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Forwarded Inventory filtering options.

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Text box filtering is not sufficient and running through tenths of pages is annoying.
The most important thing is to connect buildings with their improvements, kits, fragments, etc. so that they are shown together and not separated by multiple pages or items.

Also, a drop-down list or tabs:
- event buildings (their improvements, fragments, kits too)
- fragments (because there are more and more of them and some players would like to have them separately)
- units
- "city" buildings
- "military" buildings
- potions
- boosters
- anything else?

Text search box as is, for narrowing the search.
Abuse Prevention
Inventories became a mess, especially with new addition of fragments which occupies first few pages and are not connected with their respective buildings, kits etc.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Haven't found in DNSL nor in previous suggestions.
We are collecting more and more fragments, event buildings, upgrade / selection kits etc. in our inventories.
Finding those items in inventory is a hard struggle, especially for chain or sets of buildings or buildings and their fragments since they're being sometimes separated by number of pages. Same goes for some other stuff e.g. Road to Victory, Gate of Sun God etc. separated by other items or pages just because they're from different eras.
As well Goods tab in inventory is not necessary as you can only view goods in stock, besides there is access over "Market". Same for "Buildings" and "Consumables"
These could be removed, leaving only 2 tabs "Inventory" with filter options and "Great Buildings" I'm finding inventory GB tab more convenient than "Build mode" GB tab, but that is up for discussion which one to keep.
Nevertheless, duplicated access to certain things does not make practical sense.
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Velvet Thunder

Beta Moderator
I'll combine "Inventory filtering options", "Remember locked item setting" and "select amount of boosts when opening them in inventory" and forward them together as one.
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