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Discussion Rewards Banner

Silly Beaver

There is already a pop-up now on live servers and in the older version of GE. I would prefer anything that did not interfere with my progress. If I have to wait for some animation of any sort to click the next attack or repair etc. then it is not an improvement.
There is already a pop-up now on live servers and in the older version of GE. I would prefer anything that did not interfere with my progress. If I have to wait for some animation of any sort to click the next attack or repair etc. then it is not an improvement.
I suggest you open a bug on the position of the banner.
I'm not sure it apply on all browser window sizes etc. So a bug might move the issue forward. A discussion probably cannot.


Actually, for once, I prefer current pop-up, I can click to make it disapear
Here, I have to wait to be able to enter battle or launch attach, that's worse... Ideal being having on the bottom that banner, as said from banner launch on forums and on discord...
For GE, I'd have prefer the ability to click outside to close the battle window status and not be forced to click on 'Ok' button.


I don't like the banner either, prefer the pop up The points awarded after winning an encounter is also gone but I don't miss that.= as it was useless information However, the banner sometimes blocks the attack/negotiate button so you have to wait til it disappears. The pop up was just a click to get rid of. Also I prefer to KNOW what I got rather than have to race to click the banner, ESPECIALLY on level 4. On the main nodes, I like to know if I got diamonds or FPs. Obvious with the pop up.


Might be on the mobile or on a window that is small (on the PC). I just went through 80 levels in about 10 minutes (or less) without having to worry about some banner obstructing my buttons on a browser.

Now.... I will renounce everything I had said about Inno IF (yep, that's a very big "if") they do not bring back the jerky movement on a map while picking up the relics. It was annoying because there can be more than one at one specific location, and after each one collected, the map jerks back to the last encounter completed, making it a pain to move the map back to the area so the remaining relics can be collected. I thank Inno for fixing this annoyance and I pray for them not to bring it back (so, better make a backup copy of the game to fall back onto if it goes wrong, ya turkeys).


Would've been the best if there wasn't any type of disruptive reward spam. Pop-ups or otherwise. Just do it like aid all. Where all rewards you've earned getting collected. Than being able to collect it all whenever convenient. Giving 1 pop-up with an overview of all rewards. Would work with GE, GbG and QI.
Much better than often gets argued for GbG to reduce drop rates: that does reduce the frequency of spam but it remains disruptive and thus doesn't solve a thing. Removing any disruption whenever we get a reward does and is what's (often) asked for... nothing hard to understand. Just a matter of wanting to see it solved or figuratively kicking down the ladder behind you.


Personally, I would not like any type of disturbance if it means it can be turned off (emphasis on "off") by some way.

I already know the rewards given in GE are mediocre but I don't want to be punished by going through views of such each week. Most of the rewards (diamonds are the exception) I don't care if I got or not as I either go through them rather quickly or they would fall in with my collections when I collect my city.

Ramirez K.

I wholeheartedly agree. This banner faze is ridiculous, it slows things down and I can't see any arguable reason to replace the former popup in GE, which at least was informative. Now one needs to click on the chest icon to know what was won. Wasn't it enough to have these stupid and annoying banners when harvesting the city?


The position is not the best, indeed, that one should me moved, and that is all.
The old popup in GE was super annoying, this is by far an improvement, GE overall is much faster now, rather than clicking each time just to close the popup that shown me the incredible amount of 10 fps I won after an encounter, I was not interested in seeing that anyway ...

It really deppends on the resolution that you have, that is why for some people the banner goes exactly on the position of attack buttons and for other do not, so placing it elsewhere or making a setting for it to activate/deactivate rewards, would be better.


It appear Inno listened. The banner appears smaller now, I see an "arrow" when I win extra turns, even the return to current fight bug looks to be fixed. I am able to get all my relics at one time. If only they had done some quality control up front. This thread would never have happened...
I personally hate the new banner. I think, the old pop-up was much more informative. But I see that there are some rare people, who like the new one. So best way would be, to make in configurable in the personal profile.