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Feedback Quantum Incursions

how come I can't delete a cultural building which doesn't require population?
You probably used part of your gost/phantom population.

If you have more population than the correct number, then you might have more production/goods/barracks than your real population can support. In this case SOME have reported that you cannot delete anything (not even roads). The solution suggested by some is to build houses that bring your [real] available populaiton to positive.

Your total population including gost population is shown as "Demend for Euphoria" (because showing the total population like anywhere else in the game was apparently too difficult for developers).

The ghost populaiton bug fix is in today changelog, so hopefully...


like when my guild is racing against another guild to get a sector for feel-good victory.
You nailed it. The feeling we get in those rare moments has nothing to do with personal rewards. We would do them for no rewards as we know that feel good factor is a shared thing. It is what brings a guild together and makes the game fun.
If we're in a race I wish there would be no rewards at all because of those pesky Pop Ups.
And don't even get me started on racing after collecting HC... DoubleTroublePopUpPain o_O


In my option fighting and donation nodes are unbalanced.
Here are 3 times more fighting nodes than donation nods.
Donations are much easier and faster. Because of this donation nodes only have about 3 players in, but fighting nods have about 15 players.

I think increasing donations amount or/and increasing points needed to clear donation node would be better.

My guild are in level 4 now.
Here are 8 fighting nodes and 3 donation nods.
They need different amount of progress points to clear. Donation nodes need 130 points, fighting nodes need 130 or 160 points. I can't see last fighting nodes, so, don't know how much they need.
Bus if at average fighting nodes need 145 points, this level will need 8 * 145 = 1160 points. Donations nodes will need 3 * 130 = 390 points.
This is very unbalanced. It would be better if level would need same amount of fighting points and donation points So, if level needs 1160 fighting points from 8 nodes. Donation nodes should also need 1160 points from 3 nodes.

Players in my guild split into fighters and supporters. If nodes are this unbalanced this means fighters will get much more points and advancement in Quantum Pass and supporters will be at the bottom. As this should be guild level activity it should be more balanced.
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dont know if this has been mentioned before, so here it goes:

i am super disappointed with the art. what is this? 1708460316854.png
it does not look like forge, it looks like a group project at uni, where you would slap your game mechanics onto an AI generated image.

the GBG and GE maps look beautiful and the paths and even the lines between provinces make sense.
this is just.. bad :(


Spoiler Poster
should include the action points gained from housing

this would probably also fix the issue with the bar not updating correctly when the action points are given when QI is currently open


You probably used part of your gost/phantom population.

If you have more population than the correct number, then you might have more production/goods/barracks than your real population can support. In this case SOME have reported that you cannot delete anything (not even roads). The solution suggested by some is to build houses that bring your [real] available populaiton to positive.

Your total population including gost population is shown as "Demend for Euphoria" (because showing the total population like anywhere else in the game was apparently too difficult for developers).
The ghost populaiton bug fix is in today changelog, so hopefully...
Trying to sell a street


I don't think Inno could have made me more disillusioned with the game if they'd tried. QI is like watching paint dry, there's nothing exciting about it, it's slow and boring as hell, too bottlenecked by 10hr build times and the need for supplies, 4 days to go and I'm not even close to having a functional "village".
Curiously we can have more than 100k action point:
You just need to do a normal node while you action is already at 100k and get action point as a reward (more than it cost to make the action).
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anyone experienced something similar?
First season my units were ranged+artillery, it's no exaggeration to say that 90% of the fights were 3-4 cavalry against me.
Now my units are ranged+cavalry, (cavalry preferred node), 3-4 heavy everywhere and they just wipe my half team.