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New Idea Store. Great Buildings at current lecel

People have debated removing great buildings however mistakes can be made by doing that.
Create a special kind of store (like your downgrade tool)
It would give players a big incentive for us. It would be minimal ui, frontend and backend development, you can even copy and alter the code you have already
Abuse Prevention
There is no way people could cheat that I can see
Giving us a store great building at our current level so we don't have to remove and start leveling again. Many people have discussed this. People complain. Given up because they had to delete buildings
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Theres no suggestions I have seen
I would think that many people would like to be able to store their current great buildings at the current level. There are a lot of discussions about removing certain great buildings and it would really work well
I think this is a very bad idea.
What happens to people contribution to currently open level when stored? Can you store it only if it's at max level/no contribution present?
If only at max level... what about GB below level 10? They cannot be store until you bring it to level 10!

Abuse prevention: There is no way people could cheat that I can see
This idea can be used to remove snipper by storing the GB... make snippers loose fp and then building it again. Especially useful with level where p1 and p2 can be snipped while owner has no contribution.
Works also to damage guild member on chain thread and 1.9x or higher thread (think sending one member to an enemy guild and start distrupting their thread with this use).
None of those are "cheating", but they are consequences that will not improve the game. Might even create a distrust or toxic environment.

If I remember correctly this idea was suggested multiple times and removed for being included in "do not suggest", but I'm not a moderator.
I think this is a very bad idea.
What happens to people contribution to currently open level when stored? Can you store it only if it's at max level/no contribution present?
If only at max level... what about GB below level 10? They cannot be store until you bring it to level 10!

This idea can be used to remove snipper by storing the GB... make snippers loose fp and then building it again. Especially useful with level where p1 and p2 can be snipped while owner has no contribution.
Works also to damage guild member on chain thread and 1.9x or higher thread (think sending one member to an enemy guild and start distrupting their thread with this use).
None of those are "cheating", but they are consequences that will not improve the game. Might even create a distrust or toxic environment.

If I remember correctly this idea was suggested multiple times and removed for being included in "do not suggest", but I'm not a moderator.
Theres people who dont get their fp in over a year, I myself have been in that situation and I am still waiting. So theres no difference. I'm not talking about your arc or obs etc.
My whole guild and some redditors agree with me. Like for example people are going on removing their traz from low to high levels. but dont they deserve to be able to store it should it become necessary
[...] dont they deserve to be able to store it should it become necessary?
No, they don't "deserve" it.

If they want the space they can sell the building (aka delete it). If they need it again later they can use BP to build it again.
The only one you might be unable to get BP for is the "Oracle of Delphi".
All other BP can be obtained from helping others, playing event (Obs) or duing GE (Temple of Relics); in addition to placing in P1-P5 on the same building (but this does require fp).
Theres people who dont get their fp in over a year, I myself have been in that situation and I am still waiting. So theres no difference. I'm not talking about your arc or obs etc.
My whole guild and some redditors agree with me. Like for example people are going on removing their traz from low to high levels. but dont they deserve to be able to store it should it become necessary
Ask your guild and the redditors if they think McDonalds should have a "buy one, get one free" offer on Big Macs. My guess is that 100% will answer "yes" but that doesn't make it a good decision for McDonalds. If you think that you have out-of-date GBs then delete them and don't look back. After all, taking the power creep of FP production into consideration, it's not like rebuilding a deleted GB will be a big deal. If you think that you will deeply regret the decision to delete a GB that may later get buffed then don't delete it.


This idea can be used to remove snipper by storing the GB... make snippers loose fp and then building it again. Especially useful with level where p1 and p2 can be snipped while owner has no contribution.
Works also to damage guild member on chain thread and 1.9x or higher thread (think sending one member to an enemy guild and start distrupting their thread with this use).
None of those are "cheating", but they are consequences that will not improve the game. Might even create a distrust or toxic environment.
Such malliscuous actions can't be done rn? Not sure how potentially effective counter measures could make it problematic or toxic

On to the idea itself. If I recall correctly from many years ago. Players that pushed their GB's quickly to high levels but broke the rules got as penalty their GB removed. However the goods used to build it where refunded and at least 1 full set of BD's. Even more time ago military GB's got rebalanced. The original %:att_def_attacker: GB's gave 5%/lvl while the OG defensive GB's gave 10%:def_defender:/lvl. Lvl10 was the level cap. The OG GB's got rebalanced the way we know it now: 3%/lvl. As compensation Inno handed out everyone a voucher that fills automatically an entire level of a specific OG %:att_def_attacker: GB. Depending on which GB you had before the rebalance you got 1 voucher for each.
Based off those historical things. If this idea would come through in some form. I would imagine it more like a combination of the above. Instead of truly storing it, when the GB gets sold the 1st time 1 full set of BD's + goods refunded. As for the mentioned vouchers. Perhaps 5-10% of the levels giving a voucher back. For example a lvl100 GB gets sold by its owner it refunds 1 set of BD's + goods package + 5-10 "free" lvl vouchers. Not exactly storing and still vulnerable to some degree of exploitation. At least that's the closest I think the devs would ever go to "storing" GB's. Storing them entirely including all the levels might be too OP. Even refunds like "free" GB lvl vouchers would presumably deemed OP unless in extremely low quantities and as a 1-time deal for the 1st time it gets sold. As a form of coulance.
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Such malliscuous actions can't be done rn? Not sure how potentially effective counter measures could make it problematic or toxic

On to the idea itself. If I recall correctly from many years ago. Players that pushed their GB's quickly to high levels but broke the rules got as penalty their GB removed. However the goods used to build it where refunded and at least 1 full set of BD's. Even more time ago military GB's got rebalanced. The original %:att_def_attacker: GB's gave 5%/lvl while the OG defensive GB's gave 10%:def_defender:/lvl. Lvl10 was the level cap. The OG GB's got rebalanced the way we know it now: 3%/lvl. As compensation Inno handed out everyone a voucher that fills automatically an entire level of a specific OG %:att_def_attacker: GB. Depending on which GB you had before the rebalance you got 1 voucher for each.
Based off those historical things. If this idea would come through in some form. I would imagine it more like a combination of the above. Instead of truly storing it, when the GB gets sold the 1st time 1 full set of BD's + goods refunded. As for the mentioned vouchers. Perhaps 5-10% of the levels giving a voucher back. For example a lvl100 GB gets sold by its owner it refunds 1 set of BD's + goods package + 5-10 "free" lvl vouchers. Not exactly storing and still vulnerable to some degree of exploitation. At least that's the closest I think the devs would ever go to "storing" GB's. Storing them entirely including all the levels might be too OP. Even refunds like "free" GB lvl vouchers would presumably deemed OP unless in extremely low quantities and as a 1-time deal for the 1st time it gets sold. As a form of coulance.
To avoid abose some limitation should be placed on such a store feature: GB cannot be stored if there is any fp invested in the current level (to avoid exploytation against other players).

Instead for refound on sold:
  • Refund any BP for level open ABOVE the current one (for new players that might open too may level).
  • One additional set of BP might be a good idea
  • I think refunding goods might create more problem for balancing, especially since the amount of good consumed by various level in new wra is huge once you get to higher level. A percentage might work epecially if not more than 10%.


Refund any BP for level open ABOVE the current one (for new players that might open too may level).
Just 1 full BP-sets for reaching the current level maximum upon selling the GB, would be better.
One additional set of BP might be a good idea
Would be an invention for exploitation. I'll be able to place a GB. Than sell it off and rebuild it. For example AO. I'll remove it and rebuild it, now I can unlock up to 1 more level then before. I'll do it again, now I got 2 additional full sets of BP's. I can repeat until I'm satisfied. Even in SA:T/SA:SH I could do this to some degree. Goods are somewhat easier to come by nowadays. Particularly in the age of the GB. Refunding only currently completed levels would be more inline with "storing" GB's.

I think refunding goods might create more problem for balancing, especially since the amount of good consumed by various level in new wra is huge once you get to higher level. A percentage might work epecially if not more than 10%.
A refund for just the placing it, not levels past lvl10. For levels past lvl10 could still be done but substantially less. For example 50% with a hard cap of 50k goods each type of good (250k total). This'll result in the SA:T GB's example: Pegasus lvl68+ max refund lvl50, hydra lvl55+ max refund lvl41 and Centaurus lvl60+ max refund lvl44.
So, although you'll get a substantial amount of goods back that you could reinvest in another SA:T GB or elsewhere it'll be limited and is a 1-time deal. To maxing this out you'll still need decently highly levelled SA:T GB's and walk out of it with under 800k goods maximum. While "storing" the refunds cover a substantial amount of levels it won't cover it entirely. Still better than the current situation but nowhere close to truly storing it or open to exploitation. As it'll always bring a net loss.

To clarify further. I'm not proposing this as an alternative on the proposal OP provides. It's how I see the devs more likely approaching something that resembles the proposal. A big improvement on the current situation but not the real ability to store a GB.


It was suggested in the past and was shot down. Even though it was(is) a good idea, no one is wanting to have it.

Much rather to just destroy (provided you have all 10 BPs for it to be rebuilt and friends who are leveling the same GB as you that you can get more BPs from) and rebuild it (goods included).

Although, it could work if a person wanting to store said build has to put in the remaining FP for it to be cleared and leveled.
Just 1 full BP-sets for reaching the current level maximum upon selling the GB, would be better.

Would be an invention for exploitation. I'll be able to place a GB. Than sell it off and rebuild it. For example AO. I'll remove it and rebuild it, now I can unlock up to 1 more level then before. I'll do it again, now I got 2 additional full sets of BP's. I can repeat until I'm satisfied. Even in SA:T/SA:SH I could do this to some degree. Goods are somewhat easier to come by nowadays. Particularly in the age of the GB. Refunding only currently completed levels would be more inline with "storing" GB's.
No, you cannot.
I was saying you get one set of BP for every level you unlocked (after 10) but you didn't complete + 1.

For example: let's say your GB is level 65 and you unlocked up to level 70 (or you have level <10 and unlocked up to level 15).
You get 6 full set (1+ 5). Remember you need one set to BUILD the building and another set for each additional level you unlock. You are getting back only the initial set to build the Gb + any level you unlocked but didn't use. Any level you unlocked and used is lost.
This is just so inexperieced player that unlock many level get the GB they wasted back while experienced player that unlock one level at a time get just one set of GB (in case they run out).
A refund for just the placing it, not levels past lvl10. For levels past lvl10 could still be done but substantially less. For example 50% with a hard cap of 50k goods each type of good (250k total). This'll result in the SA:T GB's example: Pegasus lvl68+ max refund lvl50, hydra lvl55+ max refund lvl41 and Centaurus lvl60+ max refund lvl44.
So, although you'll get a substantial amount of goods back that you could reinvest in another SA:T GB or elsewhere it'll be limited and is a 1-time deal. To maxing this out you'll still need decently highly levelled SA:T GB's and walk out of it with under 800k goods maximum. While "storing" the refunds cover a substantial amount of levels it won't cover it entirely. Still better than the current situation but nowhere close to truly storing it or open to exploitation. As it'll always bring a net loss.

To clarify further. I'm not proposing this as an alternative on the proposal OP provides. It's how I see the devs more likely approaching something that resembles the proposal. A big improvement on the current situation but not the real ability to store a GB.
Here I did missunderstood you. I though you were referring to initial building cost + unlocked level. This was does make sense.
I still think the percentage for intial cost+unlocked level should be much lower regardless, maybe ~10-20%, but the hard cap can be the same (50k each).


I think its a good idea. The balancing could be the tool you use to store a GB. It should be rare, so no one will waste it to remove a sniper or something else. It should store the GB as it is, with all contributions or, if this is too difficult, it should wipe out all contributions (sorry snipers ;) ). The player can compensate losses. Otherwise, if the GB has to be clean a 1 FP leacher could block a very expensive GB from being stored... not ideal.

I think this is a very good idea, because it helps the casual player. The hardcore Player can easily level the GB again as BP are no longer a constraint and FPs are abundant. Given that there will be plenty of guildies to help, for a dedicated Player this will not be this useful.
It will help the casual, that develops the not so useful GBs and at some point, wants some space (since he doesn't have the diamonds to buy the premium expansions). He has nor the BP, nor the FP to level up the GB again, so it could avoid the scenario where a player deletes a GB and afterwards comes to the conclusion that it was a mistake. I for myself would quit a game after such an experience, since I hate to grind through stages of a game that I have already done.


If this isn't already on the DNSL then it should be added to it. (I'm fairly sure a variant of it is already there). Implementing this would just knock the proverbial stuffing right out of Inno's stance on "it's a puzzle or a riddle; that's part of the challenge" since the whole 'goal' of this suggestion is to 'make it easier for the player.'


also suggested in german forum

answer (google translate)
Even if the suggestion were passed on, it would hardly be implemented before any changes were made to the legendary buildings.
- if changes are made, it will no longer benefit anyone, because then the legendary buildings will no longer be stored
- if no changes are made, it will no longer benefit anyone, because then the legendary buildings will remain "worthless" and why should they be stored then

Furthermore, such a change would be unfair to those who have already demolished legendary buildings over the last year.
storing great buildings will help players who have all 48 (i will have all great buildings on all world but on en1 no becase I play only with 16x16 city and Im trying be in space age space hub with city 16x16)