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Rejected reduce manual manual fights in QI


manual fight cost time, FoE costs too much time
reduce the amount of fast/ranged combos in QI level 1-6
low, some people can fight more in QI
Abuse Prevention
reduce the amount of fast/ranged combos in QI level 1-6
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
I start with QI high combat values (250+, all cultural settlements, some other buildings). My 8 starting ballitas can easily win in the early levels against any combo save one,
the fast/ranged
against 3 fast + 2 ranged I win most of the with ballistas without a hit in manual fight, but if you use auto fight you get a hit or loose a unit
Against 4 Fast, 2 ranged or 4 fast, 3 ranged you better use other troops and you have injured troops, so you can fight only a limited number of battles
it is fine to fight a battle manually somtime, but not everytime

The fast/ranged combo has a too high percentage in the enemy selection. in some battle encounters 2/3 of the battles are fast/ranged combos
Reduce this percentage please

I am not getting money for doing manual fights, I just play here to have fun.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


I am sure that Inno had anticipated that majority of the players will go for Ballistas then Archers for their fights, so this is why they put in a lot of horses and archers in their mix.

Before auto was introduced, we had to endure manual fights to which our neighborhood fights can go upwards of an hour or two just to battle them all.

This game has become a chore now.
There was the community suggestion to add "replace units" to the QI menu, hopefully that gets introduced soon like it should have ORIGINALLY. That should make the QI faster.

But honestly people are getting thousands of fights in gbg every season, that's so many hours it could be an entire 8 hour shift. Inno's gotta realize that the value of manually fighting is close to zero in 2024. In 2010, it was an interesting aspect of the game, but it was in its infantile stage with just the continent map you had to outsmart. Now it's quantity over quality, and not very many people want to go back to manual battles.