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Feedback Sit-All for Friends Tavern!




Hello Forge Fans!

Sitting down has never been easier with the Sit-All for Friends Taverns!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "I like standing up." is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Questions that ask when it will be released on the live server will not be answered. We always announce it in time there.
  • Don't report any bugs here. Please use the bugs forum.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team
Love it! please add to the other servers ASAP!
Just curious, has this not gone live because if you have 1 tavern and would get no silver that visit, getting 1 silver back is wrong? Just make it COST 1 silver. A small use charge, if you don't want to pay it... don't use it.
Well the same would apply here on Beta. So why should it cost on the live servers and not here.?
But I do not recall ever getting no silver at all from the Taverns in any of my cities.

Maybe with all the other stuff going on it has just been overlooked.
I raised a ticket asking why this has not been implemented on the live servers yet. Both here and on Beta. I did get advised a couple of times on other issues that the more tickets they recieve about something, the more likelihood there is of it being dealt with. So it might help if more folks do the same. If I do get anything (or nothing) back from them I will pass it on here.
Well the same would apply here on Beta. So why should it cost on the live servers and not here.?
But I do not recall ever getting no silver at all from the Taverns in any of my cities.

Maybe with all the other stuff going on it has just been overlooked.
maybe because this is beta and they are working on a way to do it without the 1 silver. a solution to 1 free tavern silver per single tavern visited that did not yield silver might be being sought out. then try THAT on beta before going to live.
I did get a reply from them. It was much as I expected.. LOL.

All they said was when they have finished testing it, it will go to the live servers.


I personally haven't seen any anomalies in this, bugs or otherwise. All I see is a positive step to ameliorate a player apathy problem.
Case in point. Before this was implemented, I had AT MOST, 7 rolling pages in my townhall for tavern sitting. It demonstrated to me that people were NOT engaged to press 80 (or more) friend buttons/day.

I obtained this 7 page number by setting the filter controls on the EVENT HISTORY TAB to FRIEND events.

Now? I have 20 pages of friend tavern sitting activity in my log, consistently.

This means people are ENGAGED in helping each other and finally sitting in other friends tavern as a matter of course, vs it being a PITA (Pain in the A$$) to take the time and then click EACH single avatar controls to do everyone deserving - individually.

This is roughly a triple in value and efficiency, and player engagement in this function/day.
We hope that eventually, we can use all the extra tavern silver we're making from this rejuvenation from a new tavern shop, but if not, it's still proven that Inno can reclaim player engagement back - if they want to.

This puppy is baked. Time to bring it to the LIVE GAME.
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when will this be rolled out on live servers? They rolled out the QI changes that came much later, but not this simple improvement...
in other words:
the support doesn't know

only the developers and they won't tell it anybody
Support probably has a policy to not disclose such information even when they do have it (because it's a PR problem if afterward you need to reschedule).

Moderators don't answer such questions (it's literally written in the feedback first post when started by a moderator, it's the 4th bullet point in the first post of this thread).

Developers usually don't know for sure the answer to this question. That is part of the duty of project/product managers (depending on how the responsability are split).

From first entry in this thread:
Questions that ask when it will be released on the live server will not be answered. We always announce it in time there.
It doesn't make any sense to delay it, theres no problems and everyone wants it since it was announced. Its frustrating for us knowing it exists but can't use it (on live).

Or why they wont revert back the AD after literally 6+ months and they said they weren't going with it also months ago ???
Maybe they are still debugging it. Just used it on my beta city, then manually went through the entire Friends list from Town Hall and found 18 taverns out of 140 that still needed sat in...
Maybe they are still debugging it. Just used it on my beta city, then manually went through the entire Friends list from Town Hall and found 18 taverns out of 140 that still needed sat in...
Could you actually sit in those?
Because the list doesn't update unless you remain on the friend for a little bit. So if you scroll fast through your friend list you see many friend that have sits which actually are already full (and you don't see sit that are actually available). I think the list does refresh until you logout/login, but then it doesn't refresh again till your next log in, or when you actually open the firend list and keep if open for a little while (a few seconds per page).
Could you actually sit in those?
Because the list doesn't update unless you remain on the friend for a little bit. So if you scroll fast through your friend list you see many friend that have sits which actually are already full (and you don't see sit that are actually available). I think the list does refresh until you logout/login, but then it doesn't refresh again till your next log in, or when you actually open the firend list and keep if open for a little while (a few seconds per page).
Yep sure could.....sat in every tavern manually because sit all missed them....