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Tour de France Historical Questline



Le Tour de France, is the first of 3 Grand Tours, together with Vuelta and Giro d’Italia. It’s probably the most known and important bicycle race of the season.

Dear Players,

A new historical questline has just started! This time - as you can see - we will tell you the story of the first winner of Tour de France - Maurice-Francois Garin. A chimney-sweep who became a legend.
If you manage to complete all the quests in time (by December 15th), you will get unique portrait of Maurice-Francois and a new part of the Baroque Garden Set: Kiosk!


Maurice-François Garin was the first winner of the legendary Tour de France bicycle race, the first and the most famous Grand Tour which attracts people from all over the world!

Forge of Empires Team

PS: Please note on Beta the Questline will only be available on browser. It will be available both on mobile and browser on the live servers. We value your feedback greatly, so don't forget to comment here!