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Rejected Lower loss on victory points in GbG

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Mainly in the newer worlds you only have a small amount of diamond championschips. By creating a lower loss of points on a lower ranked position you will gain more guilds into the diamond pool which leads into more fun for smaller guilds compared to those bigger ones.
If you have the smaller map with 7 guilds the first 3 guilds gain points, the 4th does not go up and 5-6-7 will lose points and likely drop back to platinum. To prevent these guilds drop down to platinum after GbG round we should balance the points a bit or better said let's tweak the loss points. Let's take as an example:

1st place +100 points

2nd place +67 points

3rd place +33 points

4th place no loss/gain (as it is now)

5th place -10 points

6th place -20 points

7th place -30 points

In case of an 8 guild group it should be 1st +100, 2nd +70, 3rd +40, 4th +10, 5th -10, 6th -20, 7th -30, 8th -40
Creates a more balanced list of guilds within the diamond divisions. For example on Greifental on the Dutch server basicly have 3-4 strong diamond guilds and the rest is likely to drop a division due to the difference in points. Lowering the loss will create a more balanced amount of guilds within diamond and more challenging for the smaller guilds.
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To keep on competing against different guilds, we need a different ranking point system. Ofcourse mine is just an example, but to be fair the way it is now is not balanced at all.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Rebalancing of GbG point system.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


we should increase the loss of points

a guild that makes last place in a diamond league shouldn't be able to get back to that league in one season
they are not strong enough for that league so why should they be back fast ?

Lowering the loss will create a more balanced amount of guilds within diamond and more challenging for the smaller guilds.
lowering the loss will lead to more smaller guilds being in diamond where they can't compete
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I see a major collision happening with this as more guilds will be in diamond whilst dropping the losing ones will take a long time before it happens.

I'm sorry, but it's a no from me.
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