Easy problem to solve - remove Himeji Castle and Space Carrier from city. They are extremely innefficient reward providers and should have been replaced with nearly any event building from this year's events.
L91 HC will provide, on average, 4.1 current goods/sqr/day and 0.7 FP/sqr/day. SC is about the same if you do all the negotiations everyday. While the goods/sqr sounds okay it doesn't compare to other buildings that provide 4.2-23 goods/square. More than 100 buildings including:
Urban Metro Plaza, Neo Colossus L7+, Batsy Bary's Ectoplasmic Elixirs, Yggdrasil Lv4+, Sacred tree of patience, Celtic Glassworks L2, Sun Temple L9, Didukh Lv1, Green Gaurdians Market, FBT, Donkey Enclosure, Neo Winner's Plaza L2, Shroom Throne, pretty much ANY GBG L1 champ building, Jade Booty Bar, Captain Bao's Warehouse, Jolly Oink Pigsty, Sleigh Builder Deluxe...