To be fair, the celtic taverns are high on my delete list atm I never shared your enthusiasm for them. I just need to get the yukitomo's rolling and then they're gone.Amazing how zone people forget the golden version of celtic tavern haha oh guys, you are just showing that you really do not totally play events and do not try to use brain to search for most efficient buildings in certain aspects. And again, you guys confirm me again why you can't believe me yet xD is amazing see how you try to do math with certain buildings as if they were all best buildings giving population. Maths are useless if you do not see the whole picture, and in this case, see the whole pictures is take in consideration all event buildings from all events until today and search which ones are the best ones for X thing, in this case, population.
But yes, I'm sure we all have "some" population from buildings we just haven't gotten around to replacing
Edit: Why noone "remembers" the Mystic Celtic Tavern:
vs the buildings I am considering (some still with SAT stats because I haven't gotten around to updating them):
MCT is not exceptional as far as pop goes, and pretty darn "Empty" as far as other stats go.
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