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Daily Release Notes Ongoing Changelog w/c 25th April


Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.


  • 'Difficulties' have been introduced to Guild Expeditions. Everyone can now complete 3 GE maps, where both the challenge and the rewards increase with each map. In order to be able to move on to next Difficulty you need to meet two conditions:
    - Complete your current expedition map;
    - Have your guild founders/leaders unlock the next difficulty.
To do so the founders/leaders will need to pay a certain amount of goods (the amount is based on the number of players in the guild, and the era of those players). The goods are paid from the guild treasury so everyone can donate goods there to help achieve this goal. Though only a guild's founder or leader will be able to view and click an 'Unlock' button in the window where the goods cost are displayed.


By clicking the star icon in the top right on the GE map, you will get a window like the one in the image above. It shows your progress with the Difficulties, and the option to donate goods (non-founder/non-leader members) or the option to donate goods & unlock Difficulties (founder/leader members).


The donate/unlock window will look similar to the one above. At the top you have the option to donate goods from your city to your guild's treasury. The listed goods are required for this Difficulty. You will see there are two numbers - the one on the left is the amount currently available in the guild treasury, while the one on the right is the amount required to unlock this Difficulty.

As already mentioned, the goods cost is based on the number of players and their age. Basically, for each player & age there is a certain cost, and the guild will have to pay the cumulative cost for all members.

The 'Unlock' button will only be visible and clickable (once the required goods are in the guild treasury) to guild founders and leaders.

  • Fixed an issue where the 'Solve Encounter' window was cut off at the edge of the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the daily recalculation of ranking points was wrongly removing ranking points on Beta. The removed ranking points are not lost & will be reinstated with the next daily recalculation now that the fix has been added.


No front end changes.

All active accounts were credited with 500 diamonds today.
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  • Fixed an issue where your total goods amount in the 'Your Offer' field in the Market was not updating as you created offers.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Solve Encounter' window in Guild Expeditions would not close if you opened another window (for example when clicking on the guild's progress bar, or the difficulties icon).


No front end changes.
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