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Fixed on Beta: Inventory Grouping Bug [54569]


In the guild expedition I won another Ritual Flame today. Looking in the Inventory, it was not added to my existing Ritual Flames in the inventory. Instead I now have two groups of Ritual Flames in my inventory.

Situation shown in this short video:

The video is not officially listed in my channel. It is available through this link only!

As Ritual Flames are always of the type 'all ages', their properties should all be the same. Therefore there is no reason that there is more than one group of Ritual Flames in my inventory.

Do you know how to reproduce the bug consistently?
I am not winning so many Ritual Flames that I can say if this happens always.

It might be interesting to know that I did not change my age/era lately. All Ritual Flames I should have received in the Contemporary Era.

Game version:
HTML5/Flash: (If Flash please give version number if known)

1.154.1046d8c0f93 (04.06.2019 9:22), FoETipps (126302), zz1, en_US, WEB 7,1,1,0, Windows 10, Chrome/74.0.3729.169, 1920x1080 (Fullscreen), OpenGL Vendor=WebKit Version=WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium) Renderer=WebKit WebGL GLSL=WebGL GLSL ES 3.00 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0 Chromium) (512 MB VRAM)


Same problem: Two Doctoy Building (High Middle Age) not grouping.
1.158.ad9cfa226d9 (16.07.2019 20:07), Jenna rotonda (127893), zz1, en_US, WEB 7,1,1,0, Windows 8.1, Opera 62.0.3331.72, 2048x1187, OpenGL Vendor=WebKit Version=WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium) Renderer=WebKit WebGL GLSL=WebGL GLSL ES 3.00 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0 Chromium) (512 MB VRAM)


Is this a newly obtained building?
Or is is still there from the bug a month ago? If so, you have to use one stack (preferably the 1-item ^^), to get rid of it, the bugfix didn't automatically merge those, it only prevented more duplicates from showing up (which worked for me so far)