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Rejected Have Army boosts also affect terrain and other boosts

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Community Manager
The higher your boost, the more useless these type and terrain advantages become. This would allow them to scale with boosts, bringing back some balance and decrease mindless clicking, without any sort of tactic.
Let's say you currently have an Attack boost of 1000% and Defense boost of 2000% and are in Space Age Jupiter Moon.
Your Harpoon Grenadier has the stats displayed above. Now with your boost, you get your usual 8800 Attack and 19800 Defense. Before all other values stayed the same, so they don't really have any effect. With this change, you would get an Attack boost of +1100 (instead of +100) on Broken Grounds, +4400 Attack Boost against Light units, etc.
While defending, you gain a +2420 boost on your defense (instead of 110) on Broken Grounds, +8800 Defense against Light units, etc.
At first, this sound like way too high boosts, however not only your units gain those boosts, but all other units as well. Currently, this would mean that you get an even better advantage with higher boosts. This could either stay like this (to encourage manual battles and strategy during these battles) or boosts against other unit types and on terrain could be nerfed a bit.
Fighting against units with way lower boosts: No noticeable difference
against lower boosts: You might get more damaged using units weak against enemy units
against same boosts: Battle depends mostly on unit type you chose against enemies
against higher boost: easier to defeat using right ones, difficult/impossible to win with wrong units
against way higher boost: possible to defeat or still impossible (just like previously)
Abuse Prevention
As this change applies to every unit with boost, this can't be abused.
Army boosts should be applied to bonus for terrain and against other unit types as well to encourage strategy.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
This might be a very controversial idea, but my idea is to also apply boosts for your units to the terrain boost and boost against other units.
In short this means attacking units having a boost of 100 against heavy units would get a boost of 200, if you have a 100% attack boost.
Let's have a discussion about that and write if you think this is a good idea or not and why. :)
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Community Manager
That's why I wrote the Balancing part. It is also just a small adjustment, but will have a major effect. So it should be fine ^^


Actually, troop boost should have designed that way from the very beginning. Fighting in FoE was about rock paper scissors, in the early days where choosing units were the key. But increasing boost values eventually killed this part of the game.

After certain age, I am not really sure particularly, this game contains only one or two powerful units every era, and other garbage units. It is really not well balanced for the truth, but it was the good for auto battles. And, the game got biased on and on into autos.

This suggestion is a kind of fix. It aims the old good FoE fights. But with the totally unbalanced units, I would have to say No Thanks.


Fighting in FoE was about rock paper scissors, in the early days where choosing units were the key.
and in the beginning there was just one wave
not the opposite unit type in the 2nd wave

and do you really know what FoE was in the early days ?
I remember: archers from iron age (with NO boost) fighting on the continent map til late middle age o_O
at that time they were so OP :cool:

But increasing boost values eventually killed this part of the game.
rogues also killed most strategy. let's change the AI to attack them last (everywhere not just the map)

because in the very beginning there were no rogues which absorbed the first enemy attack on an units

an enemy keen eye hit on my rogue is only transforming it
against a normal unit that would have been an instant kill of my unit o_O

Deleted User - 57457

Reminds me when advanced tactics is TA was introduced. Someone pointed out that the name suggested buffing player's terrain bonuses. If the idea was to buff players' terrain buff through a new GB, it might've been something to consider.
I'm already avoiding the space ages for keen eye. Since this makes hostile armies with large buffs nearly invincible. In my experience keen eye often ruins the day in such battles, far more often than saving it. Resulting in significantly larger losses. Despite the best strategies and tactics been deployed. All because of "luck." The hostile armies and friendly armies' terrain bonuses already largely changing the turns of battles. Either by reducing or adding damage dealt or received. Don't wanna have to avoid all other ages past Iron Age too. With this change the AI could get with such big differences get practically keen eye 100% when using the terrain and forcefield 2.0 on all units. Especially later ages will suffer due to far higher bonuses.

Looking to be fighting strategical? GE5 got you already coffered. Still nog enough? Look for a fight in GbF with high attrition. No need for a 2nd keen eye disaster across all ages.


For me it has always been an absurdity that the other values are never boosted. In this way, the units with no range become real tanks again. And correct constellations do even more damage than now.

Deleted User - 241425

I would prefer a true return to rock-paper-scissors with, for example, each type of unit having no additional bonus against another but receiving no damage against a specific type of unit.
But this would be very badly accepted by those who mainly use rogues because they would no longer be as useful and we would all have to combine our forces to face a diverse opponent. On the other hand, this would systematically penalize the players during the confrontation with 2 waves, therefore consequently in EG 5 where it is already quite difficult.


I would prefer a true return to rock-paper-scissors with, for example, each type of unit having no additional bonus against another but receiving no damage against a specific type of unit.
then we could surprise the attacking neighbor with a situation where he can't win
(like now when he would use artillery only and I have a flying unit)

in the beginning of the game it was fun to suprise the attacker with a new defense where he then had to retreat

but today it doesn't matter what you have as defense because as defender I can't win
(or only with a defense boost that would auto-win the whole GEx level 5 on auto :D )


Well, it doesn't matter to me, I could vote for it, I have no reason to vote against it...

Oh, but why not? I'll vote against it, it's cooler.

(Don't judge me, I'm just following the beta forum logic)


Who cares what logic you follow? It seems you just pissed because people didn't like your idea. That's it.
You don't seem to have the cognitive ability to interpret a text, so I'll try to put it in a way that even a child would understand...

Pretend I never said anything on this forum... now go to the ideas and suggestions section yourself, and observe how the absolute majority of suggestions are rejected by the community itself, ideas from several players, from any player, not mine.

That's what I'm talking about... everyone on this forum cries and cries and complains about everything, but when someone (anyone) suggests any improvement whatsoever... the majority are against it.

So the bottom line is, either all the people who make suggestions on this forum are just bull****, or else most of the people here are just whining crybabies who don't really want any change.

That's what I meant by "forum logic".

Do you understand now or do I need to draw?


and in Russia in "who wants to be millionaire" the audience gives the wrong answer if they don't like the candidate :rolleyes:

and from the 100+ forwarded ideas in the last 3 years none was implemented o_O

even such simple as mine here
2 years old. an easy to implement additional achievement level

Maybe easy to implement, but it adds nothing to the game.

It took years for the aid all button was implemented. Same goes for stacking units. Everything in this game takes time.


Perk Creator
It's a good idea gameplay-wise. Those flat boosts from terrain/matchups/etc become nigh-meaningless at high amounts of boost and units lose a lot of their flavor because of that.

But I fear this may be akin to making the AI less stupid about rogues - there'll be some (very) unhappy people as it'll mess with some entrenched strategies - i.e. the FE campers who now have more reason for their hovers to fear rail guns once more (as they arguably should).

Recognizing and correcting such "flaws" probably "needs" to be much faster before people get used to the flaws and normalize them. In this case around the time they started thinking about feeding us a neverending stream of boost buildings, they probably should've thought about how the combat system would adapt to that.

So I'm in favor - but if it ever reached the implementation stage, expect a riot in the feedback thread ;)
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