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Feedback Quantum Incursions update

Deleted User - 279081

It takes over a year to get the max level settlements, what exactly is reasonable here? Temp boosts?
Imo, "reasonable" is newer players not expecting to be able to participate much on the upper levels of QI. I've been playing for 4 years, why should new players be able to get the same rewards from QI as me or players like me?


Imo, "reasonable" is newer players not expecting to be able to participate much on the upper levels of QI. I've been playing for 4 years, why should new players be able to get the same rewards from QI as me or players like me?
if they put in the work to help the guild then they deserve it just like you.but the point is no one can get much done .we know our limit an the way it is right now is past what we can do ,thats the point


Much blablabla about big guilds and small gildes but the real problems are:

Who is idiot enough to still buy the golden pass when the only thing worth are the silver and golden colussus fragments. And who wants to build 10 colossus in his city when you already are short of expansions to place the eventbuildings. King, Queen etc.... are really worthless.

Another big mistake is not according bonusses for QI in these buildings, while just these buildings should receive a bonus to reward the efforts from the player in the QI.

Like i said who wants 10 colossus, kings and queens in his town. Why not 1 colossus acting like a GB where instead of fp you need an amount of fragments to level up , eventually put a limit to level 50 or so.
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Imo, "reasonable" is newer players not expecting to be able to participate much on the upper levels of QI.
Agreed on this point, mate! Level 10-12 should be for those wishing for a challenge with its own rewards to be given.
I've been playing for 4 years, why should new players be able to get the same rewards from QI as me or players like me?
Why should they be subjected to automatic difficulty leveling? A guild should be able to take on QI at their own pace. Many of us (on all sides of the fence) had suggested to make the bonus nodes for each level to be at a reduced reward (1/5 of the progress points) so it won't affect game play for those wishing to take on higher levels to be placed on the leader board. No error for abuse since we're limited to a good number of actions per day, they removed the resetting of purchase of actions as well as the cap. But for that to really happen, Inno has to revert back to giving guilds control on the progression of levels and not have the auto level at each day.

Not everyone is on at certain points of time. If a donation node is open, that guild member might be at work when it does happen. When they come home, they will see an attack node that hasn't been touched. Myself, I tend to hit the attack stuff after the first day with what I have now... at the same time, hoping everyone would do the same so the donation (and next attack node) will come up. This is only good until level 9, of course.
Like i said who wants 10 colossus, kings and queens in his town. Why not 1 colossus acting like a GB where instead of fp you need an amount of fragments to level up , eventually put a limit to level 50 or so.
That's why I don't buy the pass anymore. I got kits to make more Colossi but gonna stick with one. Inno loves throwing stuff in my inventory that will collect dust until the day I die, and then I will be dust. I highly doubt Inno will make it where it will be like a GB to be leveled.


Much blablabla about big guilds and small gildes but the real problems are:

Who is idiot enough to still buy the golden pass when the only thing worth are the silver and golden colussus fragments. And who wants to build 10 colossus in his city when you already are short of expansions to place the eventbuildings. King, Queen etc.... are really worthless.

Another big mistake is not according bonusses for QI in these buildings, while just these buildings should receive a bonus to reward the efforts from the player in the QI.

Like i said who wants 10 colossus, kings and queens in his town. Why not 1 colossus acting like a GB where instead of fp you need an amount of fragments to level up , eventually put a limit to level 50 or so.
You buy the pass for medals! To get fast the 10 expansions! Before this change, you needed like 23 years to have all 10 expansions!


Imo, "reasonable" is newer players not expecting to be able to participate much on the upper levels of QI. I've been playing for 4 years, why should new players be able to get the same rewards from QI as me or players like me?
Actually, QI was first developed as a feature not connected to our main city. It was incidentally something highlighted by players as positive at the QI introduction, welcoming a part of the game that new players can play equally with older players - that was a matter of activity.
Afterward Inno decided to shift that specific:
  • first bringing temporary boosts (lilac, fromage & co),
  • then definitive one (which could still at that time be seen as an help), with settlements and leagues,
  • and finally, a completely change with this update, which makes QI difficult without strong bonus from main city [mainly imo to better sell events to some p2w players].
Questioning that is not illogical... but I doubt Inno's changing his mind there, they want to sell some QI bonuses.
I guess they might hear us on automatic change and adapt it with a mitigation (best imo being, next level is unlocked each day but change is automatic only if you beat the boss and one level is unlocked - infinite nodes inactivated at midnight as well).


quantum settlement online (free play only)... the game has to be played and if you are just pretending or just trying then you can only complain that something is stopping the dancer...

Yes, I dropped in the Forgotten Temple this time around. Next Sunday, I will drop in the 2nd one, so it will be somewhat better for me. Last incursion, I didn't drop one in because I want to do something a little different in overlapping the FTs and keep them going so there will always be two deployed (replacing each as I get a fully built FT from GE-5) that will give me 100% in both modes along with a 40% FP increase (win-win, right?). [...]
You can keep multiple temple only as long as you have a reserve in your inventory.
GE5 will only generate one every 4 weeks which is the EXACT time one of them last.
So if you have 4 in your inventory you can keep two for 16 keeps (4 times 4 weeks).

If you want to test the same way you can kee up in live, I suggest you scale down to 1 at a time.
If you want to try something different for this championship. have fun with it (if you manage to have fun with the current version, I find it just slightly better than very boring GbG).


You can keep multiple temple only as long as you have a reserve in your inventory.
That's true, hence why I didn't put one down for the last two weeks (or incursion).
GE5 will only generate one every 4 weeks which is the EXACT time one of them last.
Also true. However, I am going to do the leap frog effect where I am going to have two down from next Sunday forward (overlapping each other) only to be replaced by a new one every two weeks. I will be getting them every 4 weeks to assemble, so I will be replacing the one that expires at that time with a fresh one. My city will still have two going about with this method.1731248872415.png
The downside is that Inno makes them 2 weeks like the tourney grounds, to which I get very little of and alot of the other stuff.



I completely agree with once a day difficulty level switching. In a large guild we were easily on Level 5 before most members could start producing troops and L7 by day 4. It was awful how many hits most members missed out on. I've had more hits this season than in the last few seasons combined.

What I am not impressed with was not reducing the requirements for L9 and L10 and instead tacking on L11 and L12 with even higher requirements.
difficulty X had 225/225 boosts to contend with which is extremely difficult. Difficulty XI has 325/325? Are you *(&@(*! kidding me? Hello devs, anyone home? You do realize the buildings you are providing as pay to win for QI in the events for $$$ have 15-30 of ONE stat, not 25/25 of red or blue, right? Do you know how many event 1% league buildings would be required to add another 100/100 to our stats?

To be able to reliably win on difficulty 11 a player should need 425/425 QI stats....if QI used the GE or GBG algorithms for defense, but between the ridiculously punishing troop combinations that ensure no simple attack troop combinations to assure victory and some obviously different algorithm for the fighting we have folks who cannot win, even in manual fight mode, with 555/430 stats. This isn't fun....this is punishment.

Please rebalance difficulties 9-12 to come down into something that is somewhat feasible for players to work in *this* year.

Additionally it is pretty ruthless to only have fighting nodes on these levels until both bosses are defeated...
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@InnoGames sorry, we were bad. Few minutes ago I have noticed how you wanted us to play QI and how to properly use the QI city. You don't need to do any change, guilds do not need to do any change, QI as it is right now is just perfect, and no, I am not joking, I am serious about this. Please, give people time and they will find what I have noticed. Thank you For this new QI version! And I apologize for all my previous bad messages about the lasts levels of QI. They are fine and can be easly be done by almost anyone. They just need to find how to properly use the QI city.


The problem with this entire update is the automatic level up system. If big guilds rushing through the levels is something to be solved, it could've done better with time slots. Swapping the last node for a boss node. When the next level hasn't been released yet it could function as an infinite node. Similar to how it's now. When the next level is released and the minimal advancements are made, the guild advances automatically. Keeping the time slots the same would work.
This way big guilds can't move up extremely fast. To the point of internal competition. Since levels can be released over time. It's still worthwhile however for strong QI guilds to move fast. Cause they can benefit from easy infinite nodes early on. Weaker guilds won't be locked out of QI after a the 1st week of QI.
To counter farming don't have dead-end nodes. Offer crossways but when one way is selected over the other, the other gets removed for the guild.


It is definitely bad that not everyone can contribute in the guild. What was so good with QI at the start was that active players could fight and inactive players could donate. To win the most both were needed. Now it's just fighting. That's how you lose players, because they don't start donating as a first step to fighting. I say this as an active player that fights all the way. QI really need to be the inclusive team effort. Not 3 days of top players having to fight without a large part of the guild.

I am not against 1 day per level, but there needs to be more donate nodes earlier in the later levels. Even if we unlock the farming node it is going to be late, so only those that log in late in the day (but not after midnight) get to donate. That is bad.


Agreed on this point, mate! Level 10-12 should be for those wishing for a challenge with its own rewards to be given.
It's a guild activity. It is a lot more fun if everyone in the guild can contribute in some fashion. Inactive or new players don't have to get as many rewards, but they should be able to participate. Donating was never as effective as fighting, but it brought everyone together. It made the donors feel needed. It made us active players push them to participate. Teamwork and team play is important to keep the game alive. We don't want dead servers and dead guilds. Who are the whales going to play with and compete against? You can't just have the top players playing the game. It's going to get boring for them too, then inno-games will lose money.


I hope you are only trolling. I simply can't see how players without big bonus can keep up.
This was my problem all together with the QI. If you spend resources to donate (goods, supply/coins or troops) you hamper the development of your city. Same goes if you invest in red or blue boost.
If you can't invest supply/coins in developing your settlement, you are not able produce enough goods to buy space, troops to help fighting or even to donate.
Even specializing is hard, because you need to be online when your nodes come up.
The 1 second production times are nice, but that you have to wait 1 hour for troops, goods and worst, decorations, to get built is really bad.
Today on live was the morning of the last day -> aka level 12
I had to wait for the last production of the settlement to build up the last set of decorations. As they was finished (1 hour later), the blue node I was trying to help with, was already gone and the red one was completely out of reach for me, having specialised in blue. So almost 70k QA got waisted. I stand with my believe that this is bad design.
Instead of alternating the nodes, why not making competing lines (donations, red combat, blue combat) that bring to a specific boss, and from there to the farm nodes? This way a guild could specialize to conquer a level. There should be a bonus for every boss defeated, so there is a good incentive to do all 3 lines. This way anyone would have a target for his actions all the time, there would even be inner-guild competition to see which line gets finished faster or at all. The farmnode behind the boss should clearly be from the same type as the boss (donation, red combat, blue combat)
What is the difference between level 11 and 12?
They have the same bonuses (in announcement), same map, same reward and same enemy composition (in advanced nodes at least). So where is the difference?


Its the fact, that even in level 11 we (as guild) got stuck in a red node. So I saved my troops but there is 1 enemy composition, where I get defeated even in manual too often, so I thought it would be better to build up more boosts, but had no supply/coins left.


comments from my live guilds members
"In my opinion Inno has taken QI and made it impossible for the average player. Congratulations to Inno for ruining yet another aspect of the game. Pitiful"

"At the moment QI has gotten too hard in the later stages. Very disappointing. The early stages have more donation spots making it a bit easier."


comments from my live guilds members
"In my opinion Inno has taken QI and made it impossible for the average player. Congratulations to Inno for ruining yet another aspect of the game. Pitiful"

"At the moment QI has gotten too hard in the later stages. Very disappointing. The early stages have more donation spots making it a bit easier."
I repeate again my previous messages. Please @InnoGames , forgive them, they Have not noticed yet how to properly use QI city to have tons of attack power to participate in the last 2 levels, even without having any event building in their main city to earn more attack power.