I'd like to start a revised discussion regarding a beginners guide. To give new players a power start in the current game's meta (post space hub release). With the assumption of no significant changes to GB's currently present in Beta.
Starter phase
First of all welcome to Forge of Empires or FoE for sort. This game is mainly a city builder with a strong emphasis on fighting. There are a multitude of features, alongside a vast number of event buildings. All of this combined can be overwhelming at first. Making the decision to which buildings to prioritise to build harder. This guide is aimed to provide guidance to setup a strong basis but will also delve deeper into the different main features and recommendations regarding specialisation for those features.
There are mainly 3 different categories of buildings;
Regular buildings, these can be constructed with the basic resources coins and supplies. They're unlocked through the tech tree.
Event/special buildings; these can be obtained through events and completing some objectives in some features of the game. Later in the guide I'll give a list of the most important special/event buildings, what they do and how to get them.
Great Buildings; great buildings are very special buildings. To build them you need to obtain 9 different blueprints of the great building you want to build and some goods. Once build they start with level 0 and do nothing yet. To improve there level you must invest the resource Forge Points, or more commonly referred to as FP's. Most Great Building comes from a specific age. The higher the age, the more FP's are needed to increase its level. Great buildings are typically referred to as GB's on English servers. As this guide is written in English I'll refer to them as GB's.
Great Buildings - starter phase
For making a strong start, it's the best to follow first the (tutorial) missions. These will give you resources and additional information along your way. My recommendation is to collect blue prints, often referred to as BP's, from the GB statue of Zeus (Bronze age) and the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Iron Age). The statue of Zeus is more commonly called Zeus for sort. While the Lighthouse of Alexandria is more commonly shortened to: LoA. Zeus provides you an army boost for your units while attacking. At level 10 Zeus gives 30%. This means Zeus increases both the attacking power and defence of your units by 30% when attacking. For the small size of this GB this is still very good and is regarded as the most important buff of the game. The LoA offers a daily buff for your supply production of the 1st X productions. The height of this buff depends on its level. Besides that the GB provides random goods of your age (up to progressive era, from modern era onwards it gives 2x more goods but goods of 4 ages below your current age).
You can obtain BP's from both GB's through aiding buildings of other players. In the beginning mainly neighbours and players you've added to your friends list. Later on guild members once you've joined a guild. BP's can be given randomly while aiding other player's buildings of the age of the building you've aided. Another way of obtaining BP's is by investing FP's in GB's of other players. Once the GB goes a level up, you can receive BP's of that specific GB. Since particularly at the start supplies are a big bottleneck alongside goods, I recommend building the LoA first and Zeus afterwards. For both GB's I don't recommend levelling them past level 10. Levelling an GB above level 10 requires 9 BP's of each of the specific GB, for each level.
Regular buildings - starter phase
I recommend building the Bronze Age production buildings: black smiths. For events you often need to complete many productions in a production building. The blacksmith is the smallest (2x2) regular production building in the game. I also recommend for this reason to stay in the Iron Age. As some event missions require to complete productions from a production building of your own age or the previous age. While staying in the Iron Age, this means you can still use the black smiths. Once you've left the Iron Age you'll lose this advantage. Don't worry there's a way to still use small production buildings for events and it's a bit better than blacksmiths.
Besides the usage of blacksmiths. I recommend for now to use cultural buildings to increase your city's happiness. Keeping it at enthusiastic it'll boost your supply and coins production by 20%. For units I recommend archers. As their military building is very small (2x2). In this stage they're simple the very best.
Next this basics I recommend to build 2 goods buildings. These are needed to complete event missions asking to collect goods. On the campaign map you can obtain a boost on goods productions. I recommend conquering this province but not advancing further yet. If you conquer the campaign map too fast, you can get stuck. It's better to leave the campaign map after this point for when you got the statue of Zeus to level 10 and some event buildings.
Events - starter phase
I assume you've setup your city with blacksmiths. Alongside a few goods buildings. During events you can obtain powerful event buildings. I recommend to look for daily specials like epic selection kits. This are items that can be used to build and upgrade a building of your choice from the offered selection. The epic selection kit is typically depending on the current event. I recommend particularly the epic selection kits from: winter events and autumn.
I will now explain which event buildings that are the best to start with. From which events they are and in which event's selection kits you can obtain them:
Autumn vineyards (fall event)
Autumn vineyards are large event buildings but for the beginning the most valuable. They have 9 "regular levels." So, you want to collect 9 autumn selection kits, the autumn vineyards selection kits (an item that offers the option to build a level 1 autumn vineyard or upgrade an autumn vineyard in your city, if present), or 8 autumn vineyard upgrades. Once you've obtained an autumn epic selection kit, you can find it in your inventory. This can be found in the browser version of the game in the left corner. When you see the item, just click on the hammer. Than it presents you with all the options available to choose from. If you don't have an autumn vineyard yet, select it. Than the game returns you to your city and you can build it. Once build you can return to your inventory. If you have more epic autumn selection kits, click once more on the hammer on the selection kit and than choose the upgrade for the autumn vineyard. You can now click on the autumn vineyard in your city to upgrade it. If you have 9 epic selection kits or besides 1 epic selection to place the autumn vineyard and 8 upgrades for the autumn vineyard, you can upgrade it to level 9. At level 9 it will produce daily fragments for an special upgrade for itself: a silver upgrade. Once you have sufficient fragments of this upgrade. You can assemble it from your inventory, in the tab "fragments." Once assembled you can find the silver upgrade in your inventory and you can upgrade your lvl9 autumn vineyard. Once upgraded it produces fragments for a golden upgrade for itself. Once you've obtained sufficient fragments of the golden upgrade you can once more assemble it from your inventory and upgrade your autumn vineyard once more.
The autumn vineyard produces fragments. Sometimes from the mushroom throne and sometimes from the aurora apple tree. You want then mushroom throne. As this 1x1 building produces fragments for jumpin pumpkins. A small 2x2 production building. However beware it costs a lot of population and happiness. However this is worth it as you can continually upgrade it to your age. With the use of a 1-up kit or a renovation kit. Both items are obtainable through events. The 1-up brings the age of an event building of choice by 1, the renovation kit automatically to your age. Even if the event building is many ages below your current age.
To summarise the autumn vineyard at lvl9 produces fragments for further special upgrades for itself. Next to that a building that produces fragments for the jumpin pumpkin. Which is extremely valuable as it's the smallest event production building. Which is useful to be able to complete event missions with a small production building. Further more it produces from lvl9 and onwards BP's of GB's of your current age and later ages. This is also highly strategically valuable for later stages. As your passively already collecting BP's for GB's you might want to build at a later stage.
Chocolatery/nutcracker guardhouse (winter event)
The chocolatery is a special winter event building. It produces from level 10 fragments for the nutcracker guardhouse. However you may not want to build this building necessary. As you can get the nutcracker guardhouses faster as daily specials during events and in winter events through the winter epic selection kits. The nutcracker guardhouses producing daily 2 fragments of mass self-aid kits. You need 30 fragments for 1 mass self aid kit. So, I recommend getting 15 nutcracker guardhouses. This is important as when you advance and get ever more event buildings, eventually you can't get enough aid from your neighbours, guild mates and friends. This is why the production of mass self aid kits are important. The mass self aid kits aid all your buildings when you use it. This is a consumable item.
Once you've gotten those 15 nutcrackers guardhouses. You want to get the chocolatery to level 10. Using one more upgrade you can choose between 2 different final upgrades. Both give an equal amount of fragments for the nutcracker guardhouse. Once you've gotten this final upgrade you want to get the golden upgrade for the chocolatery. At the moment of writing this guide it's hard to say how and if it's obtainable through the winter event. So, if it's available as a milestone reward I recommend aiming for it. As this upgrade enables the production of nutcracker guardhouses selection kits. These kits offer the option to upgrade your nutcracker guardhouses. If this golden upgrade for your chocolatery isn't available, the upgrades for the nutcracker guardhouses might be offered in the epic winter selection kits or through nutcracker guardhouse selection kits as a daily special. I highly recommend trying to get these. As with the upgrade your nutcracker guardhouse can be upgraded to produce 3 fragments for mass self aid kits. You "only" need to upgrade 10 nutcracker guardhouses to produce the needed 30 fragments for mass self aid kits. Afterwards you can remove 5 nutcracker guardhouses that producing only 2 fragments of mass self aid kits. To make space for stronger event buildings.
To summarise, the nutcracker guardhouses are essential. As they produce daily fragments for mass self aid kits. Which you use daily to get all your buildings motivated and getting the maximum production.
Summary Starter phase
> Build blacksmiths, to complete production event missions
> Ensure happiness is enthusiastic for 20% bonus coins/supply production
> Build 2 goods buildings to complete event missions asking for the collection of goods
> Do NOT conquer more provinces on the campaign map than needed for the goods bonuses
> Collect BP's for Zeus (military buff) and LoA (supply buff and daily goods)
> Autumn vineyard lvl9 -> produces shroom throne -> produces jumpin pumpkin (smallest event production building)
> Autumn vineyard produces also: BP's of GB's of the current age and later ages for passively collecting BP's for GB's you might want to build later
-> (15) Nutcracker guardhouses -> producing mass self aid kits (to ensure daily aid for all buildings), obtained through winter event(s)
Starter phase
First of all welcome to Forge of Empires or FoE for sort. This game is mainly a city builder with a strong emphasis on fighting. There are a multitude of features, alongside a vast number of event buildings. All of this combined can be overwhelming at first. Making the decision to which buildings to prioritise to build harder. This guide is aimed to provide guidance to setup a strong basis but will also delve deeper into the different main features and recommendations regarding specialisation for those features.
There are mainly 3 different categories of buildings;
Regular buildings, these can be constructed with the basic resources coins and supplies. They're unlocked through the tech tree.
Event/special buildings; these can be obtained through events and completing some objectives in some features of the game. Later in the guide I'll give a list of the most important special/event buildings, what they do and how to get them.
Great Buildings; great buildings are very special buildings. To build them you need to obtain 9 different blueprints of the great building you want to build and some goods. Once build they start with level 0 and do nothing yet. To improve there level you must invest the resource Forge Points, or more commonly referred to as FP's. Most Great Building comes from a specific age. The higher the age, the more FP's are needed to increase its level. Great buildings are typically referred to as GB's on English servers. As this guide is written in English I'll refer to them as GB's.
Great Buildings - starter phase
For making a strong start, it's the best to follow first the (tutorial) missions. These will give you resources and additional information along your way. My recommendation is to collect blue prints, often referred to as BP's, from the GB statue of Zeus (Bronze age) and the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Iron Age). The statue of Zeus is more commonly called Zeus for sort. While the Lighthouse of Alexandria is more commonly shortened to: LoA. Zeus provides you an army boost for your units while attacking. At level 10 Zeus gives 30%. This means Zeus increases both the attacking power and defence of your units by 30% when attacking. For the small size of this GB this is still very good and is regarded as the most important buff of the game. The LoA offers a daily buff for your supply production of the 1st X productions. The height of this buff depends on its level. Besides that the GB provides random goods of your age (up to progressive era, from modern era onwards it gives 2x more goods but goods of 4 ages below your current age).
You can obtain BP's from both GB's through aiding buildings of other players. In the beginning mainly neighbours and players you've added to your friends list. Later on guild members once you've joined a guild. BP's can be given randomly while aiding other player's buildings of the age of the building you've aided. Another way of obtaining BP's is by investing FP's in GB's of other players. Once the GB goes a level up, you can receive BP's of that specific GB. Since particularly at the start supplies are a big bottleneck alongside goods, I recommend building the LoA first and Zeus afterwards. For both GB's I don't recommend levelling them past level 10. Levelling an GB above level 10 requires 9 BP's of each of the specific GB, for each level.
Regular buildings - starter phase
I recommend building the Bronze Age production buildings: black smiths. For events you often need to complete many productions in a production building. The blacksmith is the smallest (2x2) regular production building in the game. I also recommend for this reason to stay in the Iron Age. As some event missions require to complete productions from a production building of your own age or the previous age. While staying in the Iron Age, this means you can still use the black smiths. Once you've left the Iron Age you'll lose this advantage. Don't worry there's a way to still use small production buildings for events and it's a bit better than blacksmiths.
Besides the usage of blacksmiths. I recommend for now to use cultural buildings to increase your city's happiness. Keeping it at enthusiastic it'll boost your supply and coins production by 20%. For units I recommend archers. As their military building is very small (2x2). In this stage they're simple the very best.
Next this basics I recommend to build 2 goods buildings. These are needed to complete event missions asking to collect goods. On the campaign map you can obtain a boost on goods productions. I recommend conquering this province but not advancing further yet. If you conquer the campaign map too fast, you can get stuck. It's better to leave the campaign map after this point for when you got the statue of Zeus to level 10 and some event buildings.
Events - starter phase
I assume you've setup your city with blacksmiths. Alongside a few goods buildings. During events you can obtain powerful event buildings. I recommend to look for daily specials like epic selection kits. This are items that can be used to build and upgrade a building of your choice from the offered selection. The epic selection kit is typically depending on the current event. I recommend particularly the epic selection kits from: winter events and autumn.
I will now explain which event buildings that are the best to start with. From which events they are and in which event's selection kits you can obtain them:
Autumn vineyards (fall event)
Autumn vineyards are large event buildings but for the beginning the most valuable. They have 9 "regular levels." So, you want to collect 9 autumn selection kits, the autumn vineyards selection kits (an item that offers the option to build a level 1 autumn vineyard or upgrade an autumn vineyard in your city, if present), or 8 autumn vineyard upgrades. Once you've obtained an autumn epic selection kit, you can find it in your inventory. This can be found in the browser version of the game in the left corner. When you see the item, just click on the hammer. Than it presents you with all the options available to choose from. If you don't have an autumn vineyard yet, select it. Than the game returns you to your city and you can build it. Once build you can return to your inventory. If you have more epic autumn selection kits, click once more on the hammer on the selection kit and than choose the upgrade for the autumn vineyard. You can now click on the autumn vineyard in your city to upgrade it. If you have 9 epic selection kits or besides 1 epic selection to place the autumn vineyard and 8 upgrades for the autumn vineyard, you can upgrade it to level 9. At level 9 it will produce daily fragments for an special upgrade for itself: a silver upgrade. Once you have sufficient fragments of this upgrade. You can assemble it from your inventory, in the tab "fragments." Once assembled you can find the silver upgrade in your inventory and you can upgrade your lvl9 autumn vineyard. Once upgraded it produces fragments for a golden upgrade for itself. Once you've obtained sufficient fragments of the golden upgrade you can once more assemble it from your inventory and upgrade your autumn vineyard once more.
The autumn vineyard produces fragments. Sometimes from the mushroom throne and sometimes from the aurora apple tree. You want then mushroom throne. As this 1x1 building produces fragments for jumpin pumpkins. A small 2x2 production building. However beware it costs a lot of population and happiness. However this is worth it as you can continually upgrade it to your age. With the use of a 1-up kit or a renovation kit. Both items are obtainable through events. The 1-up brings the age of an event building of choice by 1, the renovation kit automatically to your age. Even if the event building is many ages below your current age.
To summarise the autumn vineyard at lvl9 produces fragments for further special upgrades for itself. Next to that a building that produces fragments for the jumpin pumpkin. Which is extremely valuable as it's the smallest event production building. Which is useful to be able to complete event missions with a small production building. Further more it produces from lvl9 and onwards BP's of GB's of your current age and later ages. This is also highly strategically valuable for later stages. As your passively already collecting BP's for GB's you might want to build at a later stage.
Chocolatery/nutcracker guardhouse (winter event)
The chocolatery is a special winter event building. It produces from level 10 fragments for the nutcracker guardhouse. However you may not want to build this building necessary. As you can get the nutcracker guardhouses faster as daily specials during events and in winter events through the winter epic selection kits. The nutcracker guardhouses producing daily 2 fragments of mass self-aid kits. You need 30 fragments for 1 mass self aid kit. So, I recommend getting 15 nutcracker guardhouses. This is important as when you advance and get ever more event buildings, eventually you can't get enough aid from your neighbours, guild mates and friends. This is why the production of mass self aid kits are important. The mass self aid kits aid all your buildings when you use it. This is a consumable item.
Once you've gotten those 15 nutcrackers guardhouses. You want to get the chocolatery to level 10. Using one more upgrade you can choose between 2 different final upgrades. Both give an equal amount of fragments for the nutcracker guardhouse. Once you've gotten this final upgrade you want to get the golden upgrade for the chocolatery. At the moment of writing this guide it's hard to say how and if it's obtainable through the winter event. So, if it's available as a milestone reward I recommend aiming for it. As this upgrade enables the production of nutcracker guardhouses selection kits. These kits offer the option to upgrade your nutcracker guardhouses. If this golden upgrade for your chocolatery isn't available, the upgrades for the nutcracker guardhouses might be offered in the epic winter selection kits or through nutcracker guardhouse selection kits as a daily special. I highly recommend trying to get these. As with the upgrade your nutcracker guardhouse can be upgraded to produce 3 fragments for mass self aid kits. You "only" need to upgrade 10 nutcracker guardhouses to produce the needed 30 fragments for mass self aid kits. Afterwards you can remove 5 nutcracker guardhouses that producing only 2 fragments of mass self aid kits. To make space for stronger event buildings.
To summarise, the nutcracker guardhouses are essential. As they produce daily fragments for mass self aid kits. Which you use daily to get all your buildings motivated and getting the maximum production.
Summary Starter phase
> Build blacksmiths, to complete production event missions
> Ensure happiness is enthusiastic for 20% bonus coins/supply production
> Build 2 goods buildings to complete event missions asking for the collection of goods
> Do NOT conquer more provinces on the campaign map than needed for the goods bonuses
> Collect BP's for Zeus (military buff) and LoA (supply buff and daily goods)
> Autumn vineyard lvl9 -> produces shroom throne -> produces jumpin pumpkin (smallest event production building)
> Autumn vineyard produces also: BP's of GB's of the current age and later ages for passively collecting BP's for GB's you might want to build later
-> (15) Nutcracker guardhouses -> producing mass self aid kits (to ensure daily aid for all buildings), obtained through winter event(s)
Quick recommendations - beginner phase
> Sun haven -> Grilling groves (passively collecting fp packages for later use) & jester stages (production of finish special productions)
> Joining a guild
> Construction of the GB: Arc (ask guild for help)
> Level up the Arc to level 80
> Joining 1.9x GB booster teams
> Complete ancient Egypt settlements for royal bathhouse (efficient units production & military buffs)
Quick recommendations - early intermediate phase (GbG specialised)
> Arranging deal to purchase goods with fps for Blur Galaxy (X% chance to double first Y collections)
> Obtaining eco hub
> Consider aging up to colonial era/industrial era
> Consider the construction of the GB: Château Frontenac (CF, increases regular mission rewards like goods and 1-time diamonds)
> Arranging deal to purchase goods with fps for Arctic Orangery
Quick recommendations - intermediate phase
> AO to level 80
> Arranging deal to get cosmic catalyst & levelling it to level 10
> If CF constructed, levelling it to level 80
> Consider age to camp at for competitive GbG
> Strengthen city for weekly GE level 5 completion
> Considering seed vault (for additional goods and diamonds)
Quick recommendations - Advanced phase (pre Space Hub)
> AO to lvl180
> Arc to lvl180(?)
> Considering AO to level 201 (for final ~2% additional crit. hit chance increase)
GB's = Great Buildings
LoA = Lighthouse of Alexandria (supply buff and daily goods)
AO = Arctic Orangery (X% chance +50% additional damage dealt to hostile units of the same age of your units)
BG = Blue galaxy (daily X% double collection of 1st Y buildings)
With good packages for GB's, I mean the purchase of goods needed to build a GB from another player. Typically you can arrange a deal to put a given amount of fp's in the trader's GB. In exchange you can setup trades asking the needed goods. The trader can pick those up from you.
Starter GB's:
Zeus + LoA (Lighthouse of Alexandria)
Level both GB's to lvl10, preferably not past this lvl
Explanation: Zeus is cheap to level, small and efficient to setup the basic 30% to start with. LoA greatly helps with goods and stockpiling supplies. Both bottlenecks for the very beginning. The goods will be later more important to purchase GB packages. As the translation requires a substantial amount of goods (from the perspective of a beginner).
As soon as possible:
Arc level to lvl 80
Sun haven for BBQ forests / Jester stages
Fall vineyards for BP's of Arc, AO and cosmic catalyst and obtaining jumping pumpkins for later use in events
With all of this setup. A new player can level their Arc to level 80 over the first couple of months. In which passively BP's of the Arc, BG, AO and cosmic catalyst can be obtained. Particularly the Arc and AO BP-sets are useful. Further more with thanks to the Sunhavens and the BBQ forests the newbie can collect passively FP-packages.
In the meantime where possible. It's recommended to setup small production buildings to complete events with. Collecting as many sun havens and fall vineyards as possible first. Secondly efficient fp producing event buildings. The letter to speed up progress for Arc lvl80.
Arc boost teams
It is recommended to join teams to boost your Arc. As well to arrange deals to secure places in other's Arcs. The letter to collect BP's for your Arc. The boost teams greatly reduce the needed fps to be invested in your Arc by yourself. This significantly speeding up the progress.
Arc lvl80+ stage
1.) Blue Galaxy
2.) Cosmic catalyst lvl10
3.) AO
After the Arc has reached lvl80 the beginner can start arranging deals. To purchase goods packages for the above listed GB's. BG (Blue Galaxy) is particularly useful. I can't give necessarily a recommendation for a level. As this is more subjective for what chances for double collections is preferable. Although other veterans might have a guideline at hand for this.
Cosmic catalyst
A fresh newcomer is the cosmic catalyst. Yes it'll be very difficult to find a trader willing to sell a cosmic catalyst and when you'll find one it'll be very costly. However this is worth it for the power start. For this reason I recommend stockpiling passively fp-packages through the BBQ forests, next to the goods needed to complete the deal. Once the cosmic catalyst has been build. Prioritise it to level 10. Levelling it further can't be done with diamonds and isn't necessarily worth it. Having it at lvl10 grants already a 10% chance for +50% extra damage on hostile units of the same age as your units. Which is a great start. This will stack with the Arctic orangery and a major part why I'm strongly recommending this GB above most other (popular) GB's.
Arctic orangery (AO)
With a BG and more importantly a cosmic catalyst and an Arc in your city. It's time for to find room for the massive AO. Finding a trader for a AO goods package might be easier and cheap-ish. The AO at lvl10 gives less than 8% chance to deal additional damage if your using units of the same age as and units your attacking. However if you got the cosmic catalyst at lvl10 before, combined the AO and catalyst give <18% chance. This is a very decent start for a strong military and why I recommend the catalyst first.
Levelling the AO to lvl81 might be the best course of action. It will give at lvl81 24%+ chance for 50% extra damage. Combined with the catalyst you have 34% chance. Which is very decent.
To summarise the guide. The end goal is a power start mainly focussed on GB's. To provide a strong basis in being able to get double collections from event buildings and a stronger army from a relative very early stage. When aging up from the end of this guide and obtaining more event buildings, a player can evolve rapidly in a decently strong GE/GbG player. Who also passively provides a substantial amount of guild goods. Ultimately becoming a powerhouse relative quickly. The cosmic catalyst is crucial in this.
At a later stage the warship GB from the space hub might be interesting to consider. Though many decently efficient event buildings are offering a quicker way of a solid supply of units. Saving resources for the AO to push for great critical hit chances, or for the BG for quicker production of fp's, fragments or units. Imo a better usage of fps and goods than the warship, let alone Alcatraz.
I know that it might be very early to recommend cosmic catalyst and AO especially in such early stages. However the earlier a player can start levelling their AO towards lvl180 in parallel of building up %
the faster they're hitting an high crit. chance and thus faster being ready for competitive GbG and higher levels of GE.
I'm curious how other veterans might look at the current meta. Particularly different approaches and recommendations for new players.
> Sun haven -> Grilling groves (passively collecting fp packages for later use) & jester stages (production of finish special productions)
> Joining a guild
> Construction of the GB: Arc (ask guild for help)
> Level up the Arc to level 80
> Joining 1.9x GB booster teams
> Complete ancient Egypt settlements for royal bathhouse (efficient units production & military buffs)
Quick recommendations - early intermediate phase (GbG specialised)
> Arranging deal to purchase goods with fps for Blur Galaxy (X% chance to double first Y collections)
> Obtaining eco hub
> Consider aging up to colonial era/industrial era
> Consider the construction of the GB: Château Frontenac (CF, increases regular mission rewards like goods and 1-time diamonds)
> Arranging deal to purchase goods with fps for Arctic Orangery
Quick recommendations - intermediate phase
> AO to level 80
> Arranging deal to get cosmic catalyst & levelling it to level 10
> If CF constructed, levelling it to level 80
> Consider age to camp at for competitive GbG
> Strengthen city for weekly GE level 5 completion
> Considering seed vault (for additional goods and diamonds)
Quick recommendations - Advanced phase (pre Space Hub)
> AO to lvl180
> Arc to lvl180(?)
> Considering AO to level 201 (for final ~2% additional crit. hit chance increase)
GB's = Great Buildings
LoA = Lighthouse of Alexandria (supply buff and daily goods)
AO = Arctic Orangery (X% chance +50% additional damage dealt to hostile units of the same age of your units)
BG = Blue galaxy (daily X% double collection of 1st Y buildings)
With good packages for GB's, I mean the purchase of goods needed to build a GB from another player. Typically you can arrange a deal to put a given amount of fp's in the trader's GB. In exchange you can setup trades asking the needed goods. The trader can pick those up from you.
Starter GB's:
Zeus + LoA (Lighthouse of Alexandria)
Level both GB's to lvl10, preferably not past this lvl
Explanation: Zeus is cheap to level, small and efficient to setup the basic 30% to start with. LoA greatly helps with goods and stockpiling supplies. Both bottlenecks for the very beginning. The goods will be later more important to purchase GB packages. As the translation requires a substantial amount of goods (from the perspective of a beginner).
As soon as possible:
Arc level to lvl 80
Sun haven for BBQ forests / Jester stages
Fall vineyards for BP's of Arc, AO and cosmic catalyst and obtaining jumping pumpkins for later use in events
With all of this setup. A new player can level their Arc to level 80 over the first couple of months. In which passively BP's of the Arc, BG, AO and cosmic catalyst can be obtained. Particularly the Arc and AO BP-sets are useful. Further more with thanks to the Sunhavens and the BBQ forests the newbie can collect passively FP-packages.
In the meantime where possible. It's recommended to setup small production buildings to complete events with. Collecting as many sun havens and fall vineyards as possible first. Secondly efficient fp producing event buildings. The letter to speed up progress for Arc lvl80.
Arc boost teams
It is recommended to join teams to boost your Arc. As well to arrange deals to secure places in other's Arcs. The letter to collect BP's for your Arc. The boost teams greatly reduce the needed fps to be invested in your Arc by yourself. This significantly speeding up the progress.
Arc lvl80+ stage
1.) Blue Galaxy
2.) Cosmic catalyst lvl10
3.) AO
After the Arc has reached lvl80 the beginner can start arranging deals. To purchase goods packages for the above listed GB's. BG (Blue Galaxy) is particularly useful. I can't give necessarily a recommendation for a level. As this is more subjective for what chances for double collections is preferable. Although other veterans might have a guideline at hand for this.
Cosmic catalyst
A fresh newcomer is the cosmic catalyst. Yes it'll be very difficult to find a trader willing to sell a cosmic catalyst and when you'll find one it'll be very costly. However this is worth it for the power start. For this reason I recommend stockpiling passively fp-packages through the BBQ forests, next to the goods needed to complete the deal. Once the cosmic catalyst has been build. Prioritise it to level 10. Levelling it further can't be done with diamonds and isn't necessarily worth it. Having it at lvl10 grants already a 10% chance for +50% extra damage on hostile units of the same age as your units. Which is a great start. This will stack with the Arctic orangery and a major part why I'm strongly recommending this GB above most other (popular) GB's.
Arctic orangery (AO)
With a BG and more importantly a cosmic catalyst and an Arc in your city. It's time for to find room for the massive AO. Finding a trader for a AO goods package might be easier and cheap-ish. The AO at lvl10 gives less than 8% chance to deal additional damage if your using units of the same age as and units your attacking. However if you got the cosmic catalyst at lvl10 before, combined the AO and catalyst give <18% chance. This is a very decent start for a strong military and why I recommend the catalyst first.
Levelling the AO to lvl81 might be the best course of action. It will give at lvl81 24%+ chance for 50% extra damage. Combined with the catalyst you have 34% chance. Which is very decent.
To summarise the guide. The end goal is a power start mainly focussed on GB's. To provide a strong basis in being able to get double collections from event buildings and a stronger army from a relative very early stage. When aging up from the end of this guide and obtaining more event buildings, a player can evolve rapidly in a decently strong GE/GbG player. Who also passively provides a substantial amount of guild goods. Ultimately becoming a powerhouse relative quickly. The cosmic catalyst is crucial in this.
At a later stage the warship GB from the space hub might be interesting to consider. Though many decently efficient event buildings are offering a quicker way of a solid supply of units. Saving resources for the AO to push for great critical hit chances, or for the BG for quicker production of fp's, fragments or units. Imo a better usage of fps and goods than the warship, let alone Alcatraz.
I know that it might be very early to recommend cosmic catalyst and AO especially in such early stages. However the earlier a player can start levelling their AO towards lvl180 in parallel of building up %
I'm curious how other veterans might look at the current meta. Particularly different approaches and recommendations for new players.
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