• Dear forum reader,
    To actively participate in our forum discussions or to start your own threads, in addition to your game account you need a forum account. You can
    Please ensure a translation in to English is provided if your post is not in English and to respect your fellow players when posting.

Project1 better will be 200 top guild worst is 1200 bad guilds

In this project will all guld mixed all mustu have limit (80 later can be 100, 150 or 200)
in names will all guilds have languige (cz, en, it) and number and theey can have their name
this help everyone and more guilds will be in diamond leguage and they will fight full day and full night legendary big boss say: ''we fight because we are needed''


3) Language
This Forge of Empires server is an English game. The use of other languages in the game is forbidden. This means all communication and all publications must be in English.
In Guild forums, private communications, and player profiles a short phrase in another language is permitted, provided that this is translated to English either directly following or preceding it.
Support tickets must also be created in understandable English, otherwise we cannot reply.
It is allowed to use other languages to the extent of proper names and short, universally known maxims.
Frist spep is full all guilds and delete some guilds with from 1 to 20 members and add to name of guild language (ČESKOSLOVENSKO cz, White rabbit...)


Now this is where Big Guild is overstepping onto Little Guild comes into light.

First, raising the max capacity will invite more problems than what it is worth:
• Not enough fights in GBg because they will take the entire map. Then another guild takes their sectors. Then those same people (who managed to manage their attrition levels) will get in those fights thus leaving everyone else out a fight or two and may have problems trying to get their minimum done.
• For those of us that rely on getting gold trophies in GE (now Neo-GE), having more means more to be expected to get those high percentages and/or pushing folks to complete 80.
• For QI, it's good to reaching the bonus nodes (if Inno caps it at the max allowed) before a level is changed automatically (at reset), but will be a traffic jam if majority can't be able to complete level 8 or 9 in fighting to rely upon the donation nodes (first come first serve).

Second, while I am trying to figure your language request:
• The game is written in English.
• Majority of the people speak English or try with the aid of a translator.

Either of these will warrant a no from me as we are not slaves to a game. Still, I have no qualms about big guilds as they know what they want and will accomplish that without a need for this; and I wish them well in those endeavors. In fact, many players would like to see the guild cap to be reduced as it will bring forth more competition. To each their own.

I appreciate my little guild for the following reasons:
• It is composed of co-workers I met when I was a traveler and showed them a game to pass the time.
• We get a lot of GBg fights; even though we take the map mostly; but I know that will probably end soon enough; so, we still will have fights once we get into Platinum and Diamond.
• We do our activity on our own time. When we do coordinated things, we communicate via WhatsApp, at a time we know we will be in. Yes, we all have a life to include our work that we managed.
• GE percentage is divided by 5 (the number of members we are) so we know how much we're worth when doing towards 80. All of us tend to finish what we started.
• No drama llama for your mama. We BS sometimes, but we act civil with each other.
Ever since you first brought this idea up on another post I've been confused. Now that you've given it a dedicated thread, I'm even more confused. Do you mean for this to be a suggestion to the company to change the game? (Wrong thread then). Are you running a poll to see if it would be a popular choice to make a suggestion later? (No poll available). Or are you just putting together a "what if?" discussion thread? (I'm going to go with the latter with my thoughts/concerns for the sake of brevity and my own sanity). A few thoughts:
  • I doubt you'd get even 10% of the player base to agree to such a proposal. In fact, I highly doubt you'd even get 1% to agree. What company out there would make such a drastic change for only 1% of it's client base? Or 10%? Those are some pretty small numbers.
  • I am also very confused about what you mean by "in names will all guilds have languige (cz, en, it) and number and theey can have their name." Are you suggesting that Inno combines all servers, regardless of language? :oops: What possible purpose could that serve? (I mean there are no rules against playing on other language-based servers than your own language but you're supposed to use the language of that server).
I have to stop there because I'm so stymied by the language barrier that I honestly don't know what else to add except the last part about "this help everyone and more guilds will be in diamond leguage and they will fight full day and full night." :oops::oops: Since battlegrounds' inception, everything, and I mean everything possible has been done to downsize Diamond League and you seem to be proposing to increase it's numbers. WHY? It's supposed to be an elite league with players who've honed their skills and their boosts to make them top-notch (or at least give them all the tools to do so), so all that's left is for them to land themselves into a top-notch guild for a good match.

If I understand your project, you want everyone to be shoved into the same pool, shallow and deep end, whether they can swim or not, and just "go for it." Why not just reverse all of the prize tiers and give Championship Tower Fragments to the people in the Iron Age after they've researched Military Tactics? Why not let them earn RtV and IGs while we're at it?

This isn't Utopia; it's a game meant to challenge players to improve their means and work towards a laudable and measurable goal. If "this" is what you want to do, then my back would be one of the first ones you'd see walking out the proverbial door because I did not just spend 7 years of my life so I could play around in the kiddie pool unless I just want to hang around with my grandkids. Otherwise, make way, I'm on way to the high-dive and gonna make a HUGE splash! :cool:
My answers

languages on beta playing player around world and they speak different languages I speak czech UBERnerd speak english but player x can speak spanish, player y can speak deutsh player z can speak brazilain player a can speak mars languages I can write about languages a song
My idea project this project can connect all czech guilds, all english guilds and make parts world this project I'll post on iternational en server forum but I have to register on this I'll make czech beta player discord and I'll join on different language beta player discord because I play on 5 servers beta, czech, international, deutch and japan


Leave Discord in Discord. It's difficult as it is that not only I had to join into ONE server that I have to put sub-labels onto me.
My answers

languages on beta playing player around world and they speak different languages I speak czech UBERnerd speak english but player x can speak spanish, player y can speak deutsh player z can speak brazilain player a can speak mars languages I can write about languages a song
My idea project this project can connect all czech guilds, all english guilds and make parts world this project I'll post on iternational en server forum but I have to register on this I'll make czech beta player discord and I'll join on different language beta player discord because I play on 5 servers beta, czech, international, deutch and japan
Okay, it makes more sense now but one thing you're not going to be able to get around is that the FoE Forums have language-specific rules. You should familiarize yourself with them before venturing on what seems to be an arduous task for an undefined purpose. (There are already lots of groups through 3rd party sites where players from across the world meet and greet, sharing ideas, and so forth. Unless your idea has something new or different to offer, why reinvent the wheel?) There are probably many domains and sites out there besides Fandom that are somewhat ready-made for the new(er) user to build their platform, including Discord, if I'm not mistaken. If you can find an audience willing to participate, all the better.

I think what is making things more confusing to those who've been trying to keep up with your suggestions/notes/comments here is that you seem to be trying to turn the Inno Forum into something that caters to your will rather than follow their rules. Likewise, you seem to want to change fundamental game mechanics like the guild size. These aren't the types of things that are going to change easily, if at all through the developer, in my honest opinion.

My suggestion/recommendation to you is that you divorce yourself completely from any legitimate Inno Games/Forge of Empires official platform is your plan is to either create a new game or a new forum without some kind of permission from them so you know exactly what you are allowed to and not allowed to do.

(Please don't misunderstand my comments: I wish you the best of luck but speaking just for myself I would be reluctant to team up with someone who's using this platform to solicit users for a stand-alone or 3rd party extension for a game I'd rather not risk losing).


I know rulers but I donk know why you write text long as book.
Some of us like to be to the point, concise, and fully detailed when we make our statements.

Now, as to someone that had told me that (even this was directed to another) in the past, humorously, I replied:
Not my problem if you can't read beyond elementary

I never had a problem in reading long lines of text. It shows that the person took the time to prepare his or her statement, took the time to make the necessary changes as needed, and took the time to fully explain their points to lessen the possibility of asking questions that the answer might have presented itself but wasn't concise enough to be understood.

I am not perfect, either. As I have said in another post, I might be acronym stupid as I don't know much about the jargon that is used in relation to the game. Every one of us has our own subtle definition/abbreviation on certain things in the game; and sometimes I have to re-read (hence the strike out in my edit) to somewhat get what the other person was trying to say. Although, I have been wrong as well and I do own up to it. But, we are all learning as we go along, and that's the best part.

But for you, mate, if what you're suggesting to completely change all so you be accommodated whilst every one else has difficulty then I am sorry to say that it will not fare well.
I know rulers but I donk know why you write text long as book.
I don't know if you were responding to me or to @Thunderdome but I can tell you that I agree with him when he states
Some of us like to be to the point, concise, and fully detailed when we make our statements.
and I also agree that
It [generally] shows that the person took the time to prepare his or her statement, took the time to make the necessary changes as needed, and took the time to fully explain their points to lessen the possibility of asking questions that the answer might have presented itself but wasn't concise enough to be understood.
I'd like to add that I took the time to answser you with seriousness, courtesy, and no small amount of patience. Yet you chose to insult me by writing the following:
I know rulers but I donk know why you write text long as book.
I tried to take into consideration that you're reading and writing in a language you've already admitted is not your first language. Furthurmore, I tried to be nice even though I was already more than halfway convinced that you are just bored and want people to pay attention to you.

My backstory may seem irrelevant to some but in this case, I think it's really quite pertinent. My mother was French and never quite shook her heavy, French accent her whole life. She was a WWII orphan and had very little formal education outside of classes taught in a small orphanage in the countryside of France for a few years when she was still a fairly young girl. She met my first-generation American father (military) who also came from a spotty formal education and they really helped each other. She learned to read in English by reading comic books and her spelling was always phonetic. One of their favorite pastimes was to play Scrabble! They never seemed to be bored by trying to outdo one another on their command of the language and it's plethora of rules and exceptions to those rules. My father's education may have been in America but like a lot of first-generation Americans, he lived in a 3-generation household (with 4 languages) with grandparents who never learned to speak English and parents who also had heavy accents. Yet somehow all of these people managed to teach two little girls - me and my sister - not only how to speak, read, and write in English, but we both went on to finish high school, college, and do post-bacclaureate work.

Despite so many stereotypes of things that non-native English speakers find challenging, idioms and idiomatic expressions not being the least of them, they were not something our family has as much trouble with and I'm not sure why except that we all loved words, word games, riddles, and anything to do with language and how interesting it was and could be.

What I'm saying is that I was raised to believe you and you make a mockery of it by pretending to misunderstand my (our) meanings and reply to our sincere and very factual answers with sarcasm. I think you understand idioms very well so here's one for you: I wash my hands of you. That one's practically International.