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Reported to Developers: Rival 3 Winterevent Negotiating error?

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Issue raised at 10am this morning. No response of any kind by by 18.00 on a challenge lasting only 48 hours. Clearly the mechanic is wrong. Many of us will have spent diamonds to get to 10 negs and then more to try to find out why we have failed to advance. Will this be compensated or even recognised - probably not. Inno have become ever worse in their attitude to customer service - only concern seems to be increasing revenue. This little wheeze of making players spend diamonds to advance in rivals and then preventing the advance really takes the biscuit. I can just imagine the accountants briefing the devs. " look chaps, try to come up with something where our stupid customers have to spend diamonds but then don't give them anything for it" "It will be just perfect - we get money for nothing" lol.


The concept of multiple GBG negotiations for a rivals challenge is flawed anyway. Any player who belongs to a guild that do not generally do GBG is unlikely to find the opportunity to do multiple consecutive negs. The requirement of 10 or more consecutive negs is virtually impossible to achieve without spending diamonds. If this really is the direction that Inno wish to tread - ie compulsory spend to play for things like rivals - it is time for me to leave the game. Been here and on several live servers for 10 years plus now - seen many changes - very few have been for the better - shame but such is life.


Likewise, negotiations are impossible to do without diamonds, and so we lose progress if we use diamonds.

Ruir Saille

The same here Just one more reason not to do the rivals putting it in the same box as QI in the back of the wardrobe till its fixed and we are told its fixed


Technically, we're Beta testers so bugs are to be expected. But Beta implies that there are Alpha testers (the developers) before it gets to us. Can't help but wonder if ANYONE at INNO actually tried the GBG negotiations


Q7, 5 GBG negos Q15 10 GBG negos Q23 20 GBG nego. At this progression, we may have a Q31 of 30 or 40 Negotiations.
Q23 and Q31 with diamond tries not counting are pretty much impossible

Chance that Q31 may be different because they may have run out of GE tries by then
This is why I rarely bother with the Rival, the rewards aren't worth the cost. But this is just frustrating, I've probably done 50 negotiations to get 20 counted. Hey Inno, anyone there reading this thread? How about FIXING the problem, then extend the Rival 24 hours to make up for all the time we've lost. Repaying all the lost diamonds would be nice, but I'm sure your beancounters will have collective apoplexy.


From support:
"Currently, when using diamonds to buy an extra turn for negotiating, the counter for the rival quest resets.

We are currently working on fixing this issue, so you do not need to send in a ticket.
In addition, we are looking into possible compensation, but can't make any promises so far.

Thank you for your understanding"
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