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Discussion To report bugs or not to report bugs?

just got 2 reports rejected - one without comment https://forum.beta.forgeofempires.c...-military-boost-overviews-in-town-hall.17099/ other https://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/index.php?threads/foe-plus-cant-load-fp-bar-10.17098/

the first might be already-worked-on, the second obviously without reading it carefully. Which leads to the question: is it worth trying? If they don't want them, or so not want to reach devs? Opinions?
You can try support.
It's a different channel with different people reading the report, so you might get a better result.

This is supposing that you care to provide feedback (for free) after it was rejected the first time
I tried both channels back in January when I found that the iOS version of the app does not show that the Racoon Hideout produces one Rogue each day at collection. The Rogue is received, as I have verified by checking my army display before and after collection, but players will not see it in the building summary chart (“tooltip”).

i reported it in both the Forum‘s Bug Report section and through a Support ticket, but six months and multiple updates later the issue remains unaddressed.

Based on my own experiences dealing with Microsoft more than 20 years ago, I suspect that there is a calculation involved with each bug report. Development Team time is a limited resourc, and I expect that Inno considers the following factors.

1. How serious is the problem? Does it crash the game, or open an undesirable “exploit”? If not, they may classify it as cosmetic.

2. How many users does it affect? I’m pretty sure that issues affecting mobile platforms get less attention than those for browser players, and my be further considered based on the App used and the difficulty of fixing it.

This last was my experience with Microsoft, where one of the features in Microsoft Word was on,y used by a small subset of users - academics as I was then. It was evident that the company did not want to invest in fixing an issue affecting no more than 2% of their user base. So the issue persisted through decades of new versions of the program.,


2. How many users does it affect? I’m pretty sure that issues affecting mobile platforms get less attention than those for browser players, and my be further considered based on the App used and the difficulty of fixing it.
Mobile users are the main demographic of the game. If it were based solely on number of users effected, mobile problems would make sense to have top priority

I suspect it may be easier to test and fix for desktop bugs because no third party is involved for rolling out bug fixes. Whereas with Apple and Android you have to go through a third party to deploy any fixes after you’ve put in all the work


They (Inno) expect us to be the all "know-it-all". They throw all these things out in an update that brought up the hype and then hit us with all the snipe.

I stopped reporting bugs long ago because they always had said "it's intended"... Frankly, I do not care any more to the point since they never tell us on these "secret" things they do anyways (and yes, anything that is way out of the ordinary is still considered a "bug"). The AD is broken (high starting bid prices and low gains from selling), the QI is broken (while you made it possible to gain at least 4x the progress, you done about raised the bar on the stuff to be collected), the so-called army replacement (from word of mouth since of this stupid A/B test; THEY SHOULD HAVE LET EVERYONE ON BETA TEST IT), and majority of the events that became uninteresting (I think your latest one was "it was too easy"; who gives a flying toss about that?).

Now, Inno, you're going to ask me "what"? So, I will say this "why don't you begin by reading ALL of the feedback that was made by players on this forum and that site discord, mainly the negative ones, and then you will know".

In the end, social media is a dangerous animal. That's my ace-in-the-hole.


I even got my forum account deleted for posting bugs
probably too many bug reports
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They (Inno) expect us to be the all "know-it-all". They throw all these things out in an update that brought up the hype and then hit us with all the snipe.

I stopped reporting bugs long ago because they always had said "it's intended"... Frankly, I do not care any more to the point since they never tell us on these "secret" things they do anyways (and yes, anything that is way out of the ordinary is still considered a "bug"). The AD is broken (high starting bid prices and low gains from selling), the QI is broken (while you made it possible to gain at least 4x the progress, you done about raised the bar on the stuff to be collected), the so-called army replacement (from word of mouth since of this stupid A/B test; THEY SHOULD HAVE LET EVERYONE ON BETA TEST IT), and majority of the events that became uninteresting (I think your latest one was "it was too easy"; who gives a flying toss about that?).

Now, Inno, you're going to ask me "what"? So, I will say this "why don't you begin by reading ALL of the feedback that was made by players on this forum and that site discord, mainly the negative ones, and then you will know".

In the end, social media is a dangerous animal. That's my ace-in-the-hole.
Remember if they are doing AB testing it means they are not that interested in us finding bugs on the feature but more interested in how the feature affect revenues. That is what AB testing is about,



You did not get any bug reports rejected. What you posted are at best suggestions and not bugs. You will get the same answers when you contact Support ingame. If you want changes you should use the Ideas section, or the upcomming Community Sprint, if that ever will happen.

Forum accounts do not get deleted because you report bugs.



You did not get any bug reports rejected. What you posted are at best suggestions and not bugs.

obviously I disagree - from a users perspective, everything that's unexpected, inconsistent or even inconvenient is a bug.

A software maintainer may (and usually does) apply finer-grained categories like f.i. broken code, documentation/communication error, work-in-progress, rfe, tbd, will-not-fix .. all of which is not obvious/not possible to see as a user.

Whatever the (maintainer's) category, the most important part is to properly communicate with the reporters: they need to know what's going to happen, given their observation, after all, reporting is an active endeaver that requires time and effort. Without satisfying feedback, customers might simply stop reporting or looking for completely other software. Same guidelines apply for computer games ;)

And yes, I know both sides of the fence, plus additional constraints (like time/money/resources) on developers. Been there, seen it all ;)