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Rejected Improved Looking for Guild System


Any player want to search a guild according to his/her goals/desires and he/she:

1. Opens the global chat and writes "looking for a guild which is very active in QI.
- More than 97% of players in his/her world don't even use the global chat.
- two or more players start to argue or write and that message of l"ooking for guild" dissappears due the talk of those 2 or more players.

2. Opens the tab/window too see some guilds (only available if you are not member of a guild).
- Can not see how active is a guild according to his/her goals
- Must click/tap a guild of the list, search for founder or leaders and send to 1 or more players a private message asking for information about their guild. Sometimes even the founder does not know all characteristics of his/her own guild!
- Can not see all guilds available to join or send a petition to join, making that player close and open that window to refresh the list of guilds.
- Most of the times the player will see only non active guilds and guilds of low level of activity

3. Opens the ranking table and search for guilds, starting from the number 1 in the ranking.
- The player must open the profile of guilds and search for founders and leaders to send a private message asking for any info related to that guild.
- The player can't really know how active are guilds in QI, Expedition, GbG unless he/she directly ask to a player of a certain guild.

The 3 points above explains why the actual system we have to search for any guild has a lot of problems and is totally inefficient.

In details I explain how that system could be improved.
- In any moment, does not matter if you are already a member of a guild or not, you can open a window to see a list of all guilds.

- In that list, you have some tabs with filters. Those tabs could be Activity, Expedition, QI, GbG.

- By clicking/tapping the tab of activity, you can see a list with 10 numbers (10, 20, 30. . .100). If you pick the number 40, you will only see guilds where atleast 40% of players In those guilds connect to the game 1 time per day (or 2 times per day, I would preffer 2 times per day cause a real active players would atleast connect 2 times per day in his/her world). If you click/tap 100%, then you will only see guilds where 100% of their members connect to the game 1 or 2 times per day.

- By clicking/tapping the tab of QI and like the previous tab, if you click/tap the number 30%, then you will only see guilds where atleast 30% of their members spend and average of 90K or 100K action points in QIncursions. The % is taken from the previous season's level of activity of players.

- The tab of expedition works by showing only guilds where the selected % of players weekly do 48

- By cliking/tapping the GbG tab, you can pick a number (10, 20, 30. . . 100). If you pick 60, then you will see only the guilds where atleast 60% of players daily reach atrrition 40 or more.
Why 40? Because I think 40 is a decent average number which shows a decent level of activity of players in GbG.

- By clicking the tab of QI and pick 70% and the tab of GbG and picking 40%, you will only see in the list guilds were atleast 70% of players daily spend 90K or 100K of action points in QI and where atleast 40% of players in those guild reach attrition 40 or more everyday.

- By clicking/tapping the tab of activity and picking 70% and the picking 80% in the tab lf GbG, only the tab of GbG will work, but if you pick 70% of activity and 40% of GbG, you will see in the list only those guilds where 70% of their members connect to the game 1 or 2 times per day but also where atleast 40% of their members reach atleast attrition 40 or more everyday.

With this system, any player, even new ones, will be able to know which guilds are the best option according to what they want but also allows player know which guilds have a decent number of active playera and join to those guilds instead of random guilds with tons of players but no one of those players really plays the game.

Eventually, more active guilds will start to appear because at the start, most players will want to join to most active guilds in a certain feature like QI, those guilds will start to be filled up with players and then the rest of players will only have as available options guilds with less activity, making those guilds with less activity have more active players!

If there are 5 guilds and the number 1 is the most active and is filled up, the available options will be 2 to 5, thanks to this system most players will see that guild 2 to 5 are available and will choose guild 2, eventually guild 2 will have 80 members and the available options will be guild 3 to 5, being the 3 the best option, then 4 and finally 5.
This system requires change the actual window we have to search for guilds, wich is only available if you are not a member of a guild!
Abuse Prevention
No way to have exploits or cheaters with this system.
Create a new stystem to search for guilds according to the level of general activity, of activity in expedition, QI and/or GbG
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
No suggested yet
Have you noticed how horrible is the system we have to search for active guilds, and how speciay horrible is for new players?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


As I said, I think that you are asking INNO to provide a tool that provides a level of granularity that few players need to make a guild choice. Players looking to join a top guild should have no problem identifying prospective guilds. Players looking to join a guild that is not a top tier guild probably care little about what percentage of the members log in every day, or complete GE48.
Again, did you read the begining of the post and the reasons why I decided to create this post?
Of course I did. You are proposing a very complex solution to solve a problem that does not exist for the majority of the player base. Sorry, that's my opinion.
On what do you base the "majority part".
From what Iunderstand you are claiming that without this solution it's easy to find the top guilds, which I agree.

But based on how many people are in the top guild vs rest of payerbase I think it safe to assume that the majority of player do not aim for a top guild. We just want to have fun (with the aspect of the game that we are interested in).

Also for whoever was claiming that a lot of personal data is revealed by this feature, since all the data is agregated by guild it reveal player performances only if the guild has very few members.

I would add that a time limit should be added to the calculation (soem are specified and some are missing:
  1. Activity in the previous 7 days (not including today, unless it's easier to use the same mechanism of the red dot on firend list). Activity before that time is probably irrelevant. And if the period is too long new player can have an advantage on established players. Reminder: login 1 (or 2 times) every day during the specified period is the measure.
  2. QI is on previous session (see description). For new guild this mean a 0% value until then start completing session/incursion in QI. I think 90k is too low, but maybe I'm wrong. It's pretty easy to reach even 1 million activity without diamonds, so 90k will not penalize f2p.
  3. GbG period should be the previous one. New guild will have 0% value (for 2 to 3 weeks). The value is already calculated on the avarage of daily activity of 40 attrition (not sure if that is the best value, but I don't have a better one).
  4. GE should be the average over the previous 4 week. With missing weeks included as 0% in the average. So a new guild will start with 0, the next week up to 25% (if everybody participate), etc. The point of this one is to know if level are open on a regular basis so just one week wont do, while too many week would imped guild that wish to improve.
On what do you base the "majority part".
From what Iunderstand you are claiming that without this solution it's easy to find the top guilds, which I agree.

But based on how many people are in the top guild vs rest of payerbase I think it safe to assume that the majority of player do not aim for a top guild. We just want to have fun (with the aspect of the game that we are interested in).
I said that it was my opinion and it appears that you are of the same opinion. To restate, players searching for a top guild to join have no problem identifying potential candidates with existing resources. Since, as you said, the majority of players do not aim for a top guild why would they be interested, enough to make this project worthwhile, in a complicated tool to mine quantitative data on guilds? I think that players fall into three main cohorts, (1) new players that are just learning how to play the game, (2) seasoned players that, as you said, "just want to have fun", and (3) seasoned players that want to be part of a top performing guild. Group 1 would not know how to interpret this data (what they need is information on the degree of support that a guild offers new players). Group 2 would be more interested in what the culture of a prospective guild is and what the minimum requirements are (the data will not address either of these issues). Group 3 can easily identify the top guilds already.
I said that it was my opinion and it appears that you are of the same opinion. To restate, players searching for a top guild to join have no problem identifying potential candidates with existing resources. Since, as you said, the majority of players do not aim for a top guild why would they be interested, enough to make this project worthwhile, in a complicated tool to mine quantitative data on guilds? I think that players fall into three main cohorts, (1) new players that are just learning how to play the game, (2) seasoned players that, as you said, "just want to have fun", and (3) seasoned players that want to be part of a top performing guild. Group 1 would not know how to interpret this data (what they need is information on the degree of support that a guild offers new players). Group 2 would be more interested in what the culture of a prospective guild is and what the minimum requirements are (the data will not address either of these issues). Group 3 can easily identify the top guilds already.
I do not agree with you.
I agree only on the detail that finding top guild is easy without this idea.

I disagree with you that the majority is searching for a top guild. And I wrote an explantion why I think the data contradict your assumption.

I disagree with you that the first type of player cannot use this tool. They might not be able to do it on day one, but I think they might surprise you on how fast they would need such a tool. This is just my optionion. I think that after joining an initial guild (or when they stop guild hopping) they would find this tool useful.

Group 2 would be also interested in the requirement of a guild. Not more interested as you wrote.
But the probelm for this group is that it is difficult to find which guild to scan. So what we do (I'm included in this group), is that we see the requirement of top guilds until we find one we can agree with (it's not always all written out). Then join that guild. And only then we can find after a couple of week what is the actual level of activity.
Since the process is so annoying I just end end up staing in the wrong guild instead of starting again to find a guild with a better fit.
This idea would create a tool we can use to pre-select a shorter list of guild to scan, instead of the mostly useless ranking.

Culture of a prospective guild is something difficult to judge from the ourside both for top guild and for other guild. Player need to join to find out what is the actual "culture" of a guild.


Of course I did. You are proposing a very complex solution to solve a problem that does not exist for the majority of the player base. Sorry, that's my opinion.
1. Opens the global chat and writes "looking for a guild which is very active in QI.
- More than 97% of players in his/her world don't even use the global chat.
- two or more players start to argue or write and that message of l"ooking for guild" dissappears due the talk of those 2 or more players.

2. Opens the tab/window too see some guilds (only available if you are not member of a guild).
- Can not see how active is a guild according to his/her goals
- Must click/tap a guild of the list, search for founder or leaders and send to 1 or more players a private message asking for information about their guild. Sometimes even the founder does not know all characteristics of his/her own guild!
- Can not see all guilds available to join or send a petition to join, making that player close and open that window to refresh the list of guilds.
- Most of the times the player will see only non active guilds and guilds of low level of activity

3. Opens the ranking table and search for guilds, starting from the number 1 in the ranking.
- The player must open the profile of guilds and search for founders and leaders to send a private message asking for any info related to that guild.
- The player can't really know how active are guilds in QI, Expedition, GbG unless he/she directly ask to a player of a certain guild.

The 3 points above explains why the actual system we have to search for any guild a lot of problems and is totally inefficient.


Even a new player could use this tool to find only guilds where most playera connect to the game everyday.

Have you seen how many new players writes in global chat asking for an active guild and have you seen the guilds where they are already?! Most of the time those players are members or 20+ players guilds where 90% (if not 100%) of them do not even play the game! What if that player wants to join to an active but not demanding guild? By writing a message in global chat asking for such guild, is 99% sure that the message get lost due the few players who talk a lot there, 99% sure that the info he/she gets is of top 20 guilds where the level of activity a player must have there is higher than the type of guild that new player is looking for.

The system to find guilds just sucks in this game and I have never seen a single idea about to improve that, and you, instead of give another idea, have decided to attack this idea which does not bring anything bad to the game but finally a better system to find guilds to be part of and according to your goals/desires. . .
The system to find guilds just sucks in this game and I have never seen a single idea about to improve that, and you, instead of give another idea, have decided to attack this idea which does not bring anything bad to the game but finally a better system to find guilds to be part of and according to your goals/desires. . .
I'm not "attacking" your idea, I simply think that it is overkill. If INNO wants to do this then fine. Congratulations on your victory. I've not provided another idea because I don't think that a new system is necessary.


The game sent in my world a message saying: are you lookin for a guild or want to fusion your guild or have you created one and want new members? Use the new discord channel to . .

So, many games has an excelent system to find guilds but Innogames or FoE team can't create a decent system inside the game and instead doing the right thing, they decided to use discord, another app, as a solution? Pleeeeeaaaaseeee!!