I'm in agreement with my fellow players. Histrionics aside, why did you dust off a blah-blah prized Rival like this, especially with all that marketing fanfare!
It ultimately delivers a prize that I have already in inventory, can earn fragments of without fanfare each week, and I'm already "patterned" each week to continue this in GE.
Each month, I'm ready
now to drop in 1 clean, fresh, new FT and raze the old grey relic in my city from the last one.
Case in point - my first quest! Spend 200 Lumber for 2 GE encounters. Seriously? That's 1 era behind me. I don't make those resources for that purpose!! I'm frugal - and NOT GOING TO WASTE game-valuable resources that would take me a LONG time to replace.
So guess what - I'd rather buy 2 GE encounters with medals if I need them, vs 200 lumber - a much rarer resource.
Don't make going for my jugular that obvious, please.
I then looked at the questline milestones and said - why am I even bothering with this? I already have that prize and this is - once again - an exchange of my rare inventory items for something I don't need, and don't have to have.
I stopped and resolved that once again - Rival is dead on arrival, as
@SirAlucard did.
Maybe this Rival is to entice people to "consider" keeping or getting 2 FT's to run in parallel for a month strategy, or help people play towards that goal.
Rival at this level can't be compelling to younger players, nor enticing to veteran players without a prize they (I) want to drool for, and then rearrange my gametime and resource investment to get.
We can't know your visible adoption rate for this, so we judge by comments here, and privately using other platforms that players communicate with.
Honestly Inno, you'd be much better off, if Rival's adoption rate with players is decaying, to review why you created it to run independent of an event, with such a weak prize offering.
What might excite people more is something they can immediately earn to KICK (Boost) the FT they already all have - for some time duration (for example: a FT boosting kit) that would add 50% more FP boost (so go from 20% to 30%) and also kick up the warrior boosts - for say - 2 weeks.
Taking that approach, a special kit that we can't get anywhere else, would have more people stop yawning and tuning OUT..., and possibly get a small fire to "take a look" and start playing Rival in "off weeks".