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Feedback Halloween Event 2024


just seeing that the max'ed out main building has a "uncommon" military room - what does it mean, exactly? Exact fit of level between ally and room?

re-read the initial announcement of the allies:

Rooms vary in rarity, mirroring the rarity system of Historical Allies themselves, and this can influence which Historical Allies you can place, for instance:
  • Standard and Rare Rooms: A building with a standard Military Room might house any Historical Ally, from common to rare, whereas a rare Military Room is reserved exclusively for rare Historical Allies.

so looks like the answer to my question is "yes for all higher up rooms". So the room in the current event building is simply useless without an uncommon ally (which I'm not going to get, being fed up with rivals)
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The problem with the card game is that allows you to get a lot of daily prizes. I have more than 40 fountains/lilas gardens, and more than 40 halloween kits 2023. This is why they remove that game, too many benefits for players.
I've been stuck on "open 6 energy chests" for the past 3 days, unable to find the chest and the daily list doesn't let you move on without completing them all??
The daily task are pretty out of balance.

Some suggested improvement:
  • The throw 1/3/5 knife should count the refresh and throw of the same amount too. This to avoid being forced to trow on an uninteresting prize wheel or being forced to spend 10 additional ticket to refresh the wheel before trowing again (and it's very frustrating when throwing with refresh and it doesn't count).
  • The prizes should be depend on the cost of the task. Currently some task that cost 100 tickets give less than double the reward of a task that cost 20. Example:
  • If there is really a task that ask to open 6 chests that cost 200 (+ whatever we need to fill the energy in all three), the reward need to be worth it. It probably isn't (the chest reward aren't worth it, or we would open them regardless)
  • Explain better in announcement task and energy (for example only the first item in a target with energy give energy, not each of them!).

Lookout, there is very little time to fix issues in this event, since it need to start on live almost as soon as it end on beta (or maybe before it ends).


I had 6 green ghostly big gulps reward for the completed task on the left, was 25 grand prize points. but it did not credit the other 2 tasks

beta green ghost no task credit.JPG

I was expecting to complete the 10/12 and get 6 on the 0/8, then stalk the target for another big gulp chance. What a bunch of.....

In the Mechanics section it says
"Collect energy tokens from the wheel—each one fills up a bar. Can’t collect enough energy? You can win more from the Daily Tasks, and even swap your tokens with the Rebalance button to boost your progress and earn your rewards faster "

I didn't win the 6 big gulps from the task to credit the 2 open tasks.

And I am 100% sure it was 6 Big Gulps for the prize because looking at 0/12 needed, I thought, how sneaky. I can only get 5 from the wheel, with a 6 makes 11. If I had 11 Big Gulps, I could do a rebalance for 1 more. Then I thought the probability to get 2 task prizes with 6 Big Gulps is very low too.
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completing 6 tasks can be done. I spent tickets bcs I was so mad about not getting credit mentioned above

beta hallow  completed 6 tasks.JPG


It can be done if you're not stuck on a task you cannot do. :D
Yes, true, that or if you want to waste 100 tickets to "refresh with 5x knives 2 times" for 8 energy drinks...what a waste of a task.
Planet, that is why I was (and still am) mad. I know there will be days when I only get 1 or 2 tasks. But the day I can get at least 5 and I did not get credit for energy drinks in a task via a task completion, that is a problem. Here is the thing, I am almost sure I did get credit another time which is why I had it all set up, you know, that strategy thing. I will watch for it again, "the credit" but the mechanics section says we should get credit. I quoted it and it was in the ENERGY REWARDS section right under the tasks section.
So, if task energy drink rewards do NOT credit another task, then that needs to be stated clearly, not this stupid guessing game we do every new event mechanic.
Yes, true, that or if you want to waste 100 tickets to "refresh with 5x knives 2 times" for 8 energy drinks...what a waste of a task.
Planet, that is why I was (and still am) mad. I know there will be days when I only get 1 or 2 tasks. But the day I can get at least 5 and I did not get credit for energy drinks in a task via a task completion, that is a problem. Here is the thing, I am almost sure I did get credit another time which is why I had it all set up, you know, that strategy thing. I will watch for it again, "the credit" but the mechanics section says we should get credit. I quoted it and it was in the ENERGY REWARDS section right under the tasks section.
So, if task energy drink rewards do NOT credit another task, then that needs to be stated clearly, not this stupid guessing game we do every new event mechanic.
Agreed on that.

Also we need a better picture when it comes to energy tasks, why is it the same picture but theres 3 different colors:



Agreed on that.

Also we need a better picture when it comes to energy tasks, why is it the same picture but theres 3 different colors:

View attachment 11899
make the ghost green (like you call it) with black eyes, witches hat, black like every witches hat I have seen my whole life or since it is a witches brew, every witch I have seen even in cartoons, a black cauldron with purple liquid spilling over and the moon can be white or blue as you call it.


So, I collected 50 fragments of Alexander the Great lvl 1 and started a new set of 1000 fragments for Alex lvl 1 instead of adding them to the 900 fragments I already have.
Why is the Alexander the Great Lvl 1 from the last event common and from this event uncommon?
Are my 900/1000 fragments from last event just dead? Am I really starting over on Alexander the Great lvl 1?


Are my 900/1000 fragments from last event just dead?

Why is the Alexander the Great Lvl 1 from the last event common and from this event uncommon?
because they decided to have 5 rarities of each ally

so this event we get 1-star, and soon 2-star

and after we have plenty of different rarities they start the 2nd iteration where they give different upgrades for each rarity o_O


With such daily tasks being harsh, the rival might be truly hardcore. If a mondaine task is refresh 2x with 5x knives... I wouldn't be surprised if he'll ask for more refreshes or the completion of all tasks at some late point.


Perk Creator
The daily task are pretty out of balance.

Some suggested improvement:
  • The throw 1/3/5 knife should count the refresh and throw of the same amount too. This to avoid being forced to trow on an uninteresting prize wheel or being forced to spend 10 additional ticket to refresh the wheel before trowing again (and it's very frustrating when throwing with refresh and it doesn't count).
  • The prizes should be depend on the cost of the task. Currently some task that cost 100 tickets give less than double the reward of a task that cost 20. Example:
    View attachment 11896
  • If there is really a task that ask to open 6 chests that cost 200 (+ whatever we need to fill the energy in all three), the reward need to be worth it. It probably isn't (the chest reward aren't worth it, or we would open them regardless)
  • Explain better in announcement task and energy (for example only the first item in a target with energy give energy, not each of them!).

Lookout, there is very little time to fix issues in this event, since it need to start on live almost as soon as it end on beta (or maybe before it ends).
There is a task sometimes to open 6. The prize when it came up for me was significant (50 tickets, effectively acting as a 25% discount for opening 6) - so if chests are some of what you want, that's significant. If you save up your chest opens you also might be able to do an "open 6" for "free" some day by going through 6 open cycles.

In general it seems the daily tasks cost too much overall though to actually do all of them, even ignoring the open-6 task. So I'd just ignore them unless they're something you want to do anyways - accordingly that the reward isn't as "efficient" for some as others is just one more reason to skip one that day. And if you can't be bothered to ever open extra chests (which since it doesn't help with grand prize progress, is a solid call), getting extra elixir from a quest is worth even less.

I think the tasks are basically easy, medium, and hard in the 3 columns (things like the open 6 have shown up in column 3 for me). Such that the intention might be "might as well do the easy and see what the second one is even if you don't care about the reward for the first one", "probably should skip the hard unless you're spending diamonds in the event". Accordingly not having a proportional prize is an extra reason to not feel you "have to" do "hard" tasks.