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Request to change the 6-hour reward item to 1 -hour reward item in last day


The 6 hour-item is normally a expensive item
while opening chest require 600 cups

would game developer make some special arrangement so
we can dispose most of cups

just do not want to end up with a scenario
"no diamond to buy shots
but have 570 cups
6-hour item is expensive than available 570 cups, like 1000 cups
insufficient (need 600 cups) to buy chest "

may be change to 1-hour item ..so we can find more chances to dispose most of our cups
auto transfer our remaining cups to forge point < e.g. 100 cup to 1 fp, so 570 cups = medium forge point package >


there is one week where you can spend your cups after the shooting ends

that are 28 different things you can buy
and you need more to spend your final cups :confused:


there is one week where you can spend your cups after the shooting ends

that are 28 different things you can buy
and you need more to spend your final cups :confused:

that remind me to shot all remainign shot b4 last week ( 2ne week ) , otherwise, they will vanish ??


Shot packages will be converted into (medium?) FP packages like last event at the time the event ends (not the store closing in which we will still have about a week)


Shot packages will be converted into (medium?) FP packages like last event at the time the event ends (not the store closing in which we will still have about a week)

shot package is only 5 shot,
for trick shot , it give u 50 cups only
medium ( 5 fp ) fp package need 625 cups to buy, that is to say, 1 fp = 125 cups
I believe 1 shot package ( 50 cups ) = 1 fp is not acceptable to game developer
but using 1 fp= 125 cups to convert our remianing cups ..to medium fp and small fp package is the best scenario

king leorix

Or, in the last day to have the possibility to chose one of the 24 items, the item that you want to buy.
It will be really silly to gather all those cups and at the end, you can't buy whit them what you want..and buy whit them..what you get..