the Mughal empire’s settlement is but I guess it’s no secret by now. Amongst disappointing GbG2 update as community concerns hasn’t been solved yet. The fear from the community that it’ll happening again with perks and it’ll get rushed through Beta is what I think the source of our grim view on it for now. Not the concept itself perse.
Personally I feel like if they would fix next year Mughal empire’s flaws similarly to how they’ve fixed the Viking’s settlement much later, if I remember correctly and fixing the community concerns regarding GbG that they’ll surely regain an good chunk of they’re credibility and trust from the community. Which is not just fixed by making perks good with some community feedback.