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Feedback Summer Event 2022


Perk Creator
Stages of ages vs Deadman's boathouse
4x4 vs 4x4 - draw (enables 1:1 efficiency comparison)
15% att. Vs 15% att. - draw
4 fps vs 6 fps - Deadman's win
15 prev. Age goods vs 18 building's age goods - undecided
N/A vs 2h rush fragments - Deadman's win
N/A vs 25 guild treasure goods - deadman's win
N/A vs large amount of supplies - Deadman's win

End results most important stats:
Size: 4x4 - draw
Attack efficiency: draw
FP efficiency: Deadman wins
Useful productions benefits other then fps: Deadman's win

Overall Deadman's boathouse is pretty solid. I'm unsure why folks are turned off by the defence buffs that are coming with both buildings but I guess a situation of wanting it all. The overall efficiency for attacking armies is equal to stages of ages and fp efficiency is even better + the perk of directly fps stored in inventory among other useful-ish items. Sure it isn't easy to grind a ton of them compared to stages of events but overall it's better than stages of ages, which is fairly popular.
If I had a lot of cash on hand and where still building an attacking city deadman's boathouse would be a tempting other. Also the other version is tempting to have at least one of. Especially for the new players are the offered main buildings really good options. Personally I think depending on their horizon and excess to 1ups deadman's boathouse might be best for slightly more advanced newbies while Buccaneers' boathouse might be best for players more at the beginning of FoE. For my more established main city in OF deadman's boathouse will still become an very welcome new addition.


Perk Creator
well... you just compared a 10 (?) level building to a 1 level building... sure, longterm it is a miniscule amount better, but you have to put in a whole lot more effort for that miniscule amount
Sure it isn't easy to grind a ton of them compared to stages of events but overall it's better than stages of ages
As I said, it's not as easy to get such in an large number. The production advantages it's offering ain't that "minuscule" imo. At least for newbies. Getting a reliable source of 1ups, directly daily 8fps in inventory and daily BP's for the Buccaneers boathouse is very solid. For a bit further advanced newbie the deadman's boathouse's production offers strategically valuable items like 2h supply rush fragments. Which can be helpful to deal with production quests in events long term. On top of directly in inventory stored fps which can be of strategic value for players who doesn't have an Arc at lvl (1)80. Overall those benefits are not that minuscule imo compared to an easily in mass obtained Lvl1 building but as you wish:
IA stats
Fire pagoda (7 lvls)
Att. 6% vs 8% (deadman wins with 2% more)
3fps vs 6 fps (deadman wins, Buccaneers even more)

Colossus lvl 10
Att. 7% vs 8% (deadman wins)
6 fps vs 6 fps (deadman draw, buccaneers wins with 2fps more)

Both heavily lose on production benefits. Sure for advanced players where only attack buffs' efficiency and fp efficiency counts the summer events buildings might not offer the greatest value compared to for example Eagle mountain or hero's tavern. Both are outstanding great buildings. Compared to animal crossing's attack efficiency the deadman is only slightly behind yet offers better productions for less space. Imo that's also giving it relatively value in comparison. Personally I tend to value new buildings with existing once of the same footprint as to compare which buildings they could replace. Regardless of the effort as in the long run, the effort needed to get them doesn't really matter in the end of the day.


Now that we don't have the surprise box anymore, will Inno make sure we know about upcoming events in advance? At least with the box timer you could see when the next event is due. It's very unwise to age up right before an event, so it would be good to know at least 4-5 days in advance.... Not 24 hours before...


Spoiler Poster
Now that we don't have the surprise box anymore, will Inno make sure we know about upcoming events in advance? At least with the box timer you could see when the next event is due. It's very unwise to age up right before an event, so it would be good to know at least 4-5 days in advance.... Not 24 hours before...
Where is your problem - just age up at an end of an event or shortly after it ended. This way you will typically have about 2 weeks till the next event.
Also, there always will be a next event and you will always age up "shortly" before the next event unless you age up during an event... just prepare decently for the upcoming age and you should have no problems no matter when you age up.

Also, what are you so afraid of? The only thing that might be slightly worrying are quests like "defeat this strong army" when you have bad bonuses... but those would be hard even in your current age.
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Also, what are you so afraid of? The only thing that might be slightly worrying are quests like "defeat this strong army" when you have bad bonuses... but those would be hard even in your current age.
Often times, it will have an "OR" in there, so no worries. Also, those types are little compared to collection of goods (which can be circle traded with guild members) or the x-timed productions (blacksmiths are always useful due to their size).


Spoiler Poster
Quite late to the party, but yeah the 135 doubloons you get for free is too low in my opinion, should be at least 150, probably 160. With 135 doubloons you are required to have the event surprise box, and even then it's not guaranteed. I've prepared some graphs simulating the event with different number of doubloons to illustrate the issue with 135:




As illustrated, with 160 doubloons, pretty much everyone who wants it will get the main building fully leveled. You can add in a handful from incidents for extra safety.

import random
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import math
def simulation(doubloons, num_iterations):
    results = []
    for i in range(num_iterations):
        if i % int(num_iterations/100) == 0:
            print(str(round(100*(i/num_iterations))), end="\r")
        res = 0
        for d in range(doubloons):
            res += random.choice([1, 2, 3])
    a1 = [res for res in results if res >= 260]
    a2 = [res for res in results if res >= 300]
    p1 = round(100*len(a1)/len(results),2)
    p2 = round(100*len(a2)/len(results),2)
    # Show plots of results
    showplot = True
    if showplot:
        label = "Leagues"
        rmin = min(results)
        rmax = max(results)
        plt.hist(results, edgecolor='white', label=label, bins=range(rmin, rmax, 1))
        plt.suptitle("Chance of getting Main Building Fully Leveled With " + str(doubloons) + " Doubloons\nWith Surprise Box: " + str(p1) + "%\nWithout Surprise Box: " + str(p2) + "%")
        print("Average Leagues:", np.average(results))
        plt.axvline(x=260, color = "lightgreen", label = "Needed With Surprise Box")
        plt.axvline(x=300, color = "r", label = "Needed Without Surprise Box")
Well, in my Guild, those who could wait for the accidents of the last twelve hours, managed to get the last kit of the building.
While those who had to go to work very early the next day, despite having dedicated time, failed to get the full main prize.

To whom does this seem correct?
I await a reply.

Bene, nella mia Gilda, coloro che hanno potuto attendere gli incidenti delle ultime dodici ore, sono riusciti ad ottenere l'ultimo kit dell'edificio.
Mentre coloro che il giorno dopo dovevano andare al lavoro molto presto, pur avendo dedicato tempo, non sono riusciti ad ottenere il premio principale al completo.
A chi sembra corretto questo?
Attendo una risposta.


Perk Creator
Feedback regarding temporary buff buildings

Thinking a bit longer about the temporary buffed buildings, I think the suggestion for recharges has a lot of potential. Building off that suggestion I like to add a bit more:

Event pass
Introducing fragments for recharges scattered throughout the event pass, maximum 30 in total for 1 full recharge
This will make an investment in the event pass feel rewarding, even when you'll not able to collect all 30 fragments. For example:
Event pass
6x 5 fragments = 30 fragments/1 recharge
1st milestone = special temporary buffed building
Every 2nd milestone = 5 fragments of recharge
Total needed milestones full recharge: 12

Special reward completing event quests
Further more introducing a very special event building's fragments for event quest progress in addition of the regular event currency and avatars:
1 fragment for completing all rush quests
1 fragment for completing all daily quests
Requiring: 20 fragments for completion (at least 10 events' quests fully completed)
Providing daily: 50% chance 1 fragment for a recharge
While it'll be difficult to get this building and will at first only provide for an average a recharge every 1-2 months, you might be able to get a 2nd, 3rd or more of the building through the years. For this reason I suggest to limit it to a 50% chance and a reasonable large size. As the advantage is pretty large.
So, besides being able to get every event a recharge through the event pass, for the f2p player base it'll be possible to farm after roughly 1 year at least recharges. While those who (assuming they buy diamonds) financially support the game are rewarded with more often acces to their temporary buildings' buffs.

As over time more temporary buff buildings can be introduced, the consumption of recharges might also increase. Having a very limited possibility to farm them, in low numbers, will ensure the pull to purchase event passes but also perusing more of those temporary buff buildings.
Personally I think a temporary buff building that provides a X% increase on player's existing boosts, might be very popular. Especially under the more advanced players who struggle to improve their existing boosts in a meaningful way. For example a 5-10% increase in attack % or a 5-10% increase on player's attack def% would be highly interesting for a more advanced player. As such is hard when you already have 1.500% or more.
Besides all of this it'll have the following advantages for Inno;

>Stronger motivation to complete events, especially established and advanced players (limited farming recharges)

>Stronger pull to buy event pass, especially for those who have invested already in a temporary buff building (more of those buildings and/or additional recharges)

Which might result in an general increase of interest for events and a potential increase of sales for diamonds.


Perk Creator
I don't understand the dead man's chest about the good donations
If I open 1 chest it show me that it donate 5 per tipe but if I will open more than 1 the number showed high up is bugged and it doesn't possible see the real donation (x2 chests https://prnt.sc/-JEJrlhJMbAP and x5 https://prnt.sc/swHuzxZ0jpQA)
Looks like they accidentally multiplied by 5 twice instead of once. 10 of each -> x5 x5 = 250?