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Feedback Historical Allies, iteration one!


Yukitomo, Watermill, Coaster, Timeless Junction - they all say "Rooms" even though there is just a single room in each of them, unless Inno is planning further updates in the future that will give multiple rooms?
Coaster? Weird. When I got Boudica I already had 4 and I have 2 coasters, 1 junction, 2 watermills. (My Yuki isn't up to L10 yet). I wasn't able to place her (the 5th), so I'm confused.


request....WHY? They're military allies, not trade or mercantile alliances! It kind of bucks the theme, doesn't it to have them perform such a function as FP boosts but having said that, I think it could be argued that a goods production boost still fits the theme since negotiations are a part of enhancing one's empire. (Sorry, can't agree with you there since doing so is yet another layer of power creep on top of too many as it is).


request....WHY? They're military allies, not trade or mercantile alliances! It kind of bucks the theme, doesn't it to have them perform such a function as FP boosts but having said that, I think it could be argued that a goods production boost still fits the theme since negotiations are a part of enhancing one's empire. (Sorry, can't agree with you there since doing so is yet another layer of power creep on top of too many as it is).
but when all allies would be military why does building have military slot for allies

because that implies there will be other slots in the future :rolleyes:


Dug up the hint for non-military allies. It was easy to miss. From the original official announcement from the knowledge hub:

Room Specifications and Varieties
Buildings feature designated slots, such as Military or Science Rooms. Rooms vary in rarity, mirroring the rarity system of Historical Allies themselves, and this can influence which Historical Allies you can place, for instance:
  • Standard and Rare Rooms: A building with a standard Military Room might house any Historical Ally, from common to rare, whereas a rare Military Room is reserved exclusively for rare Historical Allies.
As the feature progresses, we intend to expand the selection of rooms available in your City buildings. To begin with, only newly introduced buildings will feature rooms that can accommodate Allies. In the future, it is possible that some high-tier buildings may be expanded retrospectively to offer you more options for Ally placement.

This strongly implies non-military allies will be focused on fps. From this context it's rather understandable after so many military allies more players are asking for non-military allies. As for how fps could support the military... let's just not forget the Titan and space hub GB's support the military alongside the AO. All of those are... fp hungry.
From observing general appreciation. FPs are more appreciated than goods. So, it would make sense for them to make introduce fp focused allies. Should be easy to sell.


but when all allies would be military why does building have military slot for allies

because that implies there will be other slots in the future :rolleyes:
And that's a bad thing?

(And I was commenting on your post - "I want non-fighter allies," not the one where you stated something about wanting more than one ally per bldg). :rolleyes:


This strongly implies non-military allies will be focused on fps. From this context it's rather understandable after so many military allies more players are asking for non-military allies. As for how fps could support the military... let's just not forget the Titan and space hub GB's support the military alongside the AO. All of those are... fp hungry.
From observing general appreciation. FPs are more appreciated than goods. So, it would make sense for them to make introduce fp focused allies. Should be easy to sell.
I just couldn't pass this one up!! FP-hungry? They're no more FP-hungry than any other GB for it's era. Generally speaking, the personal cost of raising a great building is commensurate with it's era, which should be the era of the player. Those buildings are meant to be built when you're actually in that era, or at least it once was that way. (Many players still hold to this and are not at all unsuccessful in their game progress). The part that really makes people foam at the mouth is that there's no sweet spot and I, for one, am delighted! No more "snipe-zones" for all of those enterprising folks! It sure bought my vote!!


And that's a bad thing?
this new feature shouldn't be about fighting only :rolleyes:

it would have potential for so much more

example: people are asking for shorter production times (less than 24 hours) for years
because with 24h it will be moved a little bit later every time. and then people can collect it a little bit later and it will be much later

an ally could reduce the production time
and the great thing about ally then would be: players could level it to the point where the time fits their demand
let's start with 1 minute at level 1 up to 120 minutes at max level 120
so a player who needs only 5 minutes just levels the ally to level 5. someone else wants 20 minutes earlier . no problem he levels up to 20

so why would it be a good thing that allies are fight boosts only ?


Perk Creator
this new feature shouldn't be about fighting only :rolleyes:

it would have potential for so much more

example: people are asking for shorter production times (less than 24 hours) for years
because with 24h it will be moved a little bit later every time. and then people can collect it a little bit later and it will be much later

an ally could reduce the production time
and the great thing about ally then would be: players could level it to the point where the time fits their demand
let's start with 1 minute at level 1 up to 120 minutes at max level 120
so a player who needs only 5 minutes just levels the ally to level 5. someone else wants 20 minutes earlier . no problem he levels up to 20

so why would it be a good thing that allies are fight boosts only ?

why would you think non-military allies would be creative when military ones certainly haven't been. I'm sure we'll get them eventually - but that they'll just provide the same stats we get on buildings regardless.


why would you think non-military allies would be creative when military ones certainly haven't been. I'm sure we'll get them eventually - but that they'll just provide the same stats we get on buildings regardless.
you are absolutely right :mad:

like SAT & SASH GB
just bonus recycling

nothing new and innovative


I just couldn't pass this one up!! FP-hungry? They're no more FP-hungry than any other GB for its era. Generally speaking, the personal cost of raising a great building is commensurate with its era, which should be the era of the player. Those buildings are meant to be built when you're actually in that era, or at least it once was that way. (Many players still hold to this and are not at all unsuccessful in their game progress). The part that really makes people foam at the mouth is that there's no sweet spot and I, for one, am delighted! No more "snipe-zones" for all of those enterprising folks! It sure bought my vote!!
Yeah cause all GB's costs thousands of fps for each lvl before lvl 10 like the SAHS GB's. 100's of thousands of fps for lvl100+ AO is also cheap, sure thing. Guess we're all just doing something wrong for not producing daily near 50k fps.


Perk Creator
Guess we're all just doing something wrong for not producing daily near 50k fps.
Right this instant? No, I wouldn't go so far as wrong. Just not on the bleeding edge of the curve. It's possible, but fairly specific, as to what pieces make up a 50k+ FP city atm. Most won't have enough of the stuff needed even if they wanted to move in that direction. Heck, even as I'm planning for it, i'm still "only" at ~15-20k a day due to lack of urgency ;)

At some point in the future? Probably. i.e. if someone now was making only 1000 FP a day, you'd probably give them advice to replace most of their city with new buildings to improve. Not that long ago, 1000 would've been considered decent. And I still remember the days when people were pumped to have 100+ SoKs :p


this new feature shouldn't be about fighting only :rolleyes:

it would have potential for so much more
And the potential is already there but it seems you want it now. Or first. Or something that's not what is. Talk about an eye-roll moment. How long have you played this game? Don't answer, rhetorical question. But surely you've played long enough to have learned a little something about patience? It's a trait that you should have learned, oh, along about the Bronze Age or maybe the Iron Age at the very least! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
example: people are asking for shorter production times (less than 24 hours) for years
because with 24h it will be moved a little bit later every time. and then people can collect it a little bit later and it will be much later
For what? Goods? There are. For supplies? There are. You should be more specific if you want to effect change that's actually meangful in some way. :rolleyes:
an ally could reduce the production time
Sure they could but until then we've diamonds and rush kits. EBs provide these as do other features in events and daily challenges and such. What do you want next, a start-up inventory of them like you get with coins and supplies?? :rolleyes:
and the great thing about ally then would be: players could level it to the point where the time fits their demand
let's start with 1 minute at level 1 up to 120 minutes at max level 120
so a player who needs only 5 minutes just levels the ally to level 5. someone else wants 20 minutes earlier . no problem he levels up to 20
Hmmm. I think what you're getting at here is a way to automatically collect your city without benefit of actually logging in with all of this folderol of 24-hours and then 1, 2, 5, or whatever minutes added. Do you want the Devs to play your game for you as well? If you're late for your collections that's on you, not the developers.

After all, you should have ample rush kits to keep your collections in alignment with your personal schedule. If you don't want to waste them on that, collect on time and you won't have that problem. (Your suggestion begs the question "why do you feel that this is a problem for the entire player base?" These types of issues are ones that rarely last beyond the novice player's needs, so I question why they're really pertinent to a feature such as the ally slots, a feature that's generally more useful to a more advanced city. And no, I do not mean a years-long advanced city: many, many cities are in lower eras and are run by advanced players. You're suggesting something like 5 or 20 minute reductions by way of level of the building itself. Do you actually think that's something that a novice player could accomplish? You seem to want change that will benefit the novice player in a low era but are recommending something that would be difficult to achieve - without paying for the privelege, which you also seem to think is an important element - for an experienced player). I think you are having some difficulty choosing your battle.
so why would it be a good thing that allies are fight boosts only ?
Okay, I will concede this one point but only because you're correct about only thing here to my way of seeing it: not everyone wants to fight. The choice is generally to negotiate but I don't see where a reduction in production times of either supplies or goods benefits those who choose negotiations, so I'd have to say that my concession is limited to only those things that would benefit a negotiator. Whoops. We already have that!!

Maybe if you were more specific as to what type of feature you're discussing, it would be clearer as to what it is exactly that your are arguing for.

You keep bringing up QI but none of the allies that we've received yet apply to this feature. Their attack bonuses are either general or battleground Attacker's A/D or Defender's A/D. Nothing has yet been introduced to address either the Guild Expedition or QI. If history repeats itself, it won't. QI is like a settlement and our A/D has never applied to either settlements or PvP Arena fights, so I'm not seeing how it would in the future unless there is a specific boost with the QI emblem. We have seen this boost in EBs, so I suppose it's a possibility but I doubt it will really be considered a priority but that's just my thinking. What I doubt will truly never happen is a way to buff the negotiations/donation nodes any more than they are but I've been surprised before and this may well prove to be one of those surprises. Only time will tell.
And the potential is already there but it seems you want it now. Or first. Or something that's not what is. Talk about an eye-roll moment. How long have you played this game? Don't answer, rhetorical question. But surely you've played long enough to have learned a little something about patience? It's a trait that you should have learned, oh, along about the Bronze Age or maybe the Iron Age at the very least! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm confused. I thought that you used the eye-roll emoji to signify sarcasm. At least that is what you said here.....
