it wasn't talked about players but
and there are over 5000 guilds (2000 in GBG ranking but many aren't even playing GBG)
and 25 guilds of 5000 would be 0,5%
and it is not my fault that people talk BS and pretend 90%
guilds have fragments when it is sure below 2% of the
even that would make my 2% three times better than those 90%
(2 to 24 = difference 22 but 24 to 90 would be 66% difference)
so why are you arguing with me and not with him ?
his number are much worse than mine
(no matter if we are discussing about guilds or players)
so next time please chose the right person to discuss with. thanks
you said 90%
that is the crap
if you would have said 90% don't have that would be acceptable
still too high and not the real number but at least reasonable and not BS