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Spoiler Path of Innovation / Innovation Pass


Spoiler Poster
Update 05.02.2023: Finally updated this post with all updated assets, info texts, etc :)

Based on all the information we have so far, there seems to be a new Innovation "event", that I think will be called "Path of Innovation". One of the info texts suggest the event pass is called "Path of Innovation", but based on everything else I think it's more likely that the "event" is called "Path of Innovation", with a secondary/premium event pass ("Innovation Pass"). You probably noticed I used quotation marks around "event", and that's because this doesn't seem like a normal event, it seems to be a new personal questline, possibly similar to the old historical events. You complete some random quest, with a reward after each one, and one big reward once you complete all. The event pass seems to be a second reward after each quest. Based on some of the code we have for the "event", it might be triggered as a part of the tutorial. Below are all the assets / information we have so far :)

Questgiver "Berta" (two versions):


(placeholder :p)





Event pass background (in shop)Background to buy event packages

POI|Get this second set of prizes along side the quest rewards while progressing through the quests. A big reward bundle awaits you at the end when unlocking the second set.
POI|Next Prizes
POI|Path of Innovation
POI|Path of Innovation Prizes
POI|Path of Innovation Rewards
POI|Progress in the Innovation quests to gain these rewards!
POI|Purchase the Path of Innovation to claim these additional rewards!
POI|Quest Prizes
POI|See Prizes
POI|You just claimed the following rewards:

Here is the code excerpt that makes me believe this event is personal and related to the tutorial, you can see more in my post below.

nWa.__name__ = "de.innogames.strategycity.shared.tutorial.triggers.WaitForInnovationDataTrigger";
nWa.__interfaces__ = [Pe];
nWa.prototype = {
this._injector.getInstance(lW).hasContext("path_of_innovation") ...

As you can see, we have a function called "...tutorial.triggers.WaitForInnovationDataTrigger", which includes "...path_of_innovation..." in the function. This makes me believe you trigger the "event" based on your tutorial, perhaps after you have completed the full tutorial?

Another reason this is probably not a regular event is that none of the assets have "seasonalevents" in their path, which all regular events do.

Seems like we have some sort of new "Innovation Pass". It follows the same pattern as event passes, except for the path of the assets being "/shared/gui/innovation_pass/...", instead of "/shared/seasonalevents/[event]/pass/...". So perhaps this is a new event, or perhaps it's something completely different? It does have a quest banner, which is usually separated for normal events, so perhaps a brand new feature? It does have a "grand" prize, so it could perhaps be a brand new event ... who knows o_O

All have been included elsewhere :)
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I hope I'm wrong but I'm getting big battlepass vibes. I don't think it's an extra event, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a list of quests and stuff you could do for rewards, and then pay diamonds for extra prizes.

Could repeat monthly.

Deleted User - 241425

Perhaps in connection with the "challenges of guilds"?


Spoiler Poster
Seems like this will be for the castle system:

PathOfInnovationEventPass: (J = function(a) {
        __enum__: "de.innogames.strategycity.castlesystem.view.CastleSystemCastlePointsGainBannerType",
case 6:
    this._addPathOfInnovationComponent(b, a.castleSystemAssets)
h["de.innogames.strategycity.castlesystem.view.CastleSystemCastlePointsGainBanner"] = wI;
wI.__name__ = "de.innogames.strategycity.castlesystem.view.CastleSystemCastlePointsGainBanner";
wI.__super__ = D;
wI.prototype = k(D.prototype, {
    _addPathOfInnovationComponent: function(a, b) {

This one is interesting ... $50? Probably just a placeholder atm, so might not mean much

_getUnlockPrice: function(a) {
    return "path_of_innovation" == this._event.context ? "50$" : null

Update 16/01: This function has now been updated:

_getUnlockPrice: function(a) {
     return null != a ? this._cashShopProductPricesModel.getPriceBySlot(a.priceSlot) : null

There's also this later down in the code, which suggests it might just be the event pass price, though I don't see any other events doing this for the event pass, so not quite sure...

_setQuestItemRewardData: function() {
    var a = this._grandPrizesModel.getGrandPrizes("path_of_innovation");
    c = this._grandPrizesModel.hasUnlockedContext("path_of_innovation")
    unlocked: "event_pass" == a.type ? c : !0

Actually looking at the code, that bit of code on grand prizes and event pass is in a function called "_setQuestItemRewardData" ... could this perhaps be similar to those old historical events? You get "grand prizes" directly from quests instead of currency, with an additional reward as well if you have the event pass? And as I mention in this post, this could then perhaps be triggered at some stage as part of the tutorial? I'll copy the relevant code here as well:

nWa.__name__ = "de.innogames.strategycity.shared.tutorial.triggers.WaitForInnovationDataTrigger";
nWa.__interfaces__ = [Pe];
nWa.prototype = {
this._injector.getInstance(lW).hasContext("path_of_innovation") ...
Last edited:


There are some other stuff on quests, grand prizes, etc. With the assets we have as well, this looks like some sort of event unlocked with real money through the castle system...
I'm really hoping it isn't. I think there would still be a free tier, as it seems like there's normal "grand" chests and also "premium" chests, so hopefully it's not yet another paid feature being added.


Spoiler Poster
Related to the tutorial? Perhaps it's an event everybody gets when they reach a certain trigger after starting a world? Wonder how that would work with already established worlds...

nWa.__name__ = "de.innogames.strategycity.shared.tutorial.triggers.WaitForInnovationDataTrigger";
nWa.__interfaces__ = [Pe];
nWa.prototype = {
this._injector.getInstance(lW).hasContext("path_of_innovation") ...


Spoiler Poster
A few info texts today, seems to confirm the pass is related to quests, my bet would be along side the quests you get in/after the tutorial.

POI|Get this second set of prizes along side the quest rewards while progressing through the quests. A big reward bundle awaits you at the end when unlocking the second set.
POI|Progress in the Innovation quests to gain these rewards!
POI|Quest Prizes
Many games give Rewards when you hit a certain level, just like The West - Another InnoGames Game. In The West, yu get a Bag with goodis that you can open when you hit Level 5,10,15,20, etc. - could imagine that it ist something like that, a Chest that can be opened when you hit a certain Age, maybe with the same Breakpoints as the 'Invite Friends' feature - would be IA, EMA, LMA, PE & CE. Maybe with another breakpoint in ME, when refined goods become a thing

Deleted User - 57457

Many games give Rewards when you hit a certain level, just like The West - Another InnoGames Game. In The West, yu get a Bag with goodis that you can open when you hit Level 5,10,15,20, etc. - could imagine that it ist something like that, a Chest that can be opened when you hit a certain Age, maybe with the same Breakpoints as the 'Invite Friends' feature - would be IA, EMA, LMA, PE & CE. Maybe with another breakpoint in ME, when refined goods become a thing
When you're entering a new age, you're already get some free stuff as an reward for reaching the next age.


I personally hope that the innovation questline will have some challenging/devilish quests that need weeks to complete - like "finish 1000 5 min productions" or "spend 50 k tavern Silver", "collect coins (SAJM)"

As the Innovation pass seems to be connected to the castle, maybe the quests/pass reward castle points?
Probably not for the innovation pass, but snowballing on that it would be interesting to see weekly quests. Really hard, big quests.