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Feedback Historical Allies


Community Manager

Hello Forge Fans!

Our newest addition to the game, Historical Allies is about to arrive!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "Are allied historical allies an alliance?" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Questions that ask when it will be released on the live server will not be answered. We always announce it in time there.
  • Don't report any bugs here. Please use the bugs forum.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team


I don't see any indication this is active yet, so just have 1 discussion point to ask/discuss.

I like the principle of this for the game (from just reading the intro/details of the reveal...), but... Emissaries in townhall was a fabulous idea too, that could have been vastly expanded into something similar.

Right now, the Emissary idea is representative of things secured via Settlements activity, but that's its own genesis and derivative design. It could as easily have been augmented to include trading emissaries with others, buying them, earning them via events, daily challenges, etc.

I'm just wondering why that wasn't robust enough to embellish/augment, and now seems relegated to be sourced into the main game from settlements only.

Emissaries already has some of the same the design considerations Allies does.
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Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
So far it looks good. I noticed that there is no downtime after I recalled my Spartan ally. So you can switch allies very quickly, depending on the fact if you are playing QI or GE5 or GBG. I think that in time this can become a nice extra feature of the game.


Again Inno has no new ideas. Same as QI is just a mix of settlements, GE and GBG, Historical Allies are copy-paste of Town Hall Emissaries. The only difference is that instead of Town Hall they'll be located at different buildings.
Maybe this is just a beginning. Hope Inno will surprise us soon with something more just different emissaries and their different levels. Let's see.


Inno said:

This is just the beginning of a richly integrated feature that will evolve based on your feedback and our ongoing development plans. We're excited to see how you'll leverage these historical titans to fortify your cities and strategize your growth.

Guys - I've written YARDS (Meters) of marketing copy - and I can't get "there" from here with this (above). I don't need atomic level specifics, but I can't form a clear idea on this to get excited, or understanding where you (and I) want to take this.

I understand the concept of emissaries helping me in my OWN townhall. I have control on that, a bit.

I can choose to get a few more FP/day, a few more goods/day, yada yada.

With Allies, I have a new building that has it's own deliverables, and I can bolt in a common warrior giving me 12% (so far), continuous Army help.

How do I make this grow? What can it grow to? What would be an example of a rare Ally type and it's assets? Does the TIMELESS building support multiple allies, or do I need multiple timeless type buildings?

You should make a constructive video. Not a chat video, but a demonstration video of how this can be used and more advanced features/levels you're currently building for it. You should show us some examples of where this is going... visually. Show us what assets a "high end" item would offer. Show us the mechanics of adding, upgrading, changing allies.


Literally nothing to get excited about for the time being.
Just a variation on the emissaries.
Also, while I can appreciate the "small steps" approach, too small steps may easily be perceived as boring.
For example, you could have started by giving two allies, compelling players to make a choice.
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At least the announcement could mention that a new building will be put into the inventory.

How can we get future buildings? (same way? they just appear in the inventory? collecting fragments? How can we get fragments, As a reward of event/rival quest?)
How can we get more/other allies?


How can we get future buildings? (same way? they just appear in the inventory? collecting fragments? How can we get fragments, As a reward of event/rival quest?)
How can we get more/other allies?
it starts with playing the fellowship event


Oh, and you should not put the building in players inventory without any indication it is there. ;)

How about like this (in the ANNOUNCEMENT):

Beta players --> getting started with Allies

1) Go into your city inventory, and find the Timeless Junction building
2) Place that building into your cityscape
3) You should now look for the Historical Allies building, which can be found to the left of your Antiques Dealer
4) Continue with simple instructions to PLACE the first ally...


Perk Creator
Having only one build and one ally is not exactly a feature. Initial impression is not one of excitement, but one of "why?". Either the launch should parallel with the first opportunity to win more allies, or there should be initially multiple starter ally options for what to place in the starter building at least. A free building with extra steps isn't a feature unless there's at least a minimal choice.


How about like this (in the ANNOUNCEMENT):

Beta players --> getting started with Allies

1) Go into your city inventory, and find the Timeless Junction building
2) Place that building into your cityscape
3) You should now look for the Historical Allies building, which can be found to the left of your Antiques Dealer
4) Continue with simple instructions to PLACE the first ally...
A little game-ification, i like that! :Thumbsup:


thanks @Goldra! Helpful... but that generates this question:

A Spartan Soldier generates, at the LEGENDARY LEVEL of 120, ---> 113% PURE RED sword. OK - got it.


ALEXANDER THE GREAT generates, at the LEGENDARY LEVEL of 120, ---> 282% PURE RED sword. OK got it too.

So what's the difference in these 2 other than the amount of boost of the SAME item? There's got to be something that makes them different and/or a secondary "reason" for chasing 1 over the other. If I now have a Spartan Soldier, do I "ditch it" when or if I find Alexander, and then continue on with him?


Perk Creator
thanks @Goldra! Helpful... but that generates this question:

A Spartan Soldier generates, at the LEGENDARY LEVEL of 120, ---> 113% PURE RED sword. OK - got it.


ALEXANDER THE GREAT generates, at the LEGENDARY LEVEL of 120, ---> 282% PURE RED sword. OK got it too.

So what's the difference in these 2 other than the amount of boost of the SAME item? There's got to be something that makes them different and/or a secondary "reason" for chasing 1 over the other. If I now have a Spartan Soldier, do I "ditch it" when or if I find Alexander, and then continue on with him?
Presumably, if generic red attack is what you want you'd prioritize alexander over the spartan soldier, but there's no saying you can't have both if you have 2 buildings with spots for them?

Is it said anywhere how you level them either?


Numbers in north-west are the copies of the same ally you have. Numbers on de south-west is the level of the ally. Stars should appear to say the type of ally (common, uncommon...)
We must wait until next event starts. We will have more info.


Numbers in north-west are the copies of the same ally you have. Numbers on de south-west is the level of the ally. Stars should appear to say the type of ally (common, uncommon...)
View attachment 11717
We must wait until next event starts. We will have more info.
north-west is level
south-west is amount

in that picture the level 1 on the right is available twice
on the left level 5-2 of the spartan each once