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Forwarded Increase the limit for collecting PF

in the last year, the game has made some progress, but having to collect a maximum of 100 PF at a time is becoming very limiting; moreover, it is quite inconvenient to repeatedly collect via smartphone.
I propose to raise the collection limit to 1000 PF, allowing collections over 1000 PF to be made with diamonds.
It would make the game faster without compromising the use of diamonds too much
Abuse Prevention
No abuse, the conditions would be the same for everyone
"I think setting a limit of 1000 pf is fair and proportional to today’s game, but setting a limit of 500 pf would also be acceptable
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
i found nothing similar
This suggestion has been forwarded. Votes are no longer accepted.


Perk Creator
While you're waiting you could use the 5 diamond collect all twice. Put the BG buildings on a separate time schedule. 5 diamond them after collecting BG. Later, 5 diamond the rest of the city.
It'd be too easy for that to mess up again for me. Besides, my BG collections are tied to my finish uses so have to be done manually anyways. And FP spent after each individual collection.

I ended up just loading enough big great buildings (SAT or 100+ regular ones) that I have sufficient places to dump the FP while I plunk through the manual section. And then 5d autocollect the rest.


I can read so I know what the proposal is asking for. I was offering you a solution while the INNO wheels are grinding ever so slowly. If you're not interested, so be it. Keep doing what you are doing.
I was originally responding to a claim that we can already do what's proposed. Which is different. The workaround you're offering is helpful though and appreciated. Too bad RL makes it unviable
Like I said, previously here, there is no problem at all.

If you want to only spend less than 1 minute per day per city, the solution is simple.

1. Have less than 99 fp in the FP bar and totally Ignore BG, even if it's 100+ level
2. Use 5 diamonds to mass collect.
3. Drop those FP in some random GB, preferably on your high level ARC , AO, SV, CF or Titan buildings
3. Press the inventory button to instantly Assemble frags
4. Use 1 Mass aid
5. Forget the city for 1 day, then rinse and repeat

Therefore, I couldn't care less if Inno has a limit of 100FP in the bar, 1K limit, 10 fp limit , 20 fp limit, 10K fp limit or whatever

Life is too short to worry about something that I cannot control ( how others develop their game and what limitations they put)


To increase activity. So you have to invest your fp daily instead of just collecting.
Now that I think about it that makes sense. People will spend more time playing, and some players will spend more diamonds if they spend more time playing. more playing=more diamonds spent=more Diamonds bought=more income.


why don't they just remove the limit? Then nobody has to worry at all.
It would resolve it and they could. However much like apple could offer various software perks on cheaper devices, they don't. So, the more expensive options feel more worthwhile. Same goes with FoE+. If there's no limit on fp collections, there is no reason to to use the payed subscription. However nowadays even the 1k limit is very restrictive. Effectively making the value of FoE+ less than it used to be. So, it would make sense for them to increase the base limit to 1k and FoE+ to 10k.


Perk Creator
Most players don't collect more than 10k FP ,and and the players that do there are a few.
For now it's true, but because of their power creep, 10k will not be so exclusive for long. I'd guess somewhere around a year from now we'll be talking about people with "only" 10k per day FP production. Last year many people thought it was crazy for talk about 10k being quite plausible. That the current 2k they had was very high end. But they omitted the impact of new pieces.

And it's moved up since then. Dramatically.

That said, I don't think they need the limit to track the top-end cities comfortably. I think it'd be impractical to worry about the 50k+ FP cities that are coming as that would simultaneously defeat the purpose of a limit existing for smaller cities. But I think they could do 1k normal/100k FoE+ and that would both be a nice add for everyone and present FoE+ as an actual (overpriced) solution for those who want to pay to not work around a limit.


For now it's true, but because of their power creep, 10k will not be so exclusive for long. I'd guess somewhere around a year from now we'll be talking about people with "only" 10k per day FP production. Last year many people thought it was crazy for talk about 10k being quite plausible. That the current 2k they had was very high end. But they omitted the impact of new pieces.

And it's moved up since then. Dramatically.

That said, I don't think they need the limit to track the top-end cities comfortably. I think it'd be impractical to worry about the 50k+ FP cities that are coming as that would simultaneously defeat the purpose of a limit existing for smaller cities. But I think they could do 1k normal/100k FoE+ and that would both be a nice add for everyone and present FoE+ as an actual (overpriced) solution for those who want to pay to not work around a limit.
I'll have to agree on that. with the power creep one day there might be people with 1 million FP a day.


even a guy on YT proving he collects easily 10k fps w/o using BG or F(A)SP items.
Like I've also said some time back. There's a YouTuber who collects 10k fps without F(A)SP-items or BG's double collections. I've noticed this year a large increase too. Without trying collecting in a live server daily ~6k fps. Despite the fact I wasn't looking for more fps just more military buffs primarily. I'm sure casual players eventually hit the 10k fps like @xivarmy explained too. The more fanatic and fp focused players might hit the daily 20-30k fps mark eventually if power creep continues and the game manages to survive through it for long enough.
Like I've also said some time back. There's a YouTuber who collects 10k fps without F(A)SP-items or BG's double collections. I've noticed this year a large increase too. Without trying collecting in a live server daily ~6k fps. Despite the fact I wasn't looking for more fps just more military buffs primarily. I'm sure casual players eventually hit the 10k fps like @xivarmy explained too. The more fanatic and fp focused players might hit the daily 20-30k fps mark eventually if power creep continues and the game manages to survive through it for long enough.

This is not some kind of achievement.

They just dropped all summer, all their IRL money to buy Orchards and Eco Sanctums and all Gold League buildings.

These are too much power creeped, for FP , goods and red/ blue stats.

I imagine the next thing for INNO
is to have a GE6 with opponnents having 15K % or 20K % both blue/red stats in the final station (96 / 96) .

Then , we will still have some Delulu Mofo Guild leaders barking:

'Requirement ! Do all your 96 quests in GE6 , until Wednesday morning or else i press the magic remove button)
This is not some kind of achievement.

They just dropped all summer, all their IRL money to buy Orchards and Eco Sanctums and all Gold League buildings.

These are too much power creeped, for FP , goods and red/ blue stats.

I imagine the next thing for INNO
is to have a GE6 with opponnents having 15K % or 20K % both blue/red stats in the final station (96 / 96) .

Then , we will still have some Delulu Mofo Guild leaders barking:

'Requirement ! Do all your 96 quests in GE6 , until Wednesday morning or else i press the magic remove button)
You are mistaken. Inno stated that they are working on a GE extension where the final battle is 160! (and Rival will ask us to complete GE10 in 48 hours I suppose)


This is not some kind of achievement.

They just dropped all summer, all their IRL money to buy Orchards and Eco Sanctums and all Gold League buildings.
I assume you didn't see the vid. No body's claiming it to be some sort achievement. Just a natural development resulting from run away power creep. They said there where intentions to getting it back under control. All I'm seeing is they've set it more lose. Further accelerated by X%:fpboost: slapped on recent event buildings. Let's wait what'll happen when the fp-"heroes" show up. I'm not even talking about the rare kind...

These are too much power creeped, for FP , goods and red/ blue stats.
Writing has been on the walls for the last couple... ohw that's not good... last couple of years. Yet it's only escalating further. They've been warned, they've acknowledged the situation, they've claimed they'll do something about it, the claim has aged like milk.

I imagine the next thing for INNO
is to have a GE6 with opponnents having 15K % or 20K % both blue/red stats in the final station (96 / 96) .

Then , we will still have some Delulu Mofo Guild leaders barking:

'Requirement ! Do all your 96 quests in GE6 , until Wednesday morning or else i press the magic remove button)
In SA:SH? 15-20k % wouldn't be so much of an issue. In VF up to 10k % battles are winnable with <45% crit. hit chance and 4k %. So, I'm sure with the catalyst ~60% crit. chance + much higher base % it would be doable. At worse with Virgo+Kraken. However that's well off topic.

I however do agreed that power leap is dangerous and is still escalating. For reference GB's at lvl80 where a monumental achievement. In the current state the most expensive pre-Titan GB: AI-core could be levelled solo without Arc booster-teams within a month to lvl80. Lvl180 of old GB's might become faster the equivalent of what once was lvl80. Particularly Zeus lvl180 for 95%:att_def_attacker: on a small footprint could become interesting as its relative cheap to level and very small. Power creep will still have an hard time outperforming that 15.83%:att_def_attacker:/:size:. Just saying it's not worth it for now as more interesting and vastly more expensive GB's are on the table from SASH and SAT but when they're soft blocked through goods requirements the top-dogs will look for alternatives to put their fps...

Deleted User - 279081

You are mistaken. Inno stated that they are working on a GE extension where the final battle is 160! (and Rival will ask us to complete GE10 in 48 hours I suppose)
That isn't exactly what Matt said. He said that they were working on 5 new levels of difficulty. It is certainly possible that the new 5 will be in addition to the existing 5 and will run consecutively (i.e. there will be 160 encounters in the new GE). However, I think that it is more likely that the new levels will be branches at the end of existing levels. For example, get to the end of GE16 and get the offer to proceed to the normal GE17 or take a different path to one of the new levels. Get to the end of that level and get the offer to go to the old GE33 or take the path to another new level. And so on. It would still be 80 encounters but the player gets to customize the level of difficulty (and, perhaps, the quality of rewards).


That isn't exactly what Matt said. He said that they were working on 5 new levels of difficulty. It is certainly possible that the new 5 will be in addition to the existing 5 and will run consecutively (i.e. there will be 160 encounters in the new GE). However, I think that it is more likely that the new levels will be branches at the end of existing levels. For example, get to the end of GE16 and get the offer to proceed to the normal GE17 or take a different path to one of the new levels. Get to the end of that level and get the offer to go to the old GE33 or take the path to another new level. And so on. It would still be 80 encounters but the player gets to customize the level of difficulty (and, perhaps, the quality of rewards).
I like that. There was a game that you can do some levels at the highest difficulty and some at the difficulty you're comfortable with winning.


That isn't exactly what Matt said. He said that they were working on 5 new levels of difficulty. It is certainly possible that the new 5 will be in addition to the existing 5 and will run consecutively (i.e. there will be 160 encounters in the new GE). However, I think that it is more likely that the new levels will be branches at the end of existing levels. For example, get to the end of GE16 and get the offer to proceed to the normal GE17 or take a different path to one of the new levels. Get to the end of that level and get the offer to go to the old GE33 or take the path to another new level. And so on. It would still be 80 encounters but the player gets to customize the level of difficulty (and, perhaps, the quality of rewards).
I sincerely hope this to be correct. That we can choose as individuals any followup difficulty. Even at lvl1 it would be very nice but if it starts with lvl2 than this still would be the best
That isn't exactly what Matt said. He said that they were working on 5 new levels of difficulty. It is certainly possible that the new 5 will be in addition to the existing 5 and will run consecutively (i.e. there will be 160 encounters in the new GE). However, I think that it is more likely that the new levels will be branches at the end of existing levels. For example, get to the end of GE16 and get the offer to proceed to the normal GE17 or take a different path to one of the new levels. Get to the end of that level and get the offer to go to the old GE33 or take the path to another new level. And so on. It would still be 80 encounters but the player gets to customize the level of difficulty (and, perhaps, the quality of rewards).
I hope you are right.
But in one post they called them GE6-10, so I think you aren't.

Deleted User - 279081

I hope you are right.
But in one post they called them GE6-10, so I think you aren't.
I don't recall that post but, even if they did say "6-10" it doesn't necessarily mean that all 10 need to be done sequentially. I was only speculating but, it makes sense given the amount of time that would be needed to complete 160 GE encounters.