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Feedback Sit-All for Friends Tavern!


I am loving this button very much. Makes it easier for me to visit every one of you folks that have me as a friend. This, at a delay of a minute or less (depending on the "check" routine and timing), will let me know as soon as seats are open when I have it displayed to be clicked on again.

I hardly care for the rewards that give out since it is pretty much outdated imho, but it was definitely something that was long overdue.


the function works interestingly, I went to the 40 tavern and received 5 FP when I sat down, and again received 5 FP when pressing the collect button ...


i love it but when i look in town hall i see taverns there still needing visting .i cant tell if it working right or if i need to send a bug report
i love it but when i look in town hall i see taverns there still needing visting .i cant tell if it working right or if i need to send a bug report
Manually check if you think it's wrong and missing available sit.

From what I remember the button in the town hall is disabled if YOU visited in the last 24 hours. BUT it is not disable if the tavern is full or chairs were not collected ("you are still here" in the friends tab).
But I might be wrong, just check.


The only downside to this is that you get quests that ask to sit in x number of taverns. Thinking you finish with that one, and bam, another one comes about 3 to 4 quests down the road, and you can't visit until some taverns are clear and chairs open up, or you have to wait a day in order to complete said quest.

Long ago, I had an event that had quests like that. I had to visit 25 taverns. Completed it. Went to complete other quests. And, next thing I know, another 25 tavern visit quest. I did visit manually to complete both of those because I had a good number of chairs (50+) available.

Who knows.
I just checked because I've been getting irritated that every day (and sometimes multiple times per day) it's only 30/100, but the number is indeed correct upon looking at my list.
The only downside to this is that you get quests that ask to sit in x number of taverns. Thinking you finish with that one, and bam, another one comes about 3 to 4 quests down the road, and you can't visit until some taverns are clear and chairs open up, or you have to wait a day in order to complete said quest.

Long ago, I had an event that had quests like that. I had to visit 25 taverns. Completed it. Went to complete other quests. And, next thing I know, another 25 tavern visit quest. I did visit manually to complete both of those because I had a good number of chairs (50+) available.

Who knows.
Like Fall even in live: quest 34 (visit 20 tavern, the last rush quest in one of the two paralel quest line) and quest 37 (visit 20 tavern, 2nd rush quest)


Yeni eklenen meyhane arkadaşlarımızın ziyaretlerini toplu alma işlemi beni çok memnun etti.
Arkadaşlarımızın ve birliklerimizin toplu motive veya polish olaylarını bir araya getirdiğinizde,
keşke taverna içinde böyle yapsalar diye düşünüyordum. dunarsund için yaptınız. çok memnun oldum.
yakın zamanda diğer dünyalarda da görmek isterim. saygılarımla


Like Fall even in live: quest 34 (visit 20 tavern, the last rush quest in one of the two paralel quest line) and quest 37 (visit 20 tavern, 2nd rush quest)
Usually, I would line them up if I can so I can kill off both parallels with one set. But, yep, that would do it as well.
Oh no, I'll have to wait 24 hours to do a task every couple weeks when there's an event, when every day I could benefit from this feature. o_O
We can always try the "manual" approach, heh heh.


I am very pleased with the new addition of tavern friends visits.

When you bring together the collective motivation or polishing activities of our friends and troops,
I thought they would do this in the tavern. You did this for Dunarsund. I am very pleased.
I would like to see this in other worlds soon. Best regards