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Spoiler Guild Expedition further updates

Looks like a superior version of the Forgotten Temple. I think it will be the main prize for those who finish GE5 on the hardest difficulty.
That has its downside though because if you can easily do ge5 now and pick the hardest level...but actually not able to do it, then you just wasted a whole ge week, not getting the forgotten temple you would have if you picked the easier one.
Yes, precisely. That is the price you have to pay if you overestimate yourself.
But those are just growing pains. The wiki will list the difficulty modifiers so everyone can work on their boosts until they are ready to tackle a harder level. That will give a sense of accomplishment to the player.
An easy solution is having having 1-2 extra forgotten temples in the inventory. Trying a higher GE difficulty but finding its too hard, you haven't lost an active temple and learned you still need to work on it. I just hope the selection of difficulty will be personally and not guild wide upon the start of GE. I also hope there won't be cash pass exclusives. Just better prizes throughout GE's higher difficulties seems to be the best case scenario
It could be that if you do normal level 5 (5.1), you just get the forgotten temple.
If you do slightly harder 5.2, you get the forgotten temple + handful of frags for the upgrade.
5.3 forgotten temple + half of the frags for the upgrade
5.4 forgotten temple + most of the frags for the upgrade
5.5 forgotten temple + a full upgrade

A limited upgrade for a limited building? Or perhaps factoring in the other temple for two at a time. Or perhaps it's just a temple that produces frags for the forgotten temple, and the forgotten temple is still the main price.

But if its frags I can't get in a whole GEX, I aint interested. Too much nonsense to manage in this game.

I would also like personal choice with the difficulty, a lot of people are going to get real mad if its a guild-wide decision.
5 new "buff banners" are added and their names are Critical - High - Medium - Low - Trivial. Their colour ranges from purple to green, clearly from very difficult to easy.






I think this makes it almost certain that there will be 5 difficulty levels and that is what they mean with "GE6-10". It's perfect. Finally a challenge in the game.

There are also 40 "trial illustrations". I don't know what these mean but you can probably stitch them together to one map, or not?














Other game's featuring similar features like GE with different difficulties you can choose prior to participating in it. However with Forge I wouldn't be too surprised if they'll go for GE6-10, or the Elvenar route where you can choose between different paths ranging in difficulty. I can also see them introducing new buildings that offer additional attempts. To aid in weekly completion of all 10 levels. Similar how they've introduced buildings that offer extra action points for QI. It would be in line with their intentions to offer more specialisations for different features: GbG, GE and QI.


Maybe they only create a new map, and make you choose the dificulty of the map. 5 levels of dificulty can be translated into levels VI to X, being VI the easy one, and X the critical.
I hope the new extra levels must be opened by the player itself, spending his/her own goods to open them instead of waiting for guilds to open them all.
I'm hoping on it too. It would ensure that no internal struggles within a guild would occur. If there's a choice between different difficulties, it would enable us to choose the difficulty of our liking
They might also make it a requirement to do N amount of "easy" before unlocking the choice for the next one. ;) Or making it so N amount of guild mates defeat X sectors before unlocking the next difficulty like QI.

I'm 100% going to complain if its guild leadership decision like the levels for QI.
Based on the code there is 8 times mention of "GuildExpeditionTrial(s)" and a "TrialsOverview". It appears Inno is currently calling the revamped GE "Guild Expedition Trials". Of course, this could change by launch, just like they changed Guild Raids to Quantum Incursions.
A line of text has been added:

"GEX24|Select Trial"

This means we can select among different trials. Current GE does not allow any form of selection but has one difficulty for everybody.
Still, it's unclear if the trials selection will be an individual choice or a guild-wide choice like "Select Incursion" at the start of QI.

Also, a new massive image has been added:

Unfortunately it'll probs be like QI. If so, it'll split guild members with the rights to choose also in GE, not only in QI. Whoever is first to pick, gonna make another angry for the "wrong" difficulty/choice. If it's an individual choice, it would prevent such situations. It is an exciting development for a GE overhaul, yet equally concerning.
There are 50 backgrounds, which range from a peaceful place in the wilderness to a hellish volcano eruption. We know there are 5 difficulty settings. So 50/5 = 10. Could this be the backgrounds of GE lvl 1 - 10?
If so, I don't see how they could properly make a path through the jungle with encounters, like we have on our current GE maps. But the same can be said about the QI map. Inno solved this by just adding an overlay with connection lines between nodes, regardless of the graphics of the underlying background. Perhaps the new GE maps will be treated in the same way.
There are 50 backgrounds, which range from a peaceful place in the wilderness to a hellish volcano eruption. We know there are 5 difficulty settings. So 50/5 = 10. Could this be the backgrounds of GE lvl 1 - 10?
If so, I don't see how they could properly make a path through the jungle with encounters, like we have on our current GE maps. But the same can be said about the QI map. Inno solved this by just adding an overlay with connection lines between nodes, regardless of the graphics of the underlying background. Perhaps the new GE maps will be treated in the same way.
If there are 50 different backgrounds, 10 different difficulties than each difficulty pre-set can have 5 levels: 50 backgrounds / 10 difficulties = 5 levels. Could also be like you've said: 5 different difficulties and each 10 levels. Quite concerning GE becomes a simplified QI. For the viability of 10 levels my guess is the introduction of event buildings or heroes that produce attempts or reduce time in which new attempts generate