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Trade problems


When i want to accept a trade i get the message the offer is gone, but that's with all the trades. I don't believe all the trades are gone. I asked the member who put the trade on the market, but he said his offer is still there.
Error trade.jpg
Hope you can solve the problem.

I tried to send this to Support, but when i push the "create" button nothing happens. Next bug?
Sincerely yours, Beeruitamsterdam


I have the same trade bug showing.

As for the inability to create a support ticket - I was able to create and send a ticket to support.
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All my trade attempts pop up a box that says something like: "Sorry sucker, someone got here one billionth of a second before you and snatched it out of your hands, mwaahahahahahahaha"

Some such text similar to that, anyway, and yes, it is ALL trades that I attempt to accept on the market.


Works fine over here as well. It seemed to be fixed the morning after this was reported. Thumbz up for the fast fix. :)