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That's why I think they should merge all areas into one.


not a good idea with me as I have almost finished the tech tree so I am just hitting everyone else to get some entertainment out of the game :) (that is reduced to once every 24hrs though:( )


I can build them but it ill take me a lot of time to get the needed ammount. but i think that i must do that


We have Two worlds at the moment, its only a Beta section so if you have played this type of testing section before you will know how it goes. The game will gradually release the next levels as people catch up and more can move into the next levels together. I know its a bind but at least you get to know whats happening.
My only questionis that Once the game devs have finished with the Beta worlds will they be opened up as normal worlds so we dont lose what we are working towards, it's not going to be worth rushing if we are not going to be made 100% worlds. If there is an answer can we have it please?
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durnasund will always remain beta
arvahall will become .net world 1
brisgard will become .net world 2