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New Issue: QI - menu function swap, stuck, then crash


Follow the steps:
Browser or App
Browser or App version and version number
Firefox 115.7.0esr (64 bit)
Recreation steps
0. - go quantum map -> settlement -> quantum map (to load faster next time)
1. - go to the settlement from the quantum map and immediately click (maybe many times to catch it) where the construction button will be
result: building menu opened without submenu and buildings, and you can't move any buildings

2. - close the menu (you cant with the X, use the menu button)
result: now you can move the buildings and see the expansions

If the menu is closed when you go to quantum map everything is fine and the building menu is resetted.

3. - now repeat it, but dont close the building menu!
4. - go to quantum map while the building menu is open
result: building menu stuck on screen (no ranking menu button)
web console: cors request blocked (im not sure I should post this)
instead of settlement menu button we have quantum map button (but we are already there)

5. - press the quantum map button
result: switching to settlement but staying in endless loading screen
Actual Behavior
Expected Behavior
I can repeat it anytime. be slow and it won't occur
Can this be reproduced?