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State of Forge: An update from our Product Head!

They might be referring to cases were introducing a single element got out of control for unforeseen reason.
  • The Arc - allowed huge increase in GB level because the cost for leveling a GB got way down once your Arc is 80 about level. Arc level 80 is a big investment but it affected all other GB level that suddently could be much higher, much faster.
  • Jester - one or two do not make a big change, but once you have 150 (which is not that difficult, even if I do not have them) FSP became much more common. This affected fragment collection on all kind of things, including from gold league special building.
  • Autum vineyard - I think design didn't think about the effect of having a main building that produce fragment of...
They might be referring to cases were introducing a single element got out of control for unforeseen reason.
  • The Arc - allowed huge increase in GB level because the cost for leveling a GB got way down once your Arc is 80 about level. Arc level 80 is a big investment but it affected all other GB level that suddently could be much higher, much faster.
  • Jester - one or two do not make a big change, but once you have 150 (which is not that difficult, even if I do not have them) FSP became much more common. This affected fragment collection on all kind of things, including from gold league special building.
  • Autum vineyard - I think design didn't think about the effect of having a main building that produce fragment of an intermedate building that produce the final building. Since the intermedate building can be cumulated thas produce exponential increase in final building production.
  • Stromspire - it was inteneded to be gained in small number but the actual number we got were much higher than expected (at least I think this is what happened). This is due to bad prediction on the mini-game mecanic. Notice how much it was changed for the Histroy event.


Moreover, we're planning to introduce a flat building mode in the coming months. All these changes are aimed at improving the overall feel of the game and reducing the number of frustrating tasks.

There is much more that we already discussed last time: the next Space Age, GEX and GBG improvements. And to announce it here first for the first half of 2025, we will add a proper and scalable *%il$ $&. G*$%d, with a proper competitive design that we can build upon for years to come.

Does anyone know what is meant by:
• flat building mode
and even more intriguing:
• a proper and scalable *%il$ $&. G*$%d
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Flat building mode is exactly what their other game Elvenar have already, so it was about time to happen for FoE since we get thousands of smaller buildings in our cities nowadays, pretty hard to see them when rebuilding the city.


View attachment 11339
I am not actively play Elvenar, but I know from other players.
It seems it does have something similar, but in the photo that I care the most is the "flat mode", this will be helpfull into FoE.
Didn't expect they would add a build mode. At least it was something the community didn't expect because it added 'an extra layer of strategy/difficulty' and also something with producing tons of storage kits.

It's been a long time I've logged into Elvenar.


Flat building mode is exactly what their other game Elvenar have already, so it was about time to happen for FoE since we get thousands of smaller buildings in our cities nowadays, pretty hard to see them when rebuilding the city.

Hallelujah. It's next to impossible to find some small, single square items in a sea of city foliage, or a single empty square of space. This idea will help a lot.
Feature wise, you should be able to type in and "search" for a specific item by it's name (such as SHROOM THRONE - which is absolutely atomically tiny...) and the cityscape goes into FLAT mode, and identifies EXACTLY where the item is..., such as in @-Alin- 's image, by "flashing" it (much like incidents do now...)
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"Quantum incursions [...] introduced several bugs that weren't detected on our Beta server."
Actually they were detected and reported here in the Forum, but simply ignored.

Same as you can ignore these announcments, cause they do not mean a thing. For years they have been told that they need to communicate better with the players. So they have invented this "spokesperson", that will keep us up to date. So far that works, cause using something like *%il$ $&. G*$%d has everybody jumping for joy, cause it must mean Guild vs Guild. If it isn't what you read in it you were wrong and you can not blame them for that. Same with the flat building mode. They are "planning" to introduce it. They just do not tell you when and plans can change. Anyhow, they have achieved what they wanted to. Everybody is eagerly waiting now.


Same as you can ignore these announcments, cause they do not mean a thing. For years they have been told that they need to communicate better with the players. So they have invented this "spokesperson", that will keep us up to date. So far that works, cause using something like *%il$ $&. G*$%d has everybody jumping for joy, cause it must mean Guild vs Guild. If it isn't what you read in it you were wrong and you can not blame them for that. Same with the flat building mode. They are "planning" to introduce it. They just do not tell you when and plans can change. Anyhow, they have achieved what they wanted to. Everybody is eagerly waiting now.
Flat building mode won't be that hard as they can partially use the code from Elvenar.


Matt is a real person (or maybe I spoke with a ghost just last year?)
I don’t think anyone doubts he exists, it’s the role of informing the player base of what is planned or maybe just floated as an idea that is discussed there. For me personally, I appreciate the communication, it is welcome and good to know how the development of the game is thought of at the company end. Even that there are developments planned, to be fair, since the game felt a bit like nobody cared or had a clue what to do next for quite some time. I don’t, however, like fluffy statements regarding planned features without some level of implementation timelines (more than ‘sometime in the next year or so’) and a few details that show it’s more than a rudimentary plan (e.g. what Great Buildings and give us something to understand what you’re thinking of in terms of improving, when quite recently we were told that it’s impossible to change more than one boost on those). I would also take it more seriously if someone from the production end didn’t say that they were ‘as surprised as (the players)’ at the bugs introduced by a feature that barely got any testing time, since it just seems detached from reality.


Matt is a real person (or maybe I spoke with a ghost just last year?)

I don't think the person is invented. After all he is listed in the game credits. I do think that moving him forward as a spokesperson is an invention to give players the illusion that they are heard. After all where was he the last 12 years? In the end, nothing has changed. There is another name on the announcements and everything else stays the same. It's not like he is taking any active part in communicating with the customers.


Where was he the last 12 years?

Being a: software engineer, designer/architect, product manager, and program manager - someone gathering vast amounts of corporate and game industry experience that now has been given a green light AND a ROLE to use ALL THAT in the betterment of the player experience and the companies financial health AND future goals.

Maybe he had all these ideas and wanted to do this role, but there wasn't a "job" for it. So, he was told: NO - you not in a functional role where you affect any changes from the corporate status quo communicated and delivered that we've currently got.

You're welcome to INTERNALLY champion the cause of the players with the things they ask for, but you can't be the liaison or PRODUCT HEAD, or publicly tell the user community" Hey, I'm with ya on your ideas" - I'm going to be your iconoclast and your white knight.

To me - this role he's got AND the way he's going about communicating and doing it - gives me hope. Matt actually communicates in a way and language I (and you) can understand (other that the " *%il$ $&. G*$%d" can be substituted for "Guild vs. Guild" gobbleygook - which was his little riddle to prove he's human...)

I don't know his charter exactly, but it sounds comprehensive. To me, this role he's taking on does have power, authority and potential to make important game changes to issue that have been perennial thorny, unlike anything at ANY other time in the game's history.

He's got to deliver to both: users and corporation.

Just recognize that he still has to balance features with cost, and is still accountable for his decision on what to work on and what he's spending.
These are going to be trying times in this game, and it's truly at a crossroads.

I see his effort as a visible breath of fresh air, and I like his style.

What he's doing is something I've done for a long time, and was very successful at. So far, I like what he's said; his "to date" effort with the poll on 10 things, and his goal to keep the lines of communications open to us - with updates.

For the game, I hope he succeeds.
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