Thunder's Take on THIS UPDATE, Pt. 2
The weekend is over for me. With level 5 in difficulty released, my QI city is only producing 131,500 coin and supplies every ten hours as of this time. This is from 5 Cottages, 1 Villa, 3 tailor, 1 butcher (place holder), and 1 goat farm. It also has two Triumph Arches for Euphoria equalization. Outside in my main city, I have 1 Forgotten Temple, 1 Orchard of Orange Dreams, 3 Mystic Manors, and 8 Lilac Garden IIs (time limited of 10 days).
I am currently using the 8 ballista that was given to me. In hitting the blue nodes (regular), my units are glass (145% Attack/55% Defense for Defensive) towards completing anything that has a 40% stat increase on the enemy army (last known was level 4). In hitting the red nodes, I would have them well rounded (at 215% Attack/215% Defense for Attacking) and managed to take on the first node (red attack node).
As I did not have a barracks constructed due to costs of getting higher buildings and balancing for 150% production, I had to spend diamonds to heal my units (with the exception of the last fight for the actions) so I can fight and wait until actions regenerate and my units healed to continue. I will not add any red/blue values as I will focus on my treasury and troop manufacture from this point until reaching level 7; to which I will stop engaging further.
Had I not possess the buildings in my inventory, I would only have the Forgotten Temple, Orchard of Orange Dreams, and 1 Mystic Manor. Good enough to take on the first two levels without losing units. Since I do go for aqueducts, I won't be able to keep up since I have to build up my city in these 5 days to make good use on constructing such.
So, 130k each 10, would be 260k a day. Enough for 2 aqueducts and training 10 units. But, don't forget we have to balance Euphoria in order to have our production at 150%; so we will have to use 100k each to build an Arch that gives out 675 Euphoria after it's finished in 10 hours.
And speaking of Euphoria, who's the math genius in that development team? When you drop a house, 50 population translates to -50 Euphoria (per se). So, where do we get that double the amount of population is reduced from Euphoria? I drop a house, and it takes away 100 Euphoria. I drop a cottage, it takes 200. And I drop a villa, it takes out 300 (or more). Nowhere in any description does it say that we would be penalized for double the amount.
Enough of that for now, let's get back on how to keep up with the Mad Hatter Tea Party/Speed Dating kind of setup you folks had let run amok in our beloved game.
Majority are not welcoming this change whatsoever. While some of us were "forced" in dropping in buildings that we don't want to just to keep up, the rest of us have placed our foot down. Only ones that will benefit this will be the spenders who managed to get duplicates of past event buildings and managed to spend to get the silver and gold updates for them. Whilst I don't have a problem with those that spend, as I was one of those (yes, I said "was" as in I no longer spend after being ripped off in the last event with some of the most inane of changes), you shouldn't tailor your product to such. It should be for everyone, including those who might start on a new server just released on live and couldn't be able to do this feature until a year later (yes, I kind of gauge that for it might take a while to get the necessary QI boost buildings since you want to go and give a little amount for a VERY BIG FOOTPRINT -- Yes I am laughing at the 5x5 building that only gives 15% for red; at least the next size has it at 30% blue for a 6x5).
Then you have the same bloody map layout with each Mad Hatter Tea Party change. In the old QI, at least there was a variety (a donation node to start off, a blue node the next, a red node for the next, each randomly made). You took out the actions path of decision that folks who couldn't fight can donate their actions to help the guild out. This has no real strategy. You just hit the same pathways and hope others will join to open up the others. Myself, I had donated all my goods (don't really need them), units I couldn't use (keeping the archers and ballistas), looking for red nodes mostly because of the higher value I have on my units whilst taking in the blue nodes as backup.
I won't be having the enjoyment to seeing a map completed because you (Inno) have taken that away from me with this method.
Not only that, but the action points for trying costs too much. For a 100k bank, I would have only 28 tries (after spending 500 to move). Then it comes the 5k regenerative cycle each hour. I'd have to wait 10 hours if I wanted to try again with around 50k bank. It's a good thing I didn't think about planting the 8 Escutcheon Estates as having 400 per hour is not going to do me justice for 168 squares in my city. You had other things that were appealing to me (QI bonus basis) before you took all that away; same with the Pigsties and Carriages.
I don't know what the Lilacs will hold for me once (and if) the 10 day cycle ends for them. I don't even know if I can put them back in the box once opened and what paradoxes can happen at that point. I really don't give a toss; as long as it doesn't do something stupid like locking my account as I heard about what some time limited items had done after they were expired.
If you want us to keep up with the Mad Hatter Tea Party/Speed Dating setup, you might as well not clear our QI cities until the championship is fully over. Or just revert back to the old QI as we were okay with it before this travesty. Unless, of course, you're proving that you're a company that does one step forward, three steps back.
And, don't give me that "this is a business" kind of jive as I know what a business is and how they can keep customers/players and how they could not. And apparently, what you are doing is the latter with these half-baked plans.