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Feedback Historical Allies


Dont you think they make a little mistake? They should put historic allied event now and fellowship event in its place...

I don't fully understand the overall "ally" strategy, and I don't think I'm alone. There is a large amount of engineering that goes into "something new", like this. The game already has elements of what allies does, so I don't see why it's "new and exciting", what it's for, and how it makes the game better for them, and for us.

The idea of "user configurable" action choices from a pool of earned assets has already been done for each city - via Emissaries.

If anything, the idea of doing an ALLY concept on the guild level (vs city level) would have been more exciting as a game development. It would be another way to differentiate the now "commonality" of guild functions and interests. It would allow leadership of each guild to EARN and add boosting assets based on participation in guild goals and competitive venues - and also what the membership needs to succeed in the guild goals and purpose.

Frankly, I don't want to read a bunch of marketing speak on why this ally idea is better. If it is - it's not been communicated or explained well enough to any of us.

I agree that giving us 1 building and 1 ally at this time is a bit of yawn. That's very evidenced by people putting the entire thing back into their city inventory until it has some meat on it's bones.

It should have been released for us to "play with and test" when there is something to chew on, decision to make, and real feedback to offer.
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Pass Go

From KB article "You may also win Historical Allies Fragments" - that means we will collect historically noticeable humans by fragments. HUMANS. BY FRAGMENTS. Why this sounds like Hannibal Lecter style stuff? :) Maybe some rewording would make sence :)
Also, would it be possible to place new buildings for historical allies under inventory lock to prevent accidental selling to AD?
also, Igor grave robbing for Dr. Frankenstein ! pass out the torches and pitchforks !!
To give any meaningful feedback this feature should be different from a 2x2 building that give 12% attack bonus.

If some feedback is needed we need 2 allies initially, with different bonuses. The second can be 12% attack for defending army, it doesn't need to be revolutionary.

Would player change the ally depending on the situation?
That is the only new thing I see in this feature (My answer is probably NO!)

Someone compared this to emmissaries, but emmissaries give reasorces (fp, goods, troops, and in the past: medals, coin and supplies too), while allies ssems to act on the city booster (for now).


I am ok with the slow approach. People are giving feedback, what they would like to see. Every time they introduce something with many features, it doesn't work. At least this works. We have other building issues in the game, not saying they are related to this introduction. So, let's see what the fellowship event brings to the table.

It would be nicer if we knew ahead of the event, what to expect IN the event for this feature, with some details.
Rivals rewards? - new allies, add levels to an ally
DS reward? Fragments (yes I said it!!!...lol)
Rivals that was GE based rewards,,,will there be one for allies, on non event weeks? Still can use GE quests but Ally rewards instead
If it is going to be coming, why make it a mystery. Then this beta community can focus on some facts versus guessing and feedback may be more productive.


I thought allies would affect all buildings. And if I understand correctly, then they are separate buildings with a separate ally. How are the Allies different from GB?

What will it bring for the active player? Why would an active player invest time in something they already have?


I am an active player. I have an attack of 11000. Defense 8000. An historical ally or a big hero will bring me 50. To feel the power, I need + 1000. For a big hero to bring me +50, will I play with him for half a year? And why would I do that when his bonuses are like grains of sand in the desert to me?


I am an active player. I have an attack of 11000. Defense 8000. An historical ally or a big hero will bring me 50. To feel the power, I need + 1000. For a big hero to bring me +50, will I play with him for half a year? And why would I do that when his bonuses are like grains of sand in the desert to me?
I'm sure Inno will be happy to give you +1000 if you're willing to spend enough $$$.


I am an active player. I have an attack of 11000. Defense 8000. An historical ally or a big hero will bring me 50. To feel the power, I need + 1000. For a big hero to bring me +50, will I play with him for half a year? And why would I do that when his bonuses are like grains of sand in the desert to me?
+1000 ?
1 legendary Arminius at level 120 already gives 422% for GBG :D

so with 3 at level 120 and you get even more
or 7 at level 1. that would be 1001


1 legendárny Arminius na úrovni 120 už dáva 422 % za GBG :D

takže s 3 na úrovni 120 získate ešte viac
alebo 7 na úrovni 1. to by bolo 1001

How long will it take to get them to level 120?


Perk Creator
I don't fully understand the overall "ally" strategy, and I don't think I'm alone. There is a large amount of engineering that goes into "something new", like this. The game already has elements of what allies does, so I don't see why it's "new and exciting", what it's for, and how it makes the game better for them, and for us.
Essentially, to be what they offered, allies have to be very common, while rooms to put them in need to be somewhat scarce - so we have to make a choice as to what goes in and what doesn't. Something it doesn't appear like they're headed towards atm (it's in the grand prize, and you can have multiple grand prizes and churn out more from the league prize - so essentially unlimited rooms, if they're worth having).

Allies also have to have diverse enough abilities to actually represent customization and not just "ok, better, best" which is what it appears we're getting in the first iteration. That's not customization, that's just another way to upgrade a building.

As it stands, what I expect is coming: you win the "better" allies from leagues or rivals as a 1-of (it wouldn't make much sense that you get 10 arminiuses or alexander the greats - they're one of a kind people; in a later iteration when they return "rewinning" them could potentially level them instead of getting you another copy or something? dunno). While you can get as many spartan soldiers as you want as a daily special or something; it's just a soldier.

The Lady Ann

In my humble opinion this add nothing to GAMEPLAY, obtaining allies via events and or rivals is no extra gameplay because you play this already. Just stacking an allie in that timeless building is maybe an extra welcome for many players but no gameplay.

I do believe eventually it will add to gameplay, but you could not in all honesty call it a feature at the moment, we should have received 3 ally's and 3 buildings, but you could place any ally with its building you wanted, trade (coin, supply, goods), city knowledge (FP's) or a military adviser (Red attack) but the catch would be 1st building costs nothing 2nd building costs 50K happiness in titan scaling down and if you wanted the 3rd adviser/building it would cost 20M coin 20M supplies and 100K happiness

so that would have given a strategic element to it immediately


I do believe eventually it will add to gameplay, but you could not in all honesty call it a feature at the moment, we should have received 3 ally's and 3 buildings, but you could place any ally with its building you wanted, trade (coin, supply, goods), city knowledge (FP's) or a military adviser (Red attack) but the catch would be 1st building costs nothing 2nd building costs 50K happiness in titan scaling down and if you wanted the 3rd adviser/building it would cost 20M coin 20M supplies and 100K happiness

so that would have given a strategic element to it immediately
Adding costs to it in that scale would've mattered for new players. But old players, yeah not really. Old players do have billions of coins and supplies, 20M on both would've made barely a dent. And for the happiness? Well nobody really cares about happiness in SAT, because it only boosts gold and supply income. And most event buildings give more happiness combined than that could lower you under 100%. My city on beta isn't that good, but I do have around 450k happiness above the 100%. And I do have 15 JPs.

The Lady Ann

Adding costs to it in that scale would've mattered for new players. But old players, yeah not really. Old players do have billions of coins and supplies, 20M on both would've made barely a dent. And for the happiness? Well nobody really cares about happiness in SAT, because it only boosts gold and supply income. And most event buildings give more happiness combined than that could lower you under 100%. My city on beta isn't that good, but I do have around 450k happiness above the 100%. And I do have 15 JPs.
I am finding in my main world it is much more of a balancing act now with happiness than it ever was the last 11 years

so I do think a happiness cost would be effective, as yes ecstatic..................................................not much of a bonus these days but a riot very very costly

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
I see a lot of negative reactions. I think this is due to higher expectations of a feature that is currently barely worthy of being called so. Inno is taking baby steps, probably to avoid bugs that make them look bad. Remember when QI came out? On the first day you could just skip all the fights and attack the boss right away and go to lvl 2. That was not intended. Historical Allies seems to be bug free at the moment.

A year from now when we're sitting on 20+ historical allies the more important issue will be if there is a mismatch between your rooms and your allies. If you earned an Epic Marie Curie but you don't have an epic science room to fit her in, unless you spend diamonds for silver league which grants such a building, then we have a problem.
A year from now when we're sitting on 20+ historical allies the more important issue will be if there is a mismatch between your rooms and your allies. If you earned an Epic Marie Curie but you don't have an epic science room to fit her in, unless you spend diamonds for silver league which grants such a building, then we have a problem.
This is sounding more like a gacha game now....

They should have given like 3 starter allies, one with QI % so I can swap to my QI guy when I'm doing QI for 5 minutes twice a day and have my other guy the rest of the time when I'm doing gbg, third guy just looks like a charmander and doesn't give any boosts


I am finding in my main world it is much more of a balancing act now with happiness than it ever was the last 11 years

so I do think a happiness cost would be effective, as yes ecstatic..................................................not much of a bonus these days but a riot very very costly
lol on my main world i have 200K extra happiness been years since last time i needed to worry about happiness in my city
not sure so far that i'll use the allys will probably be a part of the game that i'll ignore