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Feedback Quantum Incursions update


additional problem, happened twice, deleting buildings doesn't work, tried butcher and ballista camp
solution - this one you need to reload the player, goin to map or out of qi then back in didnt work. Only reloading the player has worked for me.

important edit - Yea!!!
Had that happened to me as well. Then, at another time, my progress bar isn't going up on a node.

But the biggest one happened when I was fighting in GBg and my screen went black and then it came back (after some hang time in the black screen) with half the elements of the game missing.


additional at the start:
+70000 coins and
+127000 supplies
next seasons there may be even more...
collection bonus at the start +20/30 percent


6 Yukitomo towers (+1200 active points every hour) and three different beast mountains (+600 active points every hour) and there will be many more also obtained by free play spending 2-3 thousand diamonds that the game gives us!!! when a new event starts and I don't need the main prize, I don't shout at every step OTHERWISE bad, but play, get game currency and spend on side event rewards!! I don't shout it's impossible to win just give it to me, but I turn on my skills and ability to learn and easily get what others shout - IMPOSSIBLE!!!


This is my starting minimum!!!! combat stats and the first five days I'll be using 10 ballistas in autobattles, on the fifth I'll add another 30 and 90% in autobattles by the ninth day, on the ninth I'll add another 100 (150 for insurance) and 100% in autobattles until the settlement is complete! (free play only!!!)


I couldn't select my goods or barracks until I reloaded player, same as delete buildings.
Fix if select 3 goods buildings or 3 barracks and you don't have the option to choose, reload player and just do that first


Oops forgot to mention, when I place any building, my coins and supplies DO NOT decrease, the counter.
Workaround - I go to map and the right values show.

wow, I may need to write a book called, QI Workarounds


It's been a week since I wrote this post in the bugs and support service, and the bugs are still the same!!!! Will they ever fix this or is it forever???
This week's game has one continuous bug, getting worse every day....
1. In the settlement, it is again impossible to start production of either resource or commodity buildings sequentially. You need to close the menu and enter another building...
2. The progress of capturing a sector is not displayed, to see the progress you need to leave the sector and enter it again...
3. At any point in the game, the player's screen goes black, and the game cannot be played for 20-30 seconds, and then you need to restart,
4. It is impossible to collect the prize from the completed event task. It is still displayed as active and disappears after restarting.
5. in the message center it is not possible to change the message thread, (it is possible after rebooting)
6. problems with the timer on buildings in the quantum settlement,
7. after introducing the auto-replace button (an impractical button for many players - "AUTO-SELECT" is needed) the buttons became less sensitive to mouse clicks, you need to click on the button 2-5 times for it to click...
this is just a short list that immediately came to mind..


It's been a week since I wrote this post in the bugs and support service, and the bugs are still the same!!!! Will they ever fix this or is it forever???
This week's game has one continuous bug, getting worse every day....
1. In the settlement, it is again impossible to start production of either resource or commodity buildings sequentially. You need to close the menu and enter another building...
2. The progress of capturing a sector is not displayed, to see the progress you need to leave the sector and enter it again...
3. At any point in the game, the player's screen goes black, and the game cannot be played for 20-30 seconds, and then you need to restart,
4. It is impossible to collect the prize from the completed event task. It is still displayed as active and disappears after restarting.
5. in the message center it is not possible to change the message thread, (it is possible after rebooting)
6. problems with the timer on buildings in the quantum settlement,
7. after introducing the auto-replace button (an impractical button for many players - "AUTO-SELECT" is needed) the buttons became less sensitive to mouse clicks, you need to click on the button 2-5 times for it to click...
this is just a short list that immediately came to mind..
Hard to fix the game, established feature that has new bugs, when you are busy screwing up GE. Ah, don't worry, once we make getting Forgotten Temples hard to have in your city on a regular basis, QI will become forgotten by many that really need that 50% BR AD. It is the new way of doing things,
introduce it,
change every cycle,
don't fix bugs,
then pull the rug
Hard to fix the game, established feature that has new bugs, when you are busy screwing up GE. Ah, don't worry, once we make getting Forgotten Temples hard to have in your city on a regular basis, QI will become forgotten by many that really need that 50% BR AD. It is the new way of doing things,
introduce it,
change every cycle,
don't fix bugs,
then pull the rug
Sorry to contradict your opinion, but as a new city (not in beta, in nl1) with just 15% red QI A/D I was already able to complete my first new checkmate square level 1 (and half of the other building).
No decoration in the qi settmenet and no other bonuses from main city (only 1 Yukitomo Empire, for now)

This is what I do:
I did some fights on the first two level, maybe level 3 (normal nodes only).
I took a pause in the middle (no action point used, because I was busy with rival, but I kept developing the settlement).
I did the donation node once my qi settlment is fully developed (for me that means: 11 Villa, 5 Goat Farm and 6 Arch; 2 shard expansion the other 4 expansion with goods).

The donation at higher difficulty level give ~100 fragment of building each time we get one of the building as reward. It adds up quickly.