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Not A Bug: Happiness of Old Graveyard (Arctic Future) to low


Reproduction Steps:
1. Have an Old Gravayard of Arctic Future
2. Have a Holo-Holiday.Park
3. Compare their happiness

Issue Description (10/10):

I would expect an rare event building like the graveyard would produce at least the same amount of happiness per field as the premium culture building of that age. But the graveyard produces 2/3 of that amount only. Maybe the devs forgot to update the graveyards, when they changed the happiness of the Holo-Holiday-Park

Old Graveyard (Arctic Future)
Size: 3 x 4
Happiness: 3890
Happiness without roads: 3890 / 12 = 324,2 per field
Happiness with road on short side: 3890 / 13,5 = 288 per field

Size: 6 x 6
Happiness: 16000
Happiness without roads: 16000 / 36 = 444 per field
Happiness with road: 16000 / 42 = 380 per field

Player: Baltix (81717)
Operating System:
Windows 10
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes

1.86.9eaacfe (20.09.2016 8:30), Baltix (81717), zz1, en_US, WIN 23,0,0,162, Windows 10, Chrome/53.0.2785.116, 1415x1030, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)


Seems to be [in]consistent through the graveyards, here are the happiness / tile (w/o roads) values for the Legendary Graveyard:
h/tTomorrowFutureArctic F

[TR1][TD]Legendary GY[/TD][TD]305.6[/TD][TD]366.1[/TD][TD]426.1[/TD][/TR1]
[TR2][TD]Premium culture[/TD][TD]269.2[/TD][TD]366.25[/TD][TD]444[/TD][/TR2]
=> graveyard is getting worse.


Obviously InnoGames does not want us to use the graveyard or the Haunted Tower any more:

Haunted Tower(Arctic Future)
Size: 3 x 3
Happiness: 2230
Happiness without roads: 2230 / 9 = 247,8 per field
Happiness with road on short side: 2230 / 10,5 = 212,4 per field

Ancient Graveyard (Arctic Future)
Size: 5 x 3
Happiness: 5250
Happiness without roads: 5250 / 12 = 350,0 per field
Happiness with road on short side: 5250 / 16,5 = 318,2 per field

Size: 6 x 6
Happiness: 16000
Happiness without roads: 16000 / 36 = 444 per field
Happiness with road: 16000 / 42 = 380 per field

Personal Rapid Transport
Size: 7 x 4
Happiness: 7200
Happiness without roads: 7200 / 28 = 257,1 per field
Happiness with road on short side: 7200 / 32 = 225 per field

=> Haunted Tower is worse than regular cultural buildings
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the problem is also the Holo-Holiday-Park, which is overpowered
i won't use my graveyard anymore, just because of this HH-Park

this goes into wrong directions


Ballon site (Arctic Future)
Size: 3 x 2
Happiness: 2150
Happiness without roads: 2150 / 9 = 238.9 per field
Happiness with road on short side: 2150 / 10,5 = 204 per field

=> The story continues, the Ballon site is worse than regular cultural buildings, just like the Haunted Tower


..please consider rebalancing the event buildings!
No one expects them to be better than premium ones, but they should be better than regular buildings of the corresponding age.

If it wouldn't be for limited space, I wouldn't mind - I'd build them anyway. But since city space is very limited, I really have to consider leaving the items in the inventory, which would be a pity since they're really beautifully designed.
Your graphics artists would have wasted their time - can't be the intention of creating the items, right?


Happiness output of the Balloon Site has been increased on friday:

Ballon site (Arctic Future)
Size: 3 x 3
Happiness: 3460
Happiness without roads: 3460 / 9 = 384.4 per field
Happiness with road on short side: 3460 / 10,5 = 329.5 per field

=> It is better than graveyards now